The International Meeting of the European project DEVICE - Developing European Volunteers International Civic Engagement, financed by the Europe for Citizens Programme 2014-2020, with the Municipality of Agia (EL) as Applicant, will start on 30 June 2022.
The International Meeting, which will end on 4th of July, involves delegations from different partner organizations in addition to the Applicant, such as Municipality of Finiq (AL), Deryneia Municipality (CY) Kelmes Miesto Vietos Veiklos Grupe (LT), Development Center of Vojvodina (RS), Naxxar Local Council (MT), Lääne-Harju Koostöökogu (EE), Municipality of Gallese (IT) plus several delegates from other albanian municipalities and other local organizations. Moreover, the partnership includes the municipalities of Stadt Ettenheim (DE), Palma del Condado (ES) and the Associacao Sojovem das Saibreiras Association (PT).
These five days will focus on topics such as on the role of volunteering and innovative tools of civic engagement to bridge the gap between institutions and citizens at EU level, to promote activation of citizens and understanding of the policy-making process, to contrast passiveness and misunderstanding towards the EU, opposing Euroscepticism. Delegates from the participating countries will be able to discuss issues that are topical in Europe, through a bottom-up and democratic approach. Space will be offered for the exchange of ideas, perspectives, and points of view in order to foster a direct understanding of the European Union by its citizens. In particular, the priorities are the empowerment of the volunteers of local communities to set up tools, the support strategies and cross-border cooperation, the exchange practices and development of quality improvement processes, the contrast of the Euroscepticism through quality civic participation, the Education to the EU policy-making process, the promotion the recognition of the role of volunteering in times of crisis and of EU actions.
There will also be convivial moments, organised by the host municipality of Agia. The programme will include interesting cultural visits and traditional activities to be carried out during the free time, which will allow all participants to get to know and appreciate the local culture through culinary and historical traditions.
The organisation of this meeting also indirectly involved the local population, who immediately showed great willingness to welcome and support.