The Course for Brides

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  • The Course for Brides

The Course for Brides Teaching BRIDES how to:
* Ease anxiety
* Stay true to your vision
* Set boundaries like a pro

Emotional processing and emotional support is THE answer to your wedding stress (yes, even if it feels like the answer i...

Emotional processing and emotional support is THE answer to your wedding stress (yes, even if it feels like the answer is disowning your family).

In all my research it was the thing that made the difference between those brides who loved this time in life, and those who just wanted to get their wedding over with (it makes me SO sad when ppl say that phrase!).

When we bury our feelings we bury them alive...⠀

But talking and journaling aren’t for everyone — and The Course is designed to have something for everyone!

So in this lesson, (creator of ! Body-Mind Wellness Program, and ) teaches you how to process your feelings through movement!

I love this because anyone can do it, and you probably already do it without even noticing...

For example my favourite song to get emo to is You Oughta Know by . I especially love singing and raging along to it in the car 💁🏻‍♀️😂🤬😫

The Course for Brides has this and MANY other lessons to help you start to SHINE. Get all 28 of them at once for just $300 at the link in the bio!

Look at this mother and bride: present in the moment with nothing but love. ❤️Something that so many do not get to exper...

Look at this mother and bride: present in the moment with nothing but love. ❤️

Something that so many do not get to experience with the wedding stress.

Let’s face it. Wedding planning can be weirdly triggering, and one of the biggest areas of conflict happens with parents & in-laws. They have SO MUCH HOPE!!!! Bless them.

They have dreams, expectations, opinions, fears, worries…. And normal human baggage, anxiety, control issues, and family history.

Many parents have a surplus of wedding requests.

Examples I’ve heard over the years:
🗣 Can we invite my colleagues… distant relatives… people you’ve never met
🗣 We don’t want alcohol at the wedding
🗣 Can I wear this white dress? 😂
🗣 Why are you doing ____? You should do ____ instead.
🗣 Is that what you’re wearing? This would be more flattering…

So how can you get to a happy place with your parental units???

🦚It takes communication, boundary setting and a little bit of charm.🦚

👑In other words, you need to be able to say NO.

👑You need to be able to say NO, so that you don’t say yes, and then feel resentful.

👑You need to be able to say NO, in a way that is considerate of people’s feelings, AND improves your relationship in the future.

👑Even though it’s scary and uncomfortable, it’s worth it.

👑Because when you are able to say no, with kindness, curiosity and strategy, your relationship with this parent can actually grow closer.

👑Boundaries done right bring trust and respect.

So that you can get back to focusing on what matters: you & your love. Your marriage. Celebration!

If you want to strengthen your relationships through saying no, sign-up for my free workshop “how to say NO while being fabulous!” at the link in the profile:

One of the most stressful parts of wedding planning is navigating ALL the opinions and expectations of other people. Eve...

One of the most stressful parts of wedding planning is navigating ALL the opinions and expectations of other people.

Everyone has something to say or suggest about your wedding plans…. And while sometimes it’s easy to ignore or disregard, other times it’s a sticky situation!

🚫Like, how do you say NO to your parents, if they’re paying for things or threatening not to come?

🚫How do you say NO to your future mother-in-law if you want your future relationship with her to be positive?

🚫How do you say NO to your bridesmaid who seems like she’s not herself lately and you don’t want the drama-train to go off the rails?

🚫How do you say NO to the vendors you are literally counting on to make you look good on your wedding day, and it feels like your day is in their hands?

There are so many eggshells to walk on! It’s stressful and I need a deep breath just from typing this!!!! 😓

It stops now!

You CAN say no with charm and grace… so that you get what you want AND your relationships are still intact! 🙏🏼💖

I’ve pulled out the top tools from 6 different lessons in The Course for Brides, and created a free workshop JUST FOR YOU. I’ve got you.

You’ll have a chance to practice them all and pick the ones that suit you best.

