
Glassman BIO ITA

Davide Milan aka Glassman , inizia la sua carriera a fine anni '80. Il 10 agosto Beyond The Star viene inserito nella compil.

Inizia a metter i primi dischi in pub e palestre per
i party di capodanno , pool party ed a feste varie. Nel 89/90 scopre la techno e tutto cambia... in seguito si appassiona
alla musica elettronica in generale e sperimenta vari generi. La ricerca musicale , diventa il suo credo e negli anni , cerca di
portare un sound "innovativo" , ovunque ce ne sia l'occasione. A fine anni 90 , per problemi per

sonali, deve rallentare la sua
carriera , ma non la sua passione per il djing e anche se in modo
diverso, continua a lavorare dove gli capita. Tra le sue performance migliori , meritano di esser citate :
I party in piazza per il capo d'anno ,ad Alagna (VC) anni 2000
e gli after come resident nel gruppo Mixomatosi Project in giro per
la Lomellina ed il Novarese , impossibile non citare i vari Rave...
il piu grande , in collaborazione con il Babylon on Space
Crew Psytrance di Torino , dov´e´l´unico a esibirsi con vinili e non
con la Psytrance, ma Techno ed Elettro velocizzata ...con quasi 1000 persone! Nel settembre del 2016 , con l´ amico Morfeus , organizza un party
benefico per i terremotati di Arquata, Unity for Heartquake, dove
si esibisce con Piero Z, Stefanino, Nevio M, Mister Fudo e
molti altri... 2 mesi dopo entra a far parte del roadster dei dj ,
in una web radio (RMIN) grazie all'amico Morfeus, inizia a fare il suo podcast
settimanale , con il programma Divine Stage , dove propone Musica Trance...
Nel 2017 , sulla stessa radio ,crea il programma Time Machine ,
dove propone musica Techno/Trance 90/00 e ogni settimana ospita
un guest diverso , tra i quali : Paolo Zerla, Luca Antolini, Dj Panda , Joy Kiticonti
e molti altri... in contemporanea , gli viene proposto di creare
un nuovo programma Trance su DI-Radio e cosi nasce Astro Music Show,
che poi nello stesso anno ,si trasferisce su TIMB-Radio. Nel 2018 , quest'ultimo show si sposta su DHLC-Radio, poi sospeso per chiusura
radio ... su Rmin crea inoltre un nuovo programma dal nome
Deep Dark Room , dove propone Techno , Tech House ed altri generi
un po´ diversi dal suo solito. A fine 2018 , per divergenze con Rmin, si trasferisce sulla neonata
Clubradio-One , dove insieme all'amico Toregualto, crea' il nuovo
programma I Am Trance , dove ospita dj internazionali... fra cui
Ferry Corsten , Alessandra Roncone , Andrea Ribeca e Manuel Le Saux.....
Divine Stage nel 2019 si trasferisce sulla neonata Illogical Radio,
nuova web radio Trance oriented e tutt´ ora in onda ogni 15 gg. Dopo la decisione del fondatore , di abbandonare la direzione della radio,
decide , insieme a Toregualto, Vicio Ciotta e Beppe Gallo di rilevarla e
portarla avanti. Nel 2019 , I Am Trance cresce e si evolve sempre di piu , con la
ricerca continua di dj di fama internazionale , ma ora dando spazio anche
a dj promettenti da tutto il mondo. Il 19 Giugno , si esibisce al Luna Rossa (AL), ad una serata
in memoria del Dj Roby J, vera leggenda Italiana , scomparso
prematuramente alcuni anni prima ...
con alcuni tra i Dj italiani , tra i piu´ blasonati nei club :
Francesco Farfa, Francesco Zappala´, Alessandro Tognetti e Sandro Vibot! Grazie all´esperienza e agli insegnamenti dell´ amico Toregualto,
Glassman si decide a diventare anche producer , e il 02 Ottobre 2019 esce
Toregualto & Glassman - I Am Trance (Original Mix) [Cosmic Audio Label]
che diventa subito sigla del loro programma. Con la pandemia scoppiata nel 2020 , si concentra di piu´ su radio e produzioni :
Il 06 marzo 2020 escono in contemporanea
Toregualto & Glassman - Dimension Of Dream (Extended Mix) [Defcon Recordings]
che viene supportata da Aly & Fila in FSOE e
Toregualto & Glassman - Beyond The Stars (Extended Mix) [Redux 138]
che viene supportata da Roger Shah. Il 18 maggio 2020 esce il suo primo brano da solo
Glassman - Inner Strength (Original Mix) [D-Max Recordings]
Il 6 giugno Glassman - Pyroplastic (Original Mix) [Cosmic Audio Label ]
l´ 11 giugno Glassman - Solar System (Original Mix) [Aurora Melodies]
con il fantastico remix dei Binary Ensamble. Redux Frankfurt Selection 2020 mixta da Terra V. Il 2 Novembre esce Glassman - Romantic Confusion (Extended Mix) [Redux Magic]
Il 30 Novembre Beyond The Stars viene inserita nella compilat. di fine anno
Il 18 Dicembre 2020 si conclude l´ anno con la sua partecipazione,
nell´ album di Toregualto TRASCENDENT, con il brano
Toregualto & Glassman - New Alleance (Original Mix) [Cosmic Audio Label]. Il 5 Marzo 2021 si inizia con l´ uscita di
Glassman - Electronic Sighs (Original Mix) [High Trance Energy]
Il 27 Agosto esce la compilation I Am Trance dove vengono inserite 2 track
la prima che porta lo stesso nome e Pyroplastic su Cosmic Audio Label. Il 10 settembre 2021 esce una collaborazione a 3 mani , con Toregualto e il grande
Ciro Visone , dal titolo Triade (Original Mix) [Discover Records (UK)]
Il 22 Novembre si conclude l´anno con un E.P. con 4 track,
Glassman - The Riddle Of Sphinx [D. Max Recordings]
Il 28 Gen. 2022 esce Toregualto & Glassman - Captive Souls (Original Mix) [State Soundscape]
Il 29 invece Glassman - Memories Of Love [Gert Records]
Il 11 Aprile Glassman - Amazing [Gert Records]
Il 20 Maggio Toregualto & Glassman - Captive Souls (Original Mix) [State Soundscape]
Il 29 Novembre Glassman - Stop The Line [Gert Records]
Diverse di queste produzioni vengono inserite in varie compilation. Oltre ai suoi show abituali , viene spesso invitato come guest , in molti
festival radiofonici , anche ad eventi internazionali!! Per ascoltare i suoi set , potete farlo sui sui canali : oppure seguirlo in radio ,
ogni settimana.... stay tunes! BIO ENG

