If you were thinking of buying a ticket to this one of a kind conference NOW is the time. We have not sold the minimum amount needed to hold the conference at this point and per our contract with the conference center we only have about 30 days left to give them a notice of cancellation (no extension will be allowed) otherwise we are obligated to to proceed with the contract and all monies owed, which these 2 poor DJ's cannot afford out of their own pocket (if we cancel we are out the deposit which again is coming out of our personnel pockets). Unlike other shows we did not want sponsors (so we would not be beholding to them in anyway). The event was being paid for by ticket sales only and with not enough ticket sales we will be forced to cancel this great event. So again if you were on the fence or thought you had some time we are down to the wire......
If you make the commitment and at least do a down payment of $500 then we should be able to proceed with the show if enough people do that!