You CAN say no while keeping the peace. You CAN say no while being fabulous. 👑

Check out the link and sign up:

🎶 you can go your own way…🎶 but can you? 🥂Do you have well-intentioned people in your life... pushing their opinions abo...

🎶 you can go your own way…🎶 but can you?

🥂Do you have well-intentioned people in your life... pushing their opinions about your wedding?

🥂Are you feeling pressured, stressed, or walking on eggshells - trying to avoid conflict?

🥂If saying "no" strikes anxiety in your heart, this workshop is for you. You *can* say no while keeping the peace.


How To Say No While Being Fabulous! 👑👑👑

Monday, March 21st, 2022
7pm-8:30 EST
Live on Zoom

Details in the bio or here:

Picture this: you love your bridesmaids dearly. They are actually THE BEST. But some of them have major opinions about y...

Picture this: you love your bridesmaids dearly. They are actually THE BEST. But some of them have major opinions about your wedding plans.

You find yourself stressing about how to let them down easy, so they don’t take it personally.

One of your closest BFFs means well but she can be sensitive. You don’t want her to feel bad, but it’s YOUR wedding. You want to do what you want.

Take a deep breath.
You log into The Course for Brides and spend 20 minutes watching a video, taught by a conflict coach, on how to get what you want.

You practice saying some of the scripts and prompts aloud with your partner. You even practice one of the methods the next time you’re ordering your morning coffee…. And it goes off without a hitch!

It’s easier than you imagined, and the barista looks happy because you set them up to win for you. They feel like a rockstar and now they light up with warmth, whenever you go to the coffee shop.

You’re ready. Next time you get together with friends, and the opinions start rolling in, you try out some of your new techniques. No one even notices, but things are going well! You ask your BFF to use her super powers for good (instead of evil lol) and she feels so special!

That’s right. You have become a communications Queen and your wedding plans are still intact!

Your barista sneaks an extra cookie into your order, and your partner thinks it’s so hot that you know how to get what you want.

Wedding planning can be this easy. And it can be this transformative.

It’s time to stop walking on eggshells, and start bringing yourself and your awesome friends higher!

Want to learn more about The Course for Brides, before you purchase it??

Come to my free workshop on March 21st: “How to say NO while being fabulous!”

Details in the bio.

For this International Women’s Day, I want to highlight the amazing women who collaborated with me to Create The Course ...

For this International Women’s Day, I want to highlight the amazing women who collaborated with me to Create The Course for Brides!

👑These women are at the cutting edge.

👑They’re doing the extremely courageous work of living out loud, keeping it real, saying the hard things, being vulnerable, and practicing what they preach.

👑They have dedicated their time and energy to explore and develop practices, tools and businesses that help people heal.

👑Some of these women teach work that’s never been done, ever.

👑Some of them are the top person in their field.

👑Some of them are the best kept secret.

👑Some have lived through unimaginable lessons and are sharing gifts these most unique gifts.

👑Some created the industry standard, and some busted right through it.

👑These women are revolutionaries. This work is changing the world. I am so grateful and honoured to be among them.

👑Every single one of these teachers delivered a powerful lesson with simple tools that will shift and change the reality of your relationships (incl your relationship with yourself), and thus your life.

👉Find and follow your newest woman-crush here:

For this International Women’s Day, I want to highlight the amazing women who collaborated with me to Create The Course ...

For this International Women’s Day, I want to highlight the amazing women who collaborated with me to Create The Course for Brides!

👑These women are at the cutting edge.

👑They’re doing the extremely courageous work of living out loud, keeping it real, saying the hard things, being vulnerable, and practicing what they preach.

👑They have dedicated their time and energy to explore and develop practices, tools and businesses that help people heal.

👑Some of these women teach work that’s never been done, ever.

👑Some of them are the top person in their field.

👑Some of them are the best kept secret.

👑Some have lived through unimaginable lessons and are sharing gifts these most unique gifts.

