Some of the Berkshire’s finest vendors have come together to present you an unforgettable evening. This late summer feast will be served in the field surrounded by the unparalleled views of Ice House Hill Farm. North Roots Catering has created a cocktail hour spread and four-course tasting menu highlighting the season’s best. Berkshire Mountain Distillers have crafted two signature cocktails to complement the hors d’oeuvres portion of the evening. Kelly’s Package Store has partnered with Hot Plate Brewing and Domaine Bousquet Wine to perfectly pair a beverage for each course. Dinner will be served on beautiful China highlighting Classical Tent’s inventory, all under specialty lighting by Pat Birrell from Alberti Events. Sanitation for the evening provided by White Wolf Excavating.
Link for tickets https://www.eventbrite.com/e/966532714367?aff=oddtdtcreator