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I pray God blesses and protects you as you rest tonight. I pray He battles all evil that’s against you as you sleep. In ...

I pray God blesses and protects you as you rest tonight. I pray He battles all evil that’s against you as you sleep. In Jesus Mighty name, Amen 💙


Just gonna leave this here

Just gonna leave this here






John 15:18-19 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world wo...

John 15:18-19

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

⚠️🚨Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many the...

⚠️🚨Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.-Matthew 7:13-14 ⚠️🚨

⚠️🚨Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.-Matthew 7:21-23 🚨⚠️

🚨⚠️And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.-Revelation 20:15 🚨⚠️

⚠️🚨But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.-Revelation 21:8 🚨⚠️

Repent ye: for the kingdom of God is at hand -Matthew 3:2 DONT WAIT UNTIL ITS TO LATE

Repent ye: for the kingdom of God is at hand -Matthew 3:2


Find hope in God 🙏🏽🙏🏽

Find hope in God 🙏🏽🙏🏽

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.James 4:7

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:7

After a heated exchange and condemnation of the Pharisees, Jesus turns to the crowd to address what the Pharisees have s...

After a heated exchange and condemnation of the Pharisees, Jesus turns to the crowd to address what the Pharisees have said. They asked Jesus why His disciples break the tradition of the elders by not ritually washing their hands when they eat (Matthew 15:1–9).

The Pharisees believed they were demonstrating religious faithfulness by following the traditions of leaders who had come before them. One tradition which had become a requirement was ritual hand-washing—probably including utensils—before eating. This was not a command of Scripture, however. God did not demand those specific steps, and Jesus did not require His disciples to wash their hands in that exact way.

It's important not to miss the point of the disagreement. Jesus is not condemning all washing of hands before eating. Nor is He implying that there is no reason, at all, to do so. What Christ denounces is condemning the false idea that a ritualized tradition could make someone spiritually clean. That's why He says in this verse that what goes into a person's mouth isn't what defiles them. It's what comes out of a person's mouth that causes that person to be spiritually unclean.

This would have sounded radical to most Israelites. Not only was Jesus teaching that following the hand-washing tradition did not make a person clean, Jewish people absolutely believed they could be made unclean by eating specific foods, like pork. It's no surprise the disciples ask Him to explain (Matthew 15:15).

Jesus will explain exactly what He means in the following verses. The main idea is that nobody can be made spiritually clean or unclean by the mere presence of some material object. For that reason, spiritual uncleanliness doesn't come simply by unknowingly contacting a speck of some unclean food. What matters when it comes to spiritual uncleanness is intent, such as what's revealed by our words (Matthew 15:17–20).

While God may not immediately and miraculously change our difficult circumstances, He does give us the power to face wha...

While God may not immediately and miraculously change our difficult circumstances, He does give us the power to face whatever is in front of us at the moment.

Are you struggling or suffering? God gives a fresh supply of spiritual—supernatural—strength and faith to those who have humble dependence on Him. When we try to get through difficulties in our own strength, we often fall short and become weary, unable to bear the burden. But God promises us a strength and power beyond our own as we continue to rely on Him.

Paul is drawing a similarly obvious familial connection here. If they are in the Lord, they are children of God and chil...

Paul is drawing a similarly obvious familial connection here. If they are in the Lord, they are children of God and children of light. Light is the nature of their identity, and that should determine how they walk about (peripatew) — in other words, how they live, what they think, feel, say, and do.

Don’t give up 💯. Keep going.

Don’t give up 💯. Keep going.

James continues encouraging his readers to express their dependence on God. This is done by participating in prayer. In ...

James continues encouraging his readers to express their dependence on God. This is done by participating in prayer. In previous verses, he has asked them to respond to trouble by praying to God, to respond to cheerfulness by singing songs of praise, and to respond to illness or spiritual weakness by calling for elders of the church pray for them.

Here in verse 16, James writes that it should be common practice for Christians to confess our sins to each other and to pray for each other, so that we may be healed. As in the previous verses, some Bible scholars read the word "healed" here as a reference to healing from physical illness. Others understand it to mean healing from discouragement and spiritual weakness. In either case, this healing requires two things from Christians.

We are both to confess our sins to each other, and to pray for each other. James offers no details about what this should look like in practice. Are we to stand before the church congregation and announce all our sins from the prior week? That seems unlikely. More likely, James has in mind the idea of Christians being in close relationship with several other Christians. We need fellow believers with whom we can be vulnerable. In that setting, each could acknowledge to the other what sins are most difficult for them, and all could pray for each other to overcome those sins.

It seems likely, in the modern world, that very few Christians are practicing this in any specific way. We're just too afraid to be that vulnerable. James's command is for us, as much as it's for his original readers. The church would be far healthier if more of us prayed for each other, in family love, to overcome our specific sins. After all, James writes, prayer works. God listens and responds. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective because God hears and takes action.

Message from Our Lord and Savior- Jesus Christ ✝️💙.

Message from Our Lord and Savior- Jesus Christ ✝️💙.

Job's outlook encourages us to reflect on our own experiences of suffering. While we naturally desire relief from pain, ...

Job's outlook encourages us to reflect on our own experiences of suffering. While we naturally desire relief from pain, his words invite us to consider how suffering can shape our character, strengthen our resolve, and deepen our capacity for empathy and compassion. It's a call to find meaning in our trials and to recognize that even in pain, there can be moments of growth and discovery.

Unwavering Faithfulness to God:
The latter part of the verse holds significant weight: "that I have not denied the words of the Holy One." Here, Job affirms his unshakable commitment to God's words, even in the midst of his immense suffering. This declaration reveals the depth of Job's faith and integrity. Despite his questions and struggles, he has not turned away from God's truth.

