It’s been a difficult choice to make but we have decided to postpone our wedding until the fall. We want everyone we love and care for to be happy and healthy and when the day comes we want it to be joyful and worry free. There has been a lot of things changing for ourselves and those around us and we hope that we can see you all soon.
Keep in contact with us and stay safe.
💛Day & Ethan
“The Wedding of Dayanara Moore and Ethan Lohr will be postponed until 10-11-2020
With the complication of the virus we have decided that a wedding in June is not the best or safest option. We have postponed the wedding until October. We are sorry for the inconvenience that this may cause anyone. Please let us know if you have any questions. We will be making more announcements soon!
Stay Safe, Wash Hands, and Practice Distancing!
Dayanara and Ethan”