👑Some created the industry standard, and some busted right through it.

👑These women are revolutionaries. This work is changing the world. I am so grateful and honoured to be among them.

👑Every single one of these teachers delivered a powerful lesson with simple tools that will shift and change the reality of your relationships (incl your relationship with yourself), and thus your life.

👉Find and follow your newest woman-crush here:

conversations sarahlou


For this International Women’s Day, I want to highlight the amazing women who collaborated with me to Create The Course ...

For this International Women’s Day, I want to highlight the amazing women who collaborated with me to Create The Course for Brides!

👑These women are at the cutting edge.

👑They’re doing the extremely courageous work of living out loud, keeping it real, saying the hard things, being vulnerable, and practicing what they preach.

👑They have dedicated their time and energy to explore and develop practices, tools and businesses that help people heal.

👑Some of these women teach work that’s never been done, ever.

👑Some of them are the top person in their field.

👑Some of them are the best kept secret.

👑Some have lived through unimaginable lessons and are sharing gifts these most unique gifts.

👑Some created the industry standard, and some busted right through it.

👑These women are revolutionaries. This work is changing the world. I am so grateful and honoured to be among them.

👑Every single one of these teachers delivered a powerful lesson with simple tools that will shift and change the reality of your relationships (incl your relationship with yourself), and thus your life.

👉Find and follow your newest woman-crush here:



Kate O'Connor here, founder of The Course for Brides. I wanted to tell you a little about *why* The Course is so in-dept...

Kate O'Connor here, founder of The Course for Brides. I wanted to tell you a little about *why* The Course is so in-depth, and why I put so much focus on creating lessons that are actionable, simple, and will make a measurable difference in your life....
The Course wasn't an afterthought from my career in the wedding industry. I researched the teachers and lesson topics for 2 years, before even starting to put it all together.
The Course was conceived by me - a personal development NERD who has healed myself from:
💖 depression
💖 anxiety and panic
💖 low self-esteem
💖 people pleasing
💖 victimhood and passive-aggressive behaviour
💖 family dysfunction, addiction, and sexual abuse
💖 chronic financial & time management chaos.

With the help of Amanda Hignell - an award-winning mental health researcher in one of Toronto's biggest teaching hospitals, the lessons were designed to take you step-by-step through your own personal challenges, and guide you towards measurable healing and growth.
Wedding planning triggers stress and conflict. The Course for Brides will help you become who you are meant to be. Not just for your wedding, but for your life.
Comment below and share this with the self-help junkies in your life!

Bachelorette, bridal shower, friends meeting for the first time, worlds colliding….. the potential for drama is high.Wha...

Bachelorette, bridal shower, friends meeting for the first time, worlds colliding….. the potential for drama is high.

What do you do if your sister, mother in law, bridesmaid, or anyone else you’re close to starts acting out?

A lot of ppl will tell you “talk to her.”

Good advice, but vague.
Instead, try asking questions. Ask yourself first:

➡️How close are you? Like, is this someone you want to be closer with, or someone it doesn’t matter if you drift apart?

➡️What does she actually want? Is it the thing she says she wants? What’s beneath it? Does she actually want more time with you? Connection? Attention?

➡️Is there a task you can give her? What’s she good at? What does she love to do? What would be helpful to you?

➡️What are her unmet needs here? What are YOURS?

➡️If you could have ANY outcome from a conversation, what would be the best case scenario? Like, better-than-you-ever-imagined-and-you’re-so-glad-this-happened type scenario?

There are always more effective ways of navigating conflict, than the typical ones were used to.

It’s time to step into your power and start living your life with SKILLS that’ll bring you higher.

The Course for Brides will show you how.

Send this to someone who needs help with an awkward conversation! 💖💖💖

When you’re spending large chunks of money, organizing a number of moving parts... AND Juggling the emotions and hopes a...

