Sports Couple

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Sports Couple We are an athletic couple.

our vision is to create a new and life changing way of living as we are full of enthusiasm to inspire and motivate each couple around the world to stand up for their dreams and never give up on their athletic life goals.


3 years down forever to go❤️
Have you heard about doing an ironman in a honeymoon?
IRONMAN Germany Rugen 70.3 in 2018


A huge shoutout to the best fitness instructor out there Monir Kansoh Fitness his passion for what he’s doing is very inspiring, his skills, diligence, patience, and especially his ability to push you out of your comfort zone and inspire you at the same time is incredible💪🏼 so, If you want to fast track your results hit him up, and if you are in Sahel or Cairo don’t miss his killing workout LA7 Gym

15 Ways to   in 5 min a dayWorkout details:Name:DOUBLE DIPSDuration: 5 minRepetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 1...

15 Ways to in 5 min a day
Workout details:
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: No Equip.
Calories: avg. 18
Engaged Muscles: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Arm muscles
How to do:
Begin this move with one partner against a wall, in a seated-chair position. The second partner faces the same direction, placing their hands on the other’s knees, and extending their legs straight ahead. From that position, ‘dip’ up and down for a solid triceps workout


15 Ways to in 5 min a day
Workout details:
Name:Forearm Planks With Knee Tap + Skaters
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: Mat
Calories: avg. 44
Engaged Muscles: Core, Quadriceps,Hamstrings,Gluteus,Legs,Obliques
How to do them: Get into forearm plank position with your body in a straight line between the top of your head and your heels, elbows directly beneath your shoulders and palms pressed together. Have your partner stand on your left side facing forward. Dip your knees to tap the floor and have your partner step or leap over you to your right side, landing on her right foot and sweeping her left leg diagonally behind her. Meanwhile, extend your legs to come back into a regular plank position. Dip your knees again as your partner steps or leaps over you, leading with and landing on the left foot. Extend your legs to come back to a regular plank as your partner bends her left knee and sweeps her right leg diagonally behind her.


in 5 min a day
Workout details:
Name: Squats
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: No Equip.
Calories:Avg. 19/44
Muscles Engaged: Gluteus, hip Flexors,Quadriceps,Abdominal muscles, Calves, Hamstrings, and Lower back
How to do:
Start by facing each other, arms-length apart, clasping hands then Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width distance apart, bend your knees while pressing your hips backward stop lowering yourself once your hips are lower than your knees, then return to your standing position


in 5 min a day

Workout Name:Touch-Feely Push-Ups
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: Mat
Calories: Avg 35 Calories
Engaged Muscles: Chest,Shoulders,Triceps
How to do it: Facing your partner, get into plank position so your heads are about one arm's length apart. At the same time, you'll both perform a push-up. At the top of the push-up, engage your core and keep your hips square to the ground as you lift your right palm off the ground and gently caress your partner's face. Replace the hand and perform another push-up, this time caressing with the left hand. Continue to alternate sides.


in 5 min a day
Workout details:
Name: Ball Pass
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: Mat, Ball
Calories: avg. 38/44
Muscles Engaged: Abs, Obliques, Lower Back
How to do:
Sit back-to-back about a foot away from your partner with knees bent, heels on the ground, and toes facing upward. Turn to your right and pass the ball to your partner, as he turns to his left to receive it. He then twists to his right to pass it back to you, and you turn to your left to receive it. Continue passing in this direction, switching directions halfway through.


