Since we are organising these events here are the general rules to follow.
1. Registrations for all events will be done online through their respective google forms.
2. The registration fee per person, per event is 50 INR.
3. Forms should be filled with true and accurate information.
4. Unparliamentary and disrespectful language and behaviour shall lead to disqualification.
5. Entries with sensitive content MUST CARRY A TRIGGER WARNING.
6. Harassment, discrimination and other forms of hostility* towards those involved with the fest - participant, organiser, guest, judge or otherwise - shall lead to disqualification. Extreme cases may also call for penalisation by banning future participation in this fest.
7. During live events, in case of network/technical issues faced by the participants, a grace time of 3 minutes will be given. After that, the event shall proceed without further waiting.
8. In competitive events, the decision of the judges shall be final and binding.
9. Regarding organisation and arrangement, the decision of the organizing committee shall be final and binding.
10. The organising committee holds the right to alter the schedule, platform or guidelines if required.
11. Use of unfair means** shall lead to disqualification.
*Incidents mentioned in (6.), preferably with proof, are to be reported to ___ (ph. no.) or _____ (ph. no.).
**Use of unfair means, (e.g., plagiarism, prohibited digital manipulation, etc.) are to be reported to the respective event heads.
Source of the photo: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/19281104631134095/?d=t&mt=login