Happy New Year’s Eve! ✨✨ Love The Shaping Memories Team ❤️
We went, we cheered, we ate, and we danced celebrating the 10th anniversary of the @viweddingawards ❤️ Thank you to the amazing team who put this whole event together and congratulations to all of the amazing vendors that won! We are so honoured to be in the top 4 of Vancouver Island’s Wedding Planners!! It’s pretty amazing when you think about how many there are across the island!! 🥰 #outfitchange#weddingplannersvancouverisland#weddingplannersnanaimo#vancouverislandweddingawards
Shaping Memories Event Planning’s table at Tigh-Na-Mara’s Saviour The Date Event. What a beautiful day!!!
We were at the Nanaimo Golf Club yesterday which made us think about this beautiful wedding day! They have such a beautiful place for a wedding! Venue: @nanaimogolfclub Photography: @julienphotography
Flashback to this beautiful spring shoot with the lovely @meaghanharveyphotography 💕🌸 #cherryblossomdream #dreamingofspringtime
We are dreaming of all the beautiful wedding rings today! Congratulations to all the newly engaged couples! We can’t wait to hear from you! #happyvalentinesday #willyoumarryme #shapingmemoriesevents #vancouverislandweddingplannerShoutout to all the amazing photographers!!!@arynfranklinphotography @atimminsphoto @cmphoto.ca @carlaelainephotography @darshanalexanderphotography @ellarogersphotography @erinwallisphotography @evergreyphotography @janayhwrightphotography @jesskyle.photography @julienphotography @paigecordeirophotography @sabrinapatrice @sarahbowmanportraits @seijaphotography @toddmacsweenphotography @vervephotoco
SURPRISE!🎄❤️ Our INCREDIBLE elves have been extra hard at work getting @fordandlincoln Christmas ready! And we think it looks amazing!! Please come take a walk through their building to see this Winter Wonderland! There may even be a special gift for some lucky kids! #Christmasdecorators#nanaimochristmas #nanaimochristmasdecorators#nanaimochristmaselves A large shoutout to Kathleen Oliver Stroman for the stunning window masterpiece!And to @paigecordeirophotography for the incredible media and photos of our hard work! Check out our Instagram to see more reels of our Christmas decoration! https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClVK3mmJJjq/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Beautiful blast from the past!! 💕💕 #shapingmemoriesevents
Shaping Memories Event Planning can set up your Christmas decorations too! Business or home!! #shapingmemoriesevents #christmasdecorationsetup #christmas2022
Shaping Memories Event Planning has the best clients!! This was such a beautiful and inspiring wedding day! ❤️❤️❤️❤️#shapingmemoriesevents#victoriaweddingplanners#vancouverislandweddingplanners#westcoastweddings
Dear Shaping Memories Family, Thank you so much for allowing us to celebrate with you on your wedding. It was our please to work with you and help create this wonderful day in your lives and we are so grateful! Thank you to each one of you for giving us such an amazing year! Love always, Braeja & Trina
Congratulations to our Shaping Memories Easter Giveaway WINNER!! 🌸🌸
Watch our video to see if your name is pulled 🥰
Send us a private message to collect your prize!!