Creativ CausE

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Creativ CausE Dedicated to SERVICE & SIGNIFICANCE!

Event Planning/Decor | Custom Arts & Crafts | Photography (Retirements/Promotions/Birthdays/Motivational Events)

A portion of all proceeds is contributed to a special cause or situation to help somebody else.

We tend to take things for granted while we have them. If you had to make a decision, which sense would rather lose. Put...

We tend to take things for granted while we have them. If you had to make a decision, which sense would rather lose. Put your choice in the comment:👂🏾 or 🗣

  comes in small steps.Note: Supporting someone through grief takes patience. 🥰I hope you have time for me today.After s...

comes in small steps.

Note: Supporting someone through grief takes patience. 🥰I hope you have time for me today.

After six months, I finally got the nerves to have my nephew's car towed to my house. As I sat waiting for AAA to arrive, my dear friend asked, "How do you feel about that?❤️"

The question first brought a flood of emotions (real tears). Then,I started thinking about how to respond to her question.  Here are a few thoughts that came to mind:

💔We must face REALITY. The thought of seeing (Rafiel's) car in my yard every day would mean facing the reality that I had been avoiding.

💛Cumulative grief is HARD!! Losing so many (close) relatives/friends in such a short time period makes it challenging to grieve 🤷🏾‍♀️properly. Every time I think about one nephew, I can't help but think about the other three. And then I think about how watching my big brother (a splitting image of our dad) decline was like watching dad transition all over again. How do you go by processing each one, individually?
💙Go NUMB or Dissociate. Dealing with trauma while deployed equipped me with the skill to do both. I am aware that neither is healthy, but for now, it's how I cope. In my mind, tough situations are turned into a [mission]. After all, I was trained to be [mentally tough and always place the mission first].
💚My family is MY MISSION. YOU are my mission. It was(is) hard to see everyone in my family and yours deal with sudden losses and other adversities, and not know how to make them feel better. Being in such close proximity to each loss, there were several things that were discovered in the process that I believe many others can benefit from. In case you didn't figure it out, it's also a way to turn my pain into purpose.

❤️THANK YOU!! ...for allowing me to express my feelings. I needed to get that out so I could go on about my day.

February 18, 2023 | Hollandale, MS
starts at 8:00 am

My heart is filled with much gratitude and love for every single person who contributed to the sustainment of 🥰me (perso...

My heart is filled with much gratitude and love for every single person who contributed to the sustainment of
🥰me (personally),
🔹Creativ CausE,
👣Camp CausE,
💚Catch22, and
💛Prioritizing M+E during 2022.

THANK YOU for your continued support!🤗🤗

Dealing with cumulative grief can be quite challenging; before you have time to process one loss, another one occurs. I ...

Dealing with cumulative grief can be quite challenging; before you have time to process one loss, another one occurs.

I began to notice that I'm starting to have recurring thoughts (a space I'm intentional about not staying for too long), and I began to coach myself. I believe in beginning with the end in mind, so my mind took me to my ultimate goal, one of the 5 stages of grief: .

Acceptance is when we make with our and that there is nothing we can do to change the circumstance.

I'm reminded that I can only control ME. So, I pose these questions to myself:

What thoughts are you constantly having?

What are you feeling when you have these thoughts?

It's the unknown that makes it challenging to move on.
What do you need to know in order to the circumstance?

If you find out, how can you use this information to help others?

There's a possibility that you may never know what you believe that you need to know in order to allow . What kind of support do you need in the process? Who can support you and help you move forward?

What are some things you can do or tools you can use to give you peace of mind?

When will you use them?

How will you know they are working?

Who will hold you accountable?

If you are grieving a loss (of any type), perhaps these questions may be beneficial to you.

As I encourage myself,
I hope you find encouragement in knowing that God gives us NEW MERCIES each new day. Before we can come to ACCEPTANCE, we must be at peace with what we are feeling, with the way things are (in this moment), and come to grips with the realization of our "new normal".

