During the summers after high school and college, I worked at The Bedford Restaurant. There was a lovely older deaf couple who came in every Sunday and had grown accustomed to simply pointing to items on the menu without even looking up, because there was no one there to tell them good morning, and ask about their day, or chat about the weather. They soon became my favorite patrons, and I like to think that I was their favorite server! My beloved Grandmother Boitnott taught me sign language as a little girl (an education that I continued throughout high school and college), so she and Poppy began coming to the restaurants on Sundays as well, beaming with pride at these interactions. Here's what I know: it doesn't have to be perfect or precise, but if you can demonstrate your desire to communicate, you'll set yourself apart not just as an ally to the Deaf community, but to other patrons who can respect the work that you've put into those efforts. I'm happy to be able to offer workshops to local church groups, businesses, community organizations, and retailers for a nominal fee to help break down at least one of the barriers to communication in the World's Best Little Town. Don't hesitate to reach out to me via Messenger for more information!