Davide Milan aka Glassman, began his career in the late 1980s. He starts putting his first records in pubs and gyms for
New Year's parties, pool parties and various parties. In 89/90 he discovers techno and everything changes ... later he gets passionate
to electronic music in general and experiments with various genres. Musical research becomes his creed and over the years, he tries to
bring an "innovative" sound wherever there is the opportunity. At the end of the 90s, for personal problems, he had to slow down his own
career, but not his passion for djiing and even if so
different, he continues to work where he happens to be. Among his best performances, the following deserve to be mentioned:
The parties in the square for the New Year's Eve, in Alagna (VC) in the 2000s
and the after as a resident in the Myxomatosi Project group around
Lomellina and Novarese, impossible not to mention the various Rave ...
the largest, in collaboration with Babylon on Space
Crew Psytrance of Turin, where he´s the only one to perform with vinyl and not
with Psytrance, but Techno and Electro speeded up ... with almost 1000 people! In September 2016, with his friend Morfeus, he organizes a party
beneficial for the Arquata earthquake victims, Unity for Heartquake, where
performs with Piero Z, Stefanino, Nevio M, Mister Fudo and
many more ... 2 months later he joined the roadster of DJs,
in a web radio (RMIN) thanks to his friend Morfeus, he starts making his podcast
weekly, with the Divine Stage program, where it offers Trance Music ...
In 2017, on the same radio, he creates the Time Machine program,
where it offers 90/00 Techno / Trance music and hosts every week
a different guest, including: Paolo Zerla, Luca Antolini, Dj Panda, Joy Kiticonti
and many others ... at the same time, he is asked to create
a new Trance program on DI-Radio and thus Astro Music Show was born,
which then in the same year moved to TIMB-Radio. In 2018, the latter show moves to DHLC-Radio, then suspended for closure
radio ... on Rmin also creates a new program by the name
Deep Dark Room, where it offers Techno, Tech House and other genres
a little different from his usual. At the end of 2018, due to differences with Rmin, he moved to the newborn
Clubradio-One, where together with his friend Toregualto, he created the new
I Am Trance program, where it hosts international DJs ... including
Ferry Corsten, Alessandra Roncone, Andrea Ribeca and Manuel Le Saux .....
Divine Stage in 2019 moves to the newborn Illogical Radio,
new Trance oriented web radio is still on air every 15 days. After the founder's decision to leave the direction of the radio,
decides, together with Toregualto, Vicio Ciotta and Beppe Gallo to take over it and
carry it on. In 2019, I Am Trance grows and evolves more and more, with the
continuous search for internationally renowned DJs, but now also giving space
to promising DJs from all over the world. On June 19, he performs at the Luna Rossa (AL), for an evening
in memory of Dj Roby J, a true Italian legend, who passed away
prematurely a few years earlier ...
with some of the Italian DJs, among the most famous in clubs:
Francesco Farfa, Francesco Zappala´, Alessandro Tognetti and Sandro Vibot! Thanks to the experience and teachings of his friend Toregualto,
Glassman decides to become also a producer, and on 02 October 2019 he comes out
Toregualto & Glassman - I Am Trance (Original Mix) [Cosmic Audio Label]
which immediately becomes the theme song for their program. With the pandemic erupted in 2020, he focuses more on radio and productions:
On 06 March 2020 they come out at the same time
Toregualto & Glassman - Dimension Of Dream (Extended Mix) [Defcon Recordings]
which is supported by Aly & Fila in FSOE and
Toregualto & Glassman - Beyond The Stars (Extended Mix) [Redux 138]
which is supported by Roger Shah. On May 18, 2020 his first solo song is released
Glassman - Inner Strength (Original Mix) [D-Max Recordings]
June 6 Glassman - Pyroplastic (Original Mix) [Cosmic Audio Label]
June 11 Glassman - Solar System (Original Mix) [Aurora Melodies]
with the fantastic remix by Binary Ensemble. On August 10 Beyond The Star is included in the compilation. Redux Frankfurt Selection 2020 mixed by Terra V. On November 2nd Glassman - Romantic Confusion (Extended Mix) [Redux Magic] is released
On November 30 Beyond The Stars is included in the compilat. at the end of the year
The 18 December 2020 ends the year with his participation,
in the album by Toregualto TRASCENDENT, with the song
Toregualto & Glassman - New Alleance (Original Mix) [Cosmic Audio Label]. On March 5th 2021 we start with the release of
Glassman - Electronic Sighs (Original Mix) [High Trance Energy] than the
June 28, 2021 is included in the Simply Trance Vol. 07 compilation and the
July 26 in the Azura Trance Selection compilation vol. 02. On August 27th the I Am Trance compilation is released where 2 tracks are inserted
the first of the same name and Pyroplastic on Cosmic Audio Label. On September 10, 2021, a 3-handed collaboration comes out, with Toregualto and the great
Ciro Visone, entitled Triade (Original Mix) [Discover Records (UK)]
November 22 ends the year with an E.P. with 4 tracks,
Glassman - The Riddle Of Sphinx [D. Max Recordings]
On January 28, 2022 Toregualto & Glassman - Captive Souls (Original Mix) [State Soundscape] is released
On the 29th Glassman - Memories Of Love [Gert Records] which is inserted on March 2nd
in the compilation Magic Of Trance Vol. 20 and April 10 in Magic Of Trance Vol. 21 [Gert Records]
April 11 Glassman - Amazing [Gert Records]
On May 20th Toregualto & Glassman - Captive Souls (Original Mix) [State Soundscape]
is featured in Underground Trance Selection Vol. 07 [LW Recordings]
On 9 August Memories Of Love [Gert Records] is included in 10 Years [Gert Records]