in 5 min a day

Workout Name:V-ups+Forearm Planks
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: Mat
Calories: Avg 25 Calories
Engaged Muscles: abdominal, oblique, and glutes muscles
How to do them: Sit on the floor placing your hands on the floor for balance with your legs extended in front of you than Contract your abs and slowly raise your legs toward the ceiling into a v shape, hold for one second, then return to the starting position while your partner is getting into a Forearm Planks


in 5 min a day

Workout Name:Reverse Lunge With Hand Hold
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: No Equip
Calories: Avg 40 Calories
Engaged Muscles: Glutes, Hamstring, Quad
How to do it: Face your partner and press your palms against his with fingers facing up. Interlace your fingers and bring your hands to chest height. Simultaneously take a large step backward with your right feet. Bend both knees to lower into a reverse lunge, keeping your shoulders over your hips the entire time. Press into your front heels to come back up to standing position and repeat, this time stepping backwards with the left feet. Continue to alternate sides without dropping your hands, pressing into the hands to create resistance and engage the core.


in 5 min a day

Workout Name:Partner Pullbacks
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: Resistance Band
Calories: Avg 40 Calories
Engaged Muscles: Trapezius, Lats, obliques,quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors and calf muscles
How to do them: Have your partner hold the center of a resistance band to his waist and stand behind him, grasping one resistance band handle in each hand, palms facing each other. Take a wide stance with your toes facing forward, and bend your knees about 90 degrees to sink into a squat. Keeping your weight in your heels and chest up with your shoulders away from your ears, have your partner run in place to create resistance in the cord as you squeeze your shoulder blades together and drive your elbows straight behind you. Bring the handles back to starting position to complete one rep


in 5 min a day
Workout details:
Name:Squat and Hold + Triceps Dips
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: No Equip.
Calories: avg. 18
Engaged Muscles: Abdominal, Chest, Shoulders, Back and Arm muscles
How to do it: Stand with your feet about shoulders-width apart and sit back into a deep squat with both arms extended overhead. Hold this position while your partner stands in front of you, facing away. Have him place one hand on each of your thighs with his fingers facing outward, then walk his feet forward until his elbows are above your knees. Have him bend his elbows, driving them directly backward, lowering his hips toward the ground, then extend the elbows to complete one rep.


in 5 min a day
Workout details:
Name: Leg Throw-Downs
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: Mat
Calories: avg. 15
Engaged Muscles: Abdominal muscles, Obliques,Hips
How to do it: Have your partner stand with legs hips-width apart and knees soft while you lie face-up on the floor with your head near his toes. Hold his ankles for support as you raise both legs straight up, keeping your knees locked and lower back pressed against the floor. Have your partner engage his core and push your feet away from him as you engage your core to prevent your heels from hitting the ground. Bring your legs right back up to complete one rep


in 5 min a day

Workout Name:Superman Hold With Burpees
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: Mat
Calories: Avg 50 Calories
Engaged Muscles:Chest, Back,Glutes, Hamstrings
How to do it: Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs outstretched, and engage your butt and core to raise your limbs at least a few inches off the ground. Hold this position while your partner stands to your left side. Have him perform a burpee (he places his palms on the ground, jumps his feet back to plank position, does one push-up, then jumps his feet toward his hands, and comes up to a standing position.) Then, have him leap or step over your body, landing on your right side, where he performs a second burpee. He continues to alternate sides as you hold


in 5 min a day
Workout details:
Name: Bicycle Crunches
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Equipment: Mat
Calories: avg. 15
Engaged Muscles: Abdominal muscles, Obliques,Hips
How to do them: Sit facing your partner with about one leg's length between your butts. Then press both foots together. Lie back with your hands behind your head, elbows out to the sides, and have your partner do the same. Next, you'll both bring your left knees in toward the chest and extend your right legs. As the knee comes in to the chest, lift the head, neck, and shoulders up off the ground and twist to reach the opposite elbow to bent knee. Continue to alternate sides, keeping the head, neck, and shoulders off the ground the entire time


in 5 min a day
Workout details:
Name: Plank + Sit-Up
Duration: 5 min
Repetitions: Do as many reps for 60 seconds, 10 rest , x5 sets
Then switch roles or sides
Equipment: Mat
Calories: avg. 20/30
Engaged Muscles: Abdominal muscles,Lower back,Glutes,Pelvis,Hips,Obliques
How to do:
Have your partner lie on his back with knees bent and soles pressed against the floor. Kneel near his feet and place your hands on top of them, then step backward into a hands plank. Hold while your partner performs sit-ups

Let’s make use of the free time to invest in ourselves for the sake of a better health & wellbeing & never surrender to ...

