With much gratitude, I must inform that I will no longer be taking new orders until further notice. All current orders will be fulfilled.
I recently received a promotion at my full time job which means Iโve had to make the hard decision of taking an indefinite break from my grazing business. As you know, my family is my priority, Iโd love to focus more on my little girls and spend more time with my loved ones.
I started GGM in 2021 and in that time it has been fun, challenging and rewarding. I have perfected my platters and chocolate strawberries and everyoneโs compliments have been so motivating and inspiring.
Thankyou to all my customers and followers for your continued support and orders!!! Thankyou for all your likes, shares, beautiful comments and recommendations to your family and friends. You have not gone unnoticed and will always be valued.
Iโll be sure to update you again of any changes or updates.
Much Love
Rachel Baldacchino ๐