If you’d shown me this photo 15 years ago, the extremely lost, recently single, young Mum/fashion student/party animal, I’d have laughed in your face. But at the same time, would have totally understood that being outdoors all day in the elements, getting muddy whilst doing something creative TOTALLY. MADE. SENSE. Took my bloody time getting here though didn’t I?!
I’m excited to share what’s coming next for Moss Botanicals, and tbh I can’t quite believe it. From Autumn 2024, Moss will be running from a new location!!!! I’ve taken on some land on the - this wouldn’t have been possible without the extreme generosity of Will & Henrietta who run the estate, and are both so keen to support small creative businesses. Thank you guys!!! It’s really quite amazing the set up that they’ve created, a wonderful creative community based out of their steadings (). They run regular markets, garden open days & lots of other exciting events throughout the year, so please check out their pages when you can.
As you can see from the photo, there’s still a hell of a lot to do before I can even begin to think about planting. But if all goes to plan I’ll be in for early September, with flowers ready for sale early spring 2025.