This time last year, I was at the Chelsea Flower show. What an amazing experience. I'm feeling glad that I got to go last year but disappointed not to be able to see all those amazing blooms this year. I will definitely have to plan a return!!
#chelseaflowershow #flowersfeedthesoul #beautifulbusiness #amazingflowers #supportlocalbusiness
Just a selection of my new restock for @stnicksmarket come and see me this Saturday!! Hopefully the sun will come back out!
#bristolindependents #driedflowerwreath ##bristolmarket #smallbuisnessowner #bristolflorists #bristol #beautifulbusiness #driedblooms
I've had a busy morning making new stock for @guildofdough just on Ashley Down Rd. It's exciting to have lots of new dried flowers to be working with. I do make commissions as well. Just drop me a message.
#flowersfeedthesoul #flowerart @bristol #floristsofbristol #smallbusinessuk #beautifulbusiness #beautifulwreath #driedblooms #grownlocalsoldlocal
Just thought I'd put together this reel to show you what's currently in stock for Mother's Day, in the dried flower department. Do give me a shout if you'd like any, and we can sort it out.
#mothersdaygifts #bristolindependents #bristolmaker #craftinginbristol #beautifulbusiness #bristol #flowersofbristol #mothersdayideas
I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has come to one of my workshops or popped along to a market. I have met so many lovely people this year. It has really made me feel incredibly grateful to do my job.
Thank you for supporting my little business.
#bristolflorists #beautifulbusiness #christmaslocal #shopbristolindependents #smallbusinessuk #gratefulformyjob #locallove #Christmasgifts
We had such a great time last Tuesday with lovely people making beautiful wreaths. If you fancy it we've still got spaces left for this Tuesday @theshakespearebristol
#christmaslocal #christmaswreathworkshop #wreathmakinginbristol #shopindependent #supportsmallbusiness #beautifulbusiness
I'm just remembering the fun we had last year at one of our Christmas wreath workshops. I still have tickets left for the 2nd of December and the 5th. Please get in touch for more information, or you can check out my website.
#christmaslocal #localwreaths #locallysourcedfoliage #supportlocalbusiness #shoppingbristol #creativebristol #bristol #bristolflorists #feelingchristmassy
These have been so popular that I've decided to play around with different sizes! Look how mini the little one is!
They're not on my website at the moment, so do get in touch if you'd like to grab some for Christmas presents or come and see me.
I'll be at the @ardagh_foodandcraft_market on Saturday and @bristolfolkhouse on Sunday. Or I can post them.
#shopbristolindependents #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallthischristmas #bristol #bristolflorist #christmaspresents #homegrown
I love them so much. I thought I'd do a little video so you can see some of my favourites.
#minijars #belljar #driedblooms #minidriedflower #driedflowers #bristolflorists #bristolmaker #flowersfeedthesoul #beautifulbusiness #giftsforfriends
This was one of my favourite bouquets, and I'm so glad it went to such a lovely person.
As a relatively new flower grower, I'm still surprised by what's in flower at different points. The stars seem to align for this bouquet, and I just love the colours!
#bristolindependentbusiness #bristolflorist #flowercloseup #instaflorist #homegrown #allthecolors #allnature #igrewthis #dahlias #beautifulbusiness #flowerarrangements #bristolflowers #bristolflorists #freshbouquet #britishflowers
It's coming up to that time again, and I'm excited to announce my wreath workshops for this year. Come along and have some festive fun making something beautiful to adorn your door.
Absolutely no experience is necessary, and everything you need is provided. As well as the traditional foliage and decorations, I also have a lovely selection of seed heads and dried flowers.
The locations are dates are
28th November, 19:00 Shakespeare Pub in Redland.
2nd December, 11:00 Sparks, Broadmead Town centre.
2nd December, 19.00 Shakespeare pub in Redland.
Spaces are limited, and tickets can be purchased on my website,
#christmaswreathworkshops #bristolworkshops #christmaslocal #christmasdecorations #bristol #workshopsinbristol #bristolflorists #makesomethingbeautiful #Christmasfuninbristol #festivefun #bristolmarkets #festivefun #christmasmaking #diywreath #supportlocalbusiness #beautifulbusiness #shopbristolindependents #createbristol #Christmascraft #christmaswreaths
I have some amazing blooms in my cutting garden at the moment! Even my husband, who doesn't really pay attention, is besotted by my dahlias!
