It was a pleasure to present good old Istanbul tunes at the beautiful hall of Musikhuset! Thank you for joining us 🧿
Big thanks to talented Selin Yucesoy, Huseyin Kiyak and Asineth Foteini Kokkala for coming all the way from Istanbul for us. Thanks to dear Jullie Hjetland who joined us on the stage, bringing her beautiful energy 🌞
Special thanks to Danish Culture Institute for supporting us from the day 1, helping to establish bridges between two cultures!
Thank you for your great help! Ceren Kalfa and Malik Camlica
Thanks to Musikhuset Vesterbro for opening the doors of this fantastic hall for us!
Thank you for supporting us bringing new colors to the city! ❤️
We hope to see you soon with more delicious events! 🌻