When you’re spending large chunks of money, organizing a number of moving parts...
Juggling the emotions and hopes and dreams and wounds and fears and judgments of all the people you love most (and several people you feel obliged to... And maybe even some folks who drive you nuts...)⠀

How do you stay true to yourself?⠀
Your vision?⠀
Your own decisions?⠀

How do you sometimes mess up, or change your mind, or just NOT KNOW… And still come through feeling confident and SURE, calm, and deeply grounded…
✨In who you are⠀
✨What you desire⠀
✨What your wedding is about⠀
✨In your partnership’s values and strengths?⠀

Sometimes you need someone EVEN CLOSER than your partner, to keep you on track.⠀

💖Someone who knows your every thought.⠀

💖Someone who feels your hurt just as you do.⠀

💖Who will make sure you don’t judge yourself⠀

💖Who will be a listening ear any time, day or night⠀

💖Whose intuition you can trust 100% always.⠀

In these times, you need your Self.⠀

A different self from the one you may have known so far.⠀

A completely new and shockingly clear way of relating to and hearing what is happening inside you.⠀

🔥Because despite all evidence to the contrary, you already have everything you need.⠀
🔥You know all you need to know.⠀
🔥You have what it takes.⠀
🔥You just need to access it.⠀

In this surprisingly funny and informative lesson, coach Danette Relic teaches how to use the lens of SelfMarriage to bring forth the inner wisdom you’ve been searching for.⠀

It was so good, I actually got engaged to myself. (Although I postponed my wedding bc of the pandemic 😂😭)

You can too!
Even if you’re already engaged to someone else.⠀

If you’re struggling at all with:
✨People-pleasing tendencies
✨Decision fatigue
Then this is the lesson for you.

Tap the link in the bio to learn more.


Do you wanna chase your dreams but you feel tired?

I’m a huge believer in positive psychology and the power of positive thinking. Choosing to find the best in every situation is one of my superpowers!

But that INCLUDES finding the best in bad feelings too, and that’s where most people go wrong.

In fact, most of us are taught from young that if you feel “bad” then something is “wrong”… and that’s not right!

Stifling and resisting difficult emotions takes energy.

When you learn how to feel good about your bad feelings, and let them flow, all that energy that’s been allocated to stuffing down and avoiding is released!

You feel awake and able to focus.
You have new energy to explore your desires.
You get back in touch with your turn-on - that inherent spark.
You start to glow.

So much is possible when that locked up energy becomes available.

Join me this week, Feb 28-March 4 for my new free challenge: How to Fee Good About Bad Feelings!

I’ll be going live every evening at 8pm EST and sharing journal prompts for you to make this shift… so that you can finally feel awake and alive and free flowing towards your dreams.

Request to join my FB group or directly:

Are you working on manifesting but it’s slow or maybe you’re stuck? You might have emotional IBS. Going between emotiona...

Are you working on manifesting but it’s slow or maybe you’re stuck?

You might have emotional IBS. Going between emotional constipation and emotional overflow. Maybe better said as IES “irritable emotions syndrome” 😂💩

In mindset work we’re told that your thoughts create your feelings and your feelings create your vibe.

We’re taught that in order to vibe with the thing you want, you gotta change how you feel…..

But what if all that thinking and focusing and changing is actually creating resistance instead of flow? 🤔

Instead of attracting the thing you want you’re repelling it…. 🙅🏻‍♀️

Well have no fear - I have something that can help!

Next week from Feb. 28-March 4th I’m running a free challenge, in my Facebook group, called “How to Feel Good About Bad Feelings!”

Everyday there will be a live lesson and journal prompts, to teach you how to “turn around” how you feel about your emotions, so that you can feel better - and start manifesting and vibing FOR REAL.

Because the Universe, your subconscious body-mind, all know when you’re faking it. You can’t go around feeling sad and saying “I’m happy I’m happy I’m happy!” and then wonder why things fall apart.

