Mean the world! To those who take the time to write these reviews - thank you so much!! 💖
Each set up and display is created purely by hands, every tiny detail is considered and all are fabricated with pure love.
Thank you! ⚡️
#edinburghevents #edinburghballoons #balloonartist #edinburghsmallbusiness #edinburghbusiness #balloonreviews
We have some exciting new bits arriving at Get Groovy Events early this year and can’t wait to share them! Ready to level up 👆🏼⚡️
#edinburghbusiness #edinburghsmallbusinessowners #edinburghsmallbusinesscommunity #edinburghdecor #edinburghballoons #edinburghballoonstylist #edinburghevents
❣️ 𝑾𝒊𝒏 ⚡️
In light of spreading love during love season I will be giving away one Valentine’s Day balloon.
To win this for your partner/ best friend/ mum/ gran - all you need to do is like this post and direct message me with who you’d like to gift it to.
Maybe it’s someone you love, someone you want to show appreciation to, someone going through a sh*tty time - I don’t need to know the reason just the person you’d like to give it to. I will then choose one winner and surprise them by delivering it directly to their door by Valentine’s Day. ☺️
Let’s keep brightening up peoples day and spread love this love season ♥️✨🎈
Iona x
For Black Friday this year we are offering 1/2 price Christmas balloon garlands throughout December.
For £150 you can have a beautiful Christmas display within your home, salon, business, office, Christmas party.
Perfect for they holiday snaps and promotional pics 📸🎄🎅🏽
If you are interested in booking for December please contact us ASAP as dates are quickly filling up!
𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑷𝒀 𝟏𝟖𝒕𝒉 𝑩𝑰𝑹𝑻𝑯𝑫𝑨𝒀 𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑳 ✨🪩A special balloon for a special birthday morning. 🥂#edinburghballoons #balloons #edinburghbusiness #edinburghsmallbusiness #18birthdayballoons
• CAN’T • WAIT • to style this one!
💫💕 I D I A I S O N E 🖤⚡️
I had the best time creating something special for this little ones first birthday.
Working with two other fab companies - @lightitupevents for the LED light and @teepeez for the amazing teepee set up.
🌈 H A P P Y 7 T H B I R T H D A Y S U M M E R 🖤⚡️
Pastel colours are a fab way of incorporating lots of colour into displays without it being overwhelming. We double stuffed each colour with white to give it a more toned down pastel finish to create the perfect ‘LOL’ colour scheme to match this fab cut out our client provided.