TEXT: 678-371-7751

LIVING with mental challenges is like  .  You want your struggles to be known and to feel validated, but on the inside.....

LIVING with mental challenges is like .  You want your struggles to be known and to feel validated, but on the inside... you feel humiliated. If this is you, it's time to come out of isolation.

All you have to do is show up on July 30th, 2 pm, at Courtyard by Marriott Phoenix West/Avondale. You will realize that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

The panelists for this forum are ready to share how they made the decision to LIVE through their mental challenges. You can be inspired to do so, too!


Will we see you there?

REGISTRATION: Catch22 Mental Health Awareness Forum- PHOENIX

KEEP GOING..."I knew I didn't want to give up, but at the time, I didn't know how to give in." ~EYC.20220620It's been th...


"I knew I didn't want to give up, but at the time, I didn't know how to give in."

It's been three years (June 2019) since I took the leap to become a certified life coach, and two years (June 2020) since I successfully completed the CaPP Institute Certified Personal and Executive Coach training. To look back where I started and see how much I've grown personally, in such a short time, is awe-inspiring.

When I made the knee-jerk decision to start the training, I was in transition from a recent military medical retirement and working a federal job that was no longer fulfilling. The stress of it all (job demands, financial adjustments, health issues, family worries) made for a very frustrating period in my life.

I knew I didn't want to give up, but at the time, I didn't know how to give in.

I didn't know how to give in to:

· Being okay with living with physical and mental limitations
· Fears of success (I see failure as growth)
· Imposter Syndrome
· Releasing the need for prove myself
· Putting others before me
· MYSELF and what I NEEDED

I was nervous for what was ahead, but I was determined to KEEP GOING!

Initially, my goal was to complete the 3-day Coach Training Intensive (CTI) to get a feel of what life coaching training will be like. I was anxious and scared because I knew I was walking into a space of vulnerability...but, so we're all the other hundreds of participants. The first day was exhilarating (to say the least)! I learned so much about myself. The entire weekend experience and the meaningful connections I made, inspired and empowered me to KEEP GOING!

I'm so glad I did! That decision alone was the catalyst for the change I didn't even know I needed.

Obstacles will come, doubt will creep in, and you may even feel like it's just way too much to bear, but know that they are all just fleeting moments--- they don't last...


Life has a way of testing your strength and resilience. When I got the call that you were gone, I was in disbelief.


I had to get there to see for myself. I marvel at God and how He helps us through our toughest battles. This one has really been rough. It's still so surreal.

You would have definitely kicked off ♊ GEMINI SEASON with some type of event.

Remembering Jasper "Juio" Johnson on his born date. 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

Love you BIG BABY!!

OUR CHILDREN ARE HURTING. THEY... NEED... US. We would love for you to join   on this influential and empowering   initi...


We would love for you to join on this influential and empowering initiative, Saturday, April 2, 2022, 9 am - 1 pm. Click the link in the comments below to register to attend. Sign-in begins at 8 am.

If you would like to VOLUNTEER or CONTRIBUTE to the cause, please contact:
BETTY NEWELL, Founder/Host

💚 (It Takes A Village)

Click the link to register to attend:

THERE IS A NEED for INCREASED ENHANCEMENT of MENTAL and EMOTIONAL HEALTH and it takes ALL of us to effect a change. As I...

THERE IS A NEED for INCREASED ENHANCEMENT of MENTAL and EMOTIONAL HEALTH and it takes ALL of us to effect a change.

As I prepare for the upcoming event on Sunday, 02.20.2022 at 2:00pm in Morrow, GA, I get two separate disturbing calls that two more young adults made the choice to DIE BY SU***DE.

We need more C.A.R.E. in our community! [n2resiliency]

💚show more COMPASSION
💚be more AUTHENTIC
💚establish RAPPORT more
💚have more EMPATHY

Let's remove the "assumption" that someone is doing alright just because they [look okay] or didn't seem sad.

Most times, it's hard for someone to fully open up to just anyone, or someone who they feel does not time to truly be present with them and fully .

