About twenty bikers arrived on the beach. It wouldn't be me if I didn't take advantage of this opportunity. I immediately took my camera and followed them. The guys were celebrating something, so they hit the shack, I got a drink and we went to take pictures. Even through the translator, it was quite difficult to explain them where they should go in order to make good pictures. The sun had already set, so there was really little light, but still some photos turned out well. 👌
Na pláž přijelo asi dvacet motorkářu. To bych to nebyl já, kdybych nevyužil téhle příležitosti. Hned jsem bral foťák a šel za nimi. . Týpci něco slavili, takže bouchli šáňo, dostal jsem napít a šlo se fotit. I přes překladač se jim vysvětlovalo docela těžko kudy mají jezdit aby z toho něco bylo. Slunko už zapadlo, takže světla bylo opravdu málo, ale i tak se některé fotky vydařily. 👌