There are two major reasons why some People rejected the leadership of Maulana Shaykh Ebrahim Niass RA as the Sahib Al Faida
The first was the Issues of Tarbiyya ( Spiritual Training) and the Second was The Method of Training.
For those who criticise the method adopted by the Shaykh Ebrahim Niass RA in training the Murid failed to realize the function of the Sahib Al Faida.
In Kano,( Nigeria), some Tijani elder argued that the Shaykh then was in a middle aged hence he couldn't be the Sahib Al Faida and the Gawth.
They forgot the reason for the appearance of the spiritual Flood ( Faida) as Shaykh said
"والحكمة فى ظهور هذه الفيضة فى هذا الزمان الفاسد, ضعف الإيمان فى قلوب الناس وكثرة الفرق الضالة و المضلة وهذه الأمة مرحومة فأفيضت إليهم المعارف والحقائق كى يرجعوا لأهل فطرة الإيمان"
“And the wisdom in the appearance of the Faida in this stage is the weakness of Faith in the hearts of Men and the large number of stray and misguided ones
Meanwhile this nation has been endowed with Mercy therefore, the divine Sciences and Realities were flooded on them so that they may return to the People of instinct of Faith
May Allah grant us understanding.
~ BAYeDoEverything~