Women, join us next week, and let’s get you feeling good again, ASAP. Link or here:

Be there. Look into your love’s big eyes and feel their hands in your hands and your feet on the earth and the light tou...

Be there. Look into your love’s big eyes and feel their hands in your hands and your feet on the earth and the light touching your skin so gently.⠀

Know you’re surrounded by the people who love you most.⠀

Know a deep and saturated sense of wonder gratitude power and delight.⠀

Know life is so human and so precious.⠀

Know beauty is all around if you look for it.⠀

Feel sureness and confidence and calm.⠀

Get ready to dance.⠀

Get ready to scream with laughter.⠀

Get ready to cry because your heart is full and you are so amazed that your life is actually this beautiful.⠀

And feel all of this today.⠀
Not only on your wedding day.⠀
But every day.⠀

Because every new skill takes practice.⠀

And if happiness or⠀
Confidence or⠀
Groundedness or⠀
Gratefulness or⠀
Clarity or⠀
Charm or⠀
Surrender or⠀
A sense of ease or⠀
An inner calm or⠀
A deep knowing that you are exactly where you’re meant to be, as exactly who you are⠀
⠀..isn’t a familiar feeling for you,⠀
you’re gonna need some practice.⠀
And that’s ok.⠀

Every new skill takes learning and practice.⠀
And that is all.⠀

The Course for Brides will show you how. Learn more at the link in profile. ☝️

It’s not easy to go against the trends, tradition… and hardest of all, the opinions of the people around you in real lif...

It’s not easy to go against the trends, tradition… and hardest of all, the opinions of the people around you in real life!

I was so glad to speak with Kat Williams () founder of one my my FAVOURITE wedding resources, .

We talked about her wedding journey and she shared one simple yet effective tool for boosting your confidence, so that you can move forward making your dreams come to life.

Learn more at the link!


Picture this: it’s your 10 year wedding anniversary and you’re renewing your vows.

With you are your 4 sons, your parents, and your grandma!!!

After the ceremony you take a limo down to a park on the lake for photos. It’s the first time in a limo for your babies and they’re amazed!

During the ride your photographer asks “so, does this remind you of your wedding day?” And you start to reminisce.

“Our wedding…” you look at each other.
“Our wedding was amazing. Our whole engagement was. We had so much fun and we felt so supported.

“I got a chance to get to know my in-laws, which was so important now that they have passed.

“My girlfriends all came from around the country and we spent the weekend together laughing as if no time had passed.

“My sister was unexpectedly pregnant and it was amazing to share the spotlight with her - it brought us closer than we ever imagined.

“We had a lot going on, with jobs and school, but we learned how to really be a family that year.

….Good practice now that we have 4 sons!”

The limo arrives in the parking lot and everyone gets out, except you too. You take a moment to stare at each other.

“Ten years! And we did it.”
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too. I can’t wait for the next ten.”

The baby is fussing so you kiss quickly and climb out into the sun laughing and holding hands.

It feels so good to look back and see how things were handled during your engagement and wedding planning.

It’s not just about ‘one perfect day’.

Not if getting to that day causes havoc and hell in your family, relationships, or mental or physical health.

It can be wonderful, and indeed it is for 50% of brides! Be one of them. The Course will show you how.

Check the link in the bio, for all the personal development tools you need, to make your life extraordinary. ❤️



Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s great to have a designated day for romance in the middle of Feb….

😍But do you find it rejuvenating?
😍Does it leave you turned on for WEEKS?
😍Do you wake up tomorrow feeling a total and complete boost in energy, manifestation vibez, erotic power, confidence, and Queenliness?

If not, you’re not alone. Because there’s one person, even more important that your fiancé/e on Valentine’s Day: your self.

If you don’t show HER any love, you won’t be feeling as generous or turned on for anyone else….

If you DO show her the love, your significant other will also reap the benefits…. Because we all know there’s no one more generous than a TURNED ON WOMAN.

So today I am launching a free 14-day challenge!