In addition to his regular shows, he is often invited as a guest, in many
radio festivals, even at international events !! To listen to his sets, you can do it on the channels: or follow him on the radio,
every week .... stay tunes!


Do not lose !! I AM Trance - New Alliance , Nov 22!
🔥🔥 there will be Peter Santos!!
Club Radio One


Do not lose !! I AM Trance - Tribute, November 15th!
🔥🔥 there will be our Tribute to Indecent Noise!!
Club Radio One


Provided to YouTube by Label Worx LimitedNext Level (Extended Mix) · Triade ProjectNext Level℗ ReduxReleased on: 2023-11-10Producer: TriadeComposer: Ciro Vis...

Thanks for the Amazing support!🙏❤️

Thanks for the Amazing support!🙏❤️

1. Mazeev - Kookaburra (Original Mix) 2. Joe Fares - More (Harmonic Waves Remix) [Track Of The Week] 3. DSM - The Now (Original Mix) 4. Glassman - Stop The Line (Original Mix) 5. Solar Sound - Unforgo


Do not lose !! I AM Trance - New Alliance , Nov 01!
🔥🔥 there will be Matt Rodgers!!
Club Radio One


Do not lose !! I AM Trance - New Alliance , Oct 25!
🔥🔥 there will be DAVE ZEE!!
Club Radio One


Do not lose !! I AM Trance - New Alliance , Oct 18!
🔥🔥 there will be PAIPY!!
Club Radio One


Do not lose !! I AM Trance - New Alliance , Oct 11!
🔥🔥 there will be DARAIS!!
Club Radio One


Listen to Euphoric Garden 323 by W!SS on | Trance, Progressive, Progressive Trance, Uplifting, Upliftin

Good evening to all friends!! Here is my new guestmix from September, in the program Atmospheres  #127, by the legendary...