The best way to learn how to support them is to LISTEN to them and pay attention to what they are NOT SAYING (nonverbal cues).

This is only the first of many events that I will be hosting. I'm destined to change the narrative for increased mental and emotional health.

Send me an email with your contact information.
[email protected]

Next event: 11/2022

💚MEET THE PANEL💚For such a time as this, I (Etesta) am on a personal mission to improve the mental and emotional state o...

For such a time as this, I (Etesta) am on a personal mission to improve the mental and emotional state of the community at a time.

Many times, family, friends, and colleagues are not sure [how] to actually be there or communicate with someone who's living with mental illness.

I'm grateful for my awesome moderator and this courageous panel for their willingness to share their personal journeys on how difficult it is to disclose their struggles, but still feel shame, judged, and exposed.

Although recovery is a continuous process, WE refuse to let it stop us from moving forward. You can, too!

Join us on 02.20.2022 at 2pm at ECM Event Hall in Morrow, GA (Metro Atlanta) to gain knowledge, tips, and tools for how to provide support to your loved one.

Not able to attend in person...
You may also sign up for the REPLAY.
Text 404-301-8886 for the registration link.

National Su***de Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.A lot of people are crying for help, but many cries are going unh...

National Su***de Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

A lot of people are crying for help, but many cries are going unheard because we truly do not SEE them, until it's too late.

SOCIAL AWARENESS is one of the 4 pillars of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. It is having the ability to pick up on the emotions of others. The best way to do that is to STOP TALKING.

Pay attention to the person's body language, their mood, their tone of voice. It's easy to miss subtle signs when you're only focused on what you want to get out of an interaction.

The average person does not make the decision to leave overnight. It's something that they've thought long and hard about.

It's easy to mistake happiness as a sign of feeling better, but it's actually a sign that you should pay extra attention to following a long bout of despair and hopelessness.

If you feel stuck or like you can't go on, please reach out to the National Su***de Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

If you need a non-judgmental sounding board, text HEAR ME to 404-301-8886.


Pay extra attention to your [STRONG] friends. They show up happy for you because that's the expectation that has been (i...

Pay extra attention to your [STRONG] friends. They show up happy for you because that's the expectation that has been (indirectly) placed upon them by you. They forego how they're feeling in the moment to uplift you.

Life comes with highs AND lows. If someone is ALWAYS presenting a high, explore how they deal with the lows.



Emotional is connected to the physical.With so much going on in and around the world, we must do our best to PHYSICALLY ...

Emotional is connected to the physical.

With so much going on in and around the world, we must do our best to PHYSICALLY be PRESENT with each other more, particularly, our young adults.

Despite what you see on their social media pages, they are NOT OKAY.

Take time to have more personal interactions with less distractions (tech devices). See what you can't hear.

Waiting to 👂 from you: 404.301.8886


Developing EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE gives you the ability to persist and be RESILIENT in the face of adversity. Build RESI...

Developing EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE gives you the ability to persist and be RESILIENT in the face of adversity.
Build RESILIENCE through the power of SELF DISCOVERY.

The true test of GROWTH comes through experience. In 2018, I was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted from dealing with compounded life circumstances. Therapy was helping, but I felt like I needed more....FROM ME. So, I began a journey of self discovery. I learned a lot about who I am, what triggered me, why I reacted (or responded) the way I did to certain things, and I am still learning more everyday.

Well...the past few weeks have really been testing my "gangsta". 😊 I've been forced to use some of the skills and tools I learned while becoming a certified Personal and Executive Coach and had to coach myself through some very trying events.

I am so proud of myself! Becoming more SELF-AWARE, understanding the power of positive psychology, and having developed a high level of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE has made ALL the difference in my mental health and how I handle uncertainty and adversity. In spite of all that is going on, I'm grateful to press my way through. You can, too!

Of course, I have so much more to share, and I (kinda) enjoy talking about this type of stuff. I encourage you to take your own journey of SELF DISCOVERY with New Normal Resiliency Coaching.