💖For the next two weeks, I will do one tiny thing to romance myself, that isn’t usually included in my routine or self-care (because romance to me means a little extra special).

🔥Join me!

👑Post the way you’re wooing yourself, loving up on yourself, celebrating your radiance, turning yourself on, courting yourself, seducing yourself, or otherwise getting that daily dose or romance…

If you’re shy to post it here, request to join my private FB group (“Queen Up Your Life”).

Are you ready to sweep yourself off your feet? Who’s in? 😍😍😍😍😍

I’ve heard HUNDREDS of couples say the same thing: 💖 They want their wedding to be a genuine representation of their uni...

I’ve heard HUNDREDS of couples say the same thing: 💖 They want their wedding to be a genuine representation of their unique relationship.

💖they want to be present in the real moments of the day,⠀

💖and they want everyone to have an awesome time...⠀

But once the mighty wheels of the wedding industry get turning, it’s very common for these goals to get lost.⠀

Despite best intentions, wedding planning can become a stressful exercise of 😭 going through the motions,⠀

😭appeasing other people’s expectations,⠀

😭spending too much money,⠀

😭and inevitably CONFLICT.⠀

How do you stay on track to create something meaningful to both of you?⠀

How do you bridge your own intentions, with the needs of your partner and your loved ones? ⠀

In this sweet and eye-opening lesson “relationship nerds”, David Ip Yam and Lindsey Ostrosser of , share how they brought the concept of “conscious relationships” into their wedding planning.⠀

Building on the lessons of their own path, they teach not one but TWO different 4-step processes for:⠀

💎 Creating your own authentic wedding⠀

💎 Dealing with the fights that bubble up along the way.⠀

This lesson was such a delight to create! Watching Lindsey and David work together, observe and hold space for one another, and deal with their differences with love and curiosity, was a already lesson in itself!⠀

Everyone can and WILL benefit from this.⠀

What are some ways your wedding will be unique to you? Share in the comments!

Kate O’Connor here, founder of The Course for Brides. Did you know I’ve shot hundreds of weddings? 💯💯💯As a photographer ...

Kate O’Connor here, founder of The Course for Brides. Did you know I’ve shot hundreds of weddings? 💯💯💯

As a photographer I’ve seen everything: the good the bad and the ugly.

But what I wanna talk about is the realness.

This couple, Madison & Martin, had an amazing wedding process. As a vendor I can tell you: Madison was confident, kind, warm, and trusted me to do my best. And so I did!

She was also very particular, knew exactly what she wanted, and got it. How? Because she was confident, kind, warm, and trusted her team to give her our best.

A highlight for me was when - driving from the photo site to the ceremony site - we all (photographers, bridal party and couple) made an impromptu stop at McDonald’s and everyone just ate and chilled and laughed. Then we got on with the plan!

People get weird about women who know exactly what they want, but that’s just society’s “low maintenance fetish” (thank you for the phrase). It’s a patriarchal conditioning telling women not to ask for too much.

But you CAN ask for, and receive exactly what you want.

When you’re resources and have the skills, people (like your vendors) will feel honoured and delighted to give it to you.

I LOVED delivering my best for Madison. I felt empowered by her and I secretly wanted to be best friends. ☺️

Do you have questions for a wedding photographer? Today I’m going live at 7pm EST to talk about photography and weddings. Comment with your Qs below, or come and ask live, and let’s chat!

- Kate


Manifesting Monday! What’s on your wedding mood board?Credits:👑 👉  👑 👉 👑 👉    .de👑 👉 👑 👉 👑 👉

Manifesting Monday! What’s on your wedding mood board?

👑 👉

👑 👉

👑 👉 .de

👑 👉

👑 👉

👑 👉

Do you have opinionated or pushy people pressuring you about your wedding plans? You’re not alone!🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊72% of brides-...

