Greetings earthlings! The GRENZ House Party is coming back very soon I promise - been having a hectic few weeks this month, but planning for the next live show has begun and I definitely want to do it next month.
Theres actually going to be double GRENZ in February because I'm now a resident for Brendan Haywood's Dirty Sessionz, so you'll be hearing me more regularly there, with my second 1 hour mix for the show on Fri 14th Feb on Ribble FM, Radio Blackburn and now Radio Burnley too! https://www.facebook.com/dirtysessionz/
Ohh yehh!
PS. You can listen again to the first mix I did here: https://soundcloud.com/grenzmusic/dirty-sessionz-grenz-guest-mix-ribble-fm-blackburn-fm-070624