I've had a weird day of making up weekend bouquets and starting with my dried flower Christmas bauble baubles!
Do get in touch if you'd like a bouquet.
#localflowers #grownlocalsoldlocal #bristolmaker #bristolflorists #bristolindependents #supportsmallbusiness #shopbristolindependents #flowersfeedthesoul #summerflowers #summervibes #appreciatingnature #igrewthis #flowersforbristol #zinnas #localflorist #bristolbouquets #bishopstonmatters #localflorist #iloveflowers
A fresh summer bouquet for an early Fathers Day gift, why should dad's get flowers too. Give me a shout if you'd like one this weekend. I have a few left.
Hope you're all managing the heat!
#flowersforfathers #bristolindependents #flowersfeedthesoul #beautifulbusiness #flowerarrangements #flowersofbristol #grownlocalsoldlocal #locallysourcedflowers #bristolflorist #bristolparents
This is currently what I've got flowering in my back garden. Each month, I've enjoyed seeing what's coming into bloom and also where I need to plant more! What am I saying, I always need to plant more!!
#growingyourown #summerflowers #grownlocalsoldlocal #localflorist #locallysourcedflowers #bristolflorists #bristolflowers #supportlocalbusiness
Here is another commission from a lovely bride who dried her own wedding flowers. It's so big and beautiful and I'm honoured to work with such special flowers.
There were even enough left over to make some gift wreaths for family.
#driedbridalbouquet #everlastingflowerarrangement #bristolflorist #floralcommission #flowerwreath #driedflowerwreath #Bristol #flowersofbristol #bristolbrides #supportlocalbusiness #beautifulbusiness #weddingkeepsake #beautifulwreath #bristolindependents #supportsmallbusiness #floristbristol
We just went for a lovely walk that started in sunshine and ended in a down pour. Me and my daughter and I are really interested in close-up photography.
It is only done with my phone, but it makes you look at the world differently. Plus, it makes everyone less sulky about the walk!!
So here's some spring close-ups!
#springphoto #flowercloseup #purdown
#bristolcreatives #flowersspring #springvale #bristolsmallbusiness #bristolsmallbusinessnetwork #bristollife #bristol
Me and my husband had the best evening ever at @ahhtoots last night. So much so that I didn't take enough photos because I was too busy having fun.
I won a competition that they ran, for an evening decorating our own cakes. Honestly, we had such a great time, Tam and Amy were lovely, and there were so many colours and decorations to choose from. We got to see behind the scenes and picked up some tips. They work so hard, as a small business myself I was completely in awe.
We had the best time and got to leave with 2 delicious cakes, which we've shared with neighbours, colleagues, and friends. Everybody loved them.
Go and check them out it's a very special place on the Christmas steps, Bristol.
#bestbakery #christmasstepsartsquarter #bristolindependents #bristolbusiness #bestcakeintown #beautifulbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #ukcakes #Bristol #bristollife #bestsmallbusiness #cakebristol #bakeryheaven #bristolshopping #luckywinner #bristolparents #bristolindies #lovebristol
This was a very special commission. The flowers were from the bridal bouquet, which I first made a few years ago.
The bride had dried all the flowers herself, and now I've been able to put them together in a new everlasting arrangement.
It makes me a little bit emotional!
#floralcommission #bridalbouquet #everlastingflowerarrangement #bristolflorist #savethebouquet #bristolmaker #independentflorist #smallbuisnessowner #mumentrepreneur #southwestbrides #southwestwedding #studioflorist
I had such a good time on Saturday at market. Not only did I run a workshop, but I also had a stall selling dry and fresh flowers.
My next market dates are the @bristolfolkhouse on the 2nd April and the 22nd April would be lovely to see you.
#bristolmarkets #britishflowers #bristolindependents #bristolindies #flowersofbristol #supportlocalbusinesses #springiscoming #bristolmaker #flowersmakemehappy #shoppinginbristol