Do you have opinionated or pushy people pressuring you about your wedding plans? You’re not alone!
72% of brides-to-be experience stress around Other People's Expectations (feeling anxious, fearful, trapped, or obligated).⠀

The pressure is real.⠀

Luckily, this fun and charming lesson will teach you how to communicate what you really, REALLY want, without stepping on toes or seeming like a “diva”.

Enchantress Shane founder of the Awkward Academy, teaches brides several ways to get people to calm down and back off, without having to actually say so.⠀

If you need more time and space to make your wedding decisions...⠀


This is the lesson for you. ⠀

No more cringing while saying yes to stuff you don’t want.⠀

You can plan your wedding feeling self-expressed and as powerful as a goddess...⠀

— the way every bride is meant to feel.⠀

Link in profile 👆💪🏼👏🏽

Things I think but would never say, first edition… F**k the wedding industry! You don’t need all of the things you think...

Things I think but would never say, first edition… F**k the wedding industry!

You don’t need all of the things you think you need.

Half of it was invented purely so photographers could get published on blogs.

It’s bu****it and it’s a trap.

People are making money off of you hating yourself and being miserable.

Be well.
Do whatever the f**k you want.

If you want that but don’t know how???

Buy the effing Course and follow the very simple instructions in one of the 28 life-changing self-taught lessons! TAP THAT LINK ☝️

There are several lessons in The Course for Brides that teach you how to deal with getting triggered or flipping your li...

There are several lessons in The Course for Brides that teach you how to deal with getting triggered or flipping your lid.⠀

This is one of them.⠀

But this isn’t an emotional processing technique or a communication method.⠀

This is about breathing and focusing for five minutes a day, to change your system over the long term. ⠀

I this simple and short lesson, coach and minister Helen Valleau teaches the basic steps of Heart Math, and the science behind it.⠀

It’s hard to believe, but often the simple truths are the most profound... and this lesson encapsulates that principle.⠀

If you want to learn to respond to people and situations from a higher perspective, and to speak from the heart, this is the lesson for you.⠀

Tap the link to see all the lessons and therapists, for one low price!

Do you know what you want? Do you think what you want is possible? It is!!! Imagine this process was easy. ✨Other people...

Do you know what you want? Do you think what you want is possible? It is!!!

Imagine this process was easy.
✨Other people supporting your decisions enthusiastically.
✨Offering their help, no strings attached, and following through.
✨Friends and family stepping up to the plate and celebrating you in exactly the way YOU want to be celebrated.
✨Feeling confident and decisive.
✨Getting everything done and feeling at ease.
✨Becoming closer and more seen by your partner.
✨Laughing a lot and having fun!

Did you know that 51% of brides actually enjoy planning their wedding? They say things like “it was a dream come true!” And “I wish we could get married every week!” 😂☺️

What’s their secret?
A better family? More money?

According to the research, the people who enjoy both planning AND their wedding MORE, have emotional support, and specific tools.

TOOLS for managing:
feelings, expectations, anxiety, setting boundaries, healthy (assertive & lighthearted) communication, body image, mindset, and so much more. 👀😍

The Course was created to give you this support too.

The Course is an evergreen, self-study program where you pick the topics that apply to you, and go at your own pace. Once you learn these tools, you take them with you for life. 🔥🔥🔥

It’s more common than you realize, to be dealing with challenge, tragedy and heartbreak, during the happiest year of you...

It’s more common than you realize, to be dealing with challenge, tragedy and heartbreak, during the happiest year of your life.

You are not alone.

When I was creating The Course for Brides, I researched what kind of support people actually need.

Although it’s a happy and exciting time, there’s extra stress and heightened emotional triggers, especially with the loss of loved ones, or navigating your own health journey.

The Course multiple lessons from different coaches and teachers on:
❤️Self-love and self care
💛Emotional processing
💚Difficult conversations
💜And more!

Check out the link in the profile to see all lessons + expert teachers… and send this to anyone who needs to hear it.

You are not alone.



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