I mentioned a couple days ago that the direction of Heartland Hyzers would be changing. I am excited about the change, but unfortunately that means there are some things that have to give.
Heartland Hyzers will be passing on the baton for running the non-sanctioned events in the area to Wingspan Disc Golf. For the past 5 years I have ran a multitude of non-sanctioned events, one of those being the Grand Island Trilogy Challenge. Wingspan is ran by three engaged, and passionate disc golfers. They will do well, and I am excited that there is a disc golf outfit that is willing to do the work to keep the variety of disc golf opportunities rolling in central Nebraska.
Heartland Hyzers was created because I wanted to make running these events and supporting disc golf in Nebraska seem a little more legitimate. Not only that, it also gave me an opportunity to support local charities and schools through a variety of events and fundraisers. Wingspan will keep these charitable events going and support these local communities.
Now for the change. I am excited to make a more concentrated effort at combining my passion for disc golf and multimedia and having it fall under the Heartland Hyzers umbrella. I will be focusing on course photography, event photography, and multimedia projects for disc golf courses and events.
I will be keeping everyone updated as I make this shift for Heartland Hyzers. I appreciate the amount of support that I received so far, and I am excited to see where this new direction takes me.