Let’s make use of the free time to invest in ourselves for the sake of a better health & wellbeing & never surrender to the boredom 😉 get up from your bed and let’s start working out online together 💪 We will be posting daily online trainings for beginners which you can do at home with your partner 🏃‍♀️🏃
Ramadan Kareem to all of you:)

We were all drowning in our daily life business and now is a wake up call to hold on and take a moment to discover ourse...

We were all drowning in our daily life business and now is a wake up call to hold on and take a moment to discover ourselves, resetting life goals, reordering our priorities and spending a quality time with our partners 👫together you can make the best out of everything at this time, so try to find out what makes you both happy the most and do it together... like cooking, watching tv, doing simple home workouts... etc, discover your favorite mutual interest for both of you and we have chosen sports as it's our favorite daily routine and the reason that we met each other 💑


Summary of an hour group training at home, sharing our positive vibes through different sports ❤️ ft.


In celebration of our first marriage anniversary, every step we took was a milestone for us and we would like to share with u our journey that officially started 2 years ago by our engagement ❤️

Pole fitness is a merge between dancing & fitness, between flexing & letting your body be, between holding on tight yet ...

Pole fitness is a merge between dancing & fitness, between flexing & letting your body be, between holding on tight yet loosening your grip at the right timing. Its beauty lies in this juxtaposition, in this strength vs femininity.

I found my calling in my late twenties; pole fitness became my obsession & my reality. I began to train almost day & nig...

I found my calling in my late twenties; pole fitness became my obsession & my reality. I began to train almost day & night; no pain, no gain. If I fell or my hands let go of that pole, I’d smile & get back to it because in life we fall & we stand back up. Resilience is the key.

Being a woman isn’t easy... & while there’s no paradigm of an ideal woman, but through the achievement of one’s goals & ...

Being a woman isn’t easy... & while there’s no paradigm of an ideal woman, but through the achievement of one’s goals & the overcoming of difficulties, a woman becomes a human of great substance; an unstoppable force of nature. That is what I wanted to become, through achieving my goals & becoming a pole fitness dancer, overcoming society’s scrutinizing eyes & physical difficulties.

You will never know your limits until you push yourself to them.

You will never know your limits until you push yourself to them.

Set your goals high and don't stop till you get there.

Set your goals high and don't stop till you get there.

Life is full of choices and steps, a mix of opportunities and challenges, but quitting is not an option when shared with...

Life is full of choices and steps, a mix of opportunities and challenges, but quitting is not an option when shared with the one you love!

"If your Mind can conceive it & your heart can believe it Then you can Achieve it"-Muhammad Ali 💪🏼💪🏼

"If your Mind can conceive it
& your heart can believe it
Then you can Achieve it"
-Muhammad Ali 💪🏼💪🏼

Your body can stand almost anything, it's your mind that you have to convince.

Your body can stand almost anything, it's your mind that you have to convince.

Persistence can change failures into extraordinary achievements!

Persistence can change failures into extraordinary achievements!

Challenges are always meant for champions!

Challenges are always meant for champions!

It might  takes you a lot  to get there but it’s totally worth it!

It might takes you a lot to get there but it’s totally worth it!

Couples who workout together grow stronger together

Couples who workout together grow stronger together

Working for your life goals becomes much easier and exciting when you  have someone on your side that you can share the ...

Working for your life goals becomes much easier and exciting when you have someone on your side that you can share the journey with and enjoy the success!


Sports is our passion and extraordinary life style is our goal!
Our mission is to encourage and challenge each couple to support each other by setting an example to help them reach their life goals together.
we are going to take you on a tour that will show you how sports can affect each and every detail of your life, by sharing our best moments together as a ''Sports Couple”




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