Job's example serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of unwavering faith in God's promises, even when life's circumstances are bewildering and painful. It encourages us to hold fast to our convictions, trusting that God's wisdom and faithfulness endure through all trials.

In conclusion, Job 6:10 takes us on a journey through the heart and mind of a suffering soul. It reminds us of our shared human need for consolation and challenges us to find meaning and growth in our suffering. Job's unwavering faithfulness to God's words inspires us to anchor our trust in God, even when life's circumstances are overwhelmingly difficult. As we reflect on this verse, may we find solace in the profound wisdom it imparts and the enduring faith it exemplifies.

In the previous verse (James 1:16), James urged his readers not to be deceived. Emotions and sinful thinking can trick u...

In the previous verse (James 1:16), James urged his readers not to be deceived. Emotions and sinful thinking can trick us into turning away from God. It's important to cling to the truth, which is that every good thing in our lives is a gift from God. In the midst of our trials, we are tempted to change our opinion of the trustworthiness of our God. We start to make lists of all the things we think we are missing in our lives, of all of the things we have lost. If God were good, wouldn't we have those things?

This attitude leads to even more temptation. We begin to look elsewhere for the good things we think we're missing. "If God won't provide them," we think, "we'll have to go and get them for ourselves." We attempt to take control. We struggle to find our own satisfaction.

Now, however, James urges us to flip the typical human script. He calls us to make a new list: all the good things we do have. Where did all those good things come from? James is encouraging believers in Christ to tell themselves the truth: God gave you every single good thing in your life. He is the source of all the good you have and all the good you crave. Who God is does not change when our circumstances change. He doesn't go from being a good God to a bad God when our trials began. He is still the source of all the good in our lives; He never changes.

James also uses a play on words in this verse, referring to God as the Father of lights, or "of heavenly lights." He is the source of the light. The sun can never be in shadow. At times, shadows may fall on us, but He is ever and always light. If we turn away from Him, we go only deeper into shadow. Turning from God in order to escape hardship is as ridiculous as hiding from the sun in an effort to escape darkness. When faced with ordeals, we should seek the one who can make all things new.

What does it mean to remain faithful in hard times? It means continuing to acknowledge that God is the source of what is good in our lives, and what will be good in the future.

In the previous verse (James 1:16), James urged his readers not to be deceived. Emotions and sinful thinking can trick u...

In the previous verse (James 1:16), James urged his readers not to be deceived. Emotions and sinful thinking can trick us into turning away from God. It's important to cling to the truth, which is that every good thing in our lives is a gift from God. In the midst of our trials, we are tempted to change our opinion of the trustworthiness of our God. We start to make lists of all the things we think we are missing in our lives, of all of the things we have lost. If God were good, wouldn't we have those things?

This attitude leads to even more temptation. We begin to look elsewhere for the good things we think we're missing. "If God won't provide them," we think, "we'll have to go and get them for ourselves." We attempt to take control. We struggle to find our own satisfaction.

Now, however, James urges us to flip the typical human script. He calls us to make a new list: all the good things we do have. Where did all those good things come from? James is encouraging believers in Christ to tell themselves the truth: God gave you every single good thing in your life. He is the source of all the good you have and all the good you crave. Who God is does not change when our circumstances change. He doesn't go from being a good God to a bad God when our trials began. He is still the source of all the good in our lives; He never changes.

James also uses a play on words in this verse, referring to God as the Father of lights, or "of heavenly lights." He is the source of the light. The sun can never be in shadow. At times, shadows may fall on us, but He is ever and always light. If we turn away from Him, we go only deeper into shadow. Turning from God in order to escape hardship is as ridiculous as hiding from the sun in an effort to escape darkness. When faced with ordeals, we should seek the one who can make all things new.

What does it mean to remain faithful in hard times? It means continuing to acknowledge that God is the source of what is good in our lives, and what will be good in the future.

Paul appeals to them to be in agreement, for there not to be divisions, and for them to be knit together in the “same mi...

Paul appeals to them to be in agreement, for there not to be divisions, and for them to be knit together in the “same mind” and with the “same purpose.”

Paul has laid a firm foundation for his letter in two things. First, he had zero doubts that the Christians in Corinth were truly saved, born-again believers, completely secure in Christ forever. Paul will not look at their sin and wrong thinking and challenge their salvation. Second, Paul has grounded their security in Christ Himself. He mentions the name of Christ here for the tenth time in the first ten verses. The Corinthians are accepted, because they are in Christ, and for no other reason.

In the previous verse (1 Corinthians 1:9), Paul wrote these believers have been called, each of them, into the fellowship of Christ. That requires, as people in Christ, they be in fellowship with each other. Now Paul comes to the first of many problems among the church in Corinth. Instead of being united because they are all in Christ, the Corinthians are divided.

Paul urges them in the name of Christ to agree with each other. He sets a high expectation for this church, and all Christian churches: zero divisions. Because each of them is in Christ, Paul insists that they can live in unity. This unity can, and must, reach the level of cooperative thinking and judgment on matters of critical importance.

Here, as in other passages (Romans 14), Paul will clarify: he is not demanding everyone in the church agree with whomever is in charge. Nor is he teaching that believers can never disagree about something. The standard here is not to reach perfect conformity, only that they must reach unity. Disagreement does not have to mean division.

Paul is setting up Christ as the standard for every thought and judgment. As every person conforms to Christ, they will come into alignment with each other. Differences of opinion will be secondary to fundamental agreement and brotherhood, through Christ. When Christians set up mere human beings as their standard, division is always the result, as the following verses will show.


1103 Tarson Terrace




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