Fill out this form!
*Spots are limited so don't wait to reserve your eggs! This service is currently available in Southwest Fort Wayne, IN (46804 and 46814) and Huntertown, IN (46748). We may expand our service area for an extra charge based on demand--send us a message/email with your request and we'll see what we can do! Here's How it Works:
You choose the n
umber of eggs you want hidden and we stuff the eggs with candy and fun small items (think bubbles, pop its, slap bracelets). We hide them in your front yard after dusk on Saturday, April 16, 2022. You and your littles ones wake up Easter morning and enjoy the hunt! Pricing:
Small Package = 20 eggs for $25
Medium Package = 50 eggs for $45
Large Package = 75 eggs for $60
*The bunny has to prepare the eggs so the deadline to order is April 10, 2022 at 12pm EST.
*You will receive an email from [email protected] within two calendar days of form submission to confirm your request and provide payment instructions. If we have filled all spots, the email will inform you that you're on a wait list.
*Payment for all confirmed orders is collected via PayPal and due by April 10, 2022 12pm EST or your order will be cancelled and we will begin accepting orders from our wait list.
*Eggs will be hidden after dusk on Saturday, 4/16. You will receive an email on Friday, April 15 informing you of your egging time window.
*If you celebrate on a different day or have another request, send an email to [email protected] to see if we can accommodate your inquiry!