💢DM me for more information.💢
[email protected]




Something VERY EXCITING is coming soon!!! I just love collaborating with like-valued Sistas (Senetra Frazier and Veronic...

Something VERY EXCITING is coming soon!!!

I just love collaborating with like-valued Sistas (Senetra Frazier and Veronica Calmese-Perry).

It's rare to find someone ready to hit the road and meet you in another state within a few hours. That exemplifies loyalty, flexibility, dedication, and passion for the purpose:

Camp CausE 2021, Huntsville, AL.
"To Infinity and Beyond!" 🚀🚀🚀
June 22-25, 2021
Ages: 8-18

Registration link and more details coming soon!

Thank you for entrusting Creativ CausE with such a delicate moment.  We capture the beautiful moments of quiet rememberi...

Thank you for entrusting Creativ CausE with such a delicate moment. We capture the beautiful moments of quiet remembering. A lasting impression to hold.

Inbox for the link to prices and services.

Photo collection by Creativ CausE

It's cold outside, but nothing compares to the warmth a heartfelt photo can give someone on the inside.  I can't wait to...

It's cold outside, but nothing compares to the warmth a heartfelt photo can give someone on the inside. I can't wait to create that moment for you. Be careful getting here today.

The Clubhouse (at The Lyric Hotel)
Clubhouse A

GOT QUESTIONS: Call or text 678-435-9599; or send me a direct message.

BUNDLE UP!! See you soon!!!


Take a look at the beautiful smiles captured during the Unwrap The Gift: There's Beauty In Me Portrait Event. Everyone really enjoyed having a reason to smile and we were delighted to be the reason. Be sure to like and share!

WHEWWWWW!!!! WHAT....A...YEAR💥I was refined in so many ways. How about you???Are you eager to experience some NEXT LEVEL...


I was refined in so many ways. How about you???

Are you eager to experience some NEXT LEVEL ish?

Come on over to the VISUALIZATION WORKSHOP and position yourself for the transition.

Visualize. Conceptualize. Formalize. Organize. REALIZE your higher self!!!

This is a 2-day workshop.

DAY 1 (90 min) - PREPARATION: Reflection/Introspection/Direction

DAY 2 (90 min) - VISUALIZATION: Vision Board Creation

Are you coming????
***Multiple dates available***

TEXT "Interested" with your EMAIL ADDRESS and FULL NAME



Event Planner | Portrait Photography | Custom Backdrops

"CREATIVely doing it all for a CausE"

Etesta Causey
EMAIL: [email protected]
TEXT: 678-435-9599

Event Planner | Veteran | CREATIVely Doing It All For A CausE

Event Planner | Veteran | CREATIVely Doing It All For A CausE

THANK YOU!!! Tricia Edwards for putting these beautiful gift bags together. I appreciate you.

THANK YOU!!! Tricia Edwards for putting these beautiful gift bags together. I appreciate you.

Come out on Sunday, March 1st and get a DELICIOUS meal for dinner! You can even get one for lunch on Monday!! Whether it...

Come out on Sunday, March 1st and get a DELICIOUS meal for dinner! You can even get one for lunch on Monday!! Whether it's turkey wings, steamed cabbaged, or sweet potato soufflé, you can stack it your way...IT'S ALLLLLLL GRAVY, BABY!!!

Come out on Sunday, March 1st and get a DELICIOUS meal for dinner! You can even get one for lunch on Monday!! Whether it's turkey wings, steamed cabbaged, or sweet potato soufflé, you can stack it your way..IT'S ALLLLLLL GRAVY, BABY!!!

Come out on Sunday, March 1st and get a DELICIOUS meal for dinner! You can even get one for lunch on Monday!!  Whether i...

Come out on Sunday, March 1st and get a DELICIOUS meal for dinner! You can even get one for lunch on Monday!! Whether it's turkey wings, steamed cabbaged, or sweet potato soufflé, you can stack it your way..IT'S ALLLLLLL GRAVY, BABY!!!






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