Good evening to all friends!! Here is my new guestmix from September, in the program Atmospheres #127, by the legendary Claudio Soulful!
This time too, I used all songs from Progressive Vibes Music... I love this label!!!
Happy listening and enjoy it!
Buonasera a tutti amici!! Eccovi il mio nuovo guestmix di Settembre , nel programma Atmospheres #127 , del mitico Claudio Soulful!
Anche questa volta , ho utilizzato tutti brani della Progressive Vibes Music ... adoro questa label!!!
Buon ascolto e godetevelo!
Track ID :
01 - Lou Berc - Beloved (Original Mix) [ Progressive Vibes Music Light]
02 - Andrew Sinnik - Europe (Original Mix) [Progressive Vibes Music]
03 - Armonia - Breath (Extended Mix) [Progressive Music Vibes]
04 - Avwell - Insomnia (Original Mix) [Progressive Vibes Light]
05 - Del Carmen - Controllers (Original Mix) [Progressive Vibes Light]
06 - Eagle Vision - I See You (Feat. Em Kay) (Original Mix) [Progressive Vibes Light]
07 - House Of Tuneman - Winter Rain (Original Mix) [Progressive Vibes Light]
08 - Jontra Volta - Selva (Original Mix) [Progressive Vibes Light]
09 - Lars Gullits Music - I Will Find You (Original Mix) [Progressive Vibes Light]
10 - Lawley - Exposure (Original Mix) [Progressive Vibes Light]
11 - Manuel Reimers - Open Your Mind (Original Mix) [Progressive Vibes Music]
12 - Matt Manser - Vision (Original Mix) [Progressive Vibes Light]
13 - Murtaza Rizvi - Nightshade (Original Mix) [Progressive Vibes Light]
Thanks to all for the amazing support, listening and share!!!

Good evening to all friends!! Here is my new guestmix from September, in the program Atmospheres #127, by the legendary Claudio Soulful! This time too, I used all songs from Progressive Vibes Music... I love this label!!! Happy listening and enjoy it! Buonasera a tutti amici!! Eccovi il mio nuovo gu...


Do not lose !! I AM Trance - New Alliance , Oct 04!
🔥🔥 there will be Victor Special!!
Club Radio One

Good evening friends!! A few days ago, it would have been my friend Debora's birthday and it seems right to me to pay ho...

Good evening friends!! A few days ago, it would have been my friend Debora's birthday and it seems right to me to pay homage to her with this set that I played last year at the Dark Side Club, at her birthday party!!!
think about the enormous void you have left!!!
I know you're now in the Main Room of Paradise dancing like crazy, but we miss you so much!!!
Buonasera amici!! Qualche giorno fa, sarebbe stato il compleanno della mia amica Debora Fabiani e mi sembra doveroso omaggiarla con questo set che suonai , l´anno scorso , al Dark Side Club, al party per il suo compleanno!!!l
Non passa un solo giorno che non pensi , all´enorme vuoto che hai lasciato!!!
Lo so che ora sei nella Main Room del Paradiso che balli come una pazza, ma a noi manchi un casino!!!
Track ID :
01 - Mauro Picotto - Winter Games (Original Mix) [Alchemy]
02 - Panic Machine - Rock On (Main Mix) [Acalwan]
03 - Queen Elisabeth - First Lesson (Original Mix) [Future Sound Corporation]
04 - NIELS VAN GOGH - Electronic Confusion (Original Mix) [Kosmo Records]
05 - Norcuron - XTC (Snorky Hard Mix) [Suntec]
06 - Frank Vanoli Project - This Way (Original Mix) [Anthem]
07 - BONY - The Hurricane (DJ Bony Mix) [Dance Pollution]
08 - By-Pass - Shaboo EP= Blue Ice (Part 1) [Sushi Records]
09 - Piero Zannoni & Joe The Game - Fascinating (Original Mix) [Zoom Records]
10 - Twisters Silence - Listen To Me Mama ( djscotproject Remix) [Unsubmissive Records]
11 - Piero Zeta - Tribute (Original Mix) [Ghotic Records]
Thanks to all for the amazing support, listening and share!!!

Good evening friends!! A few days ago, it would have been my friend Debora's birthday and it seems right to me to pay homage to her with this set that I played last year at the Dark Side Club, at her birthday party!!! think about the enormous void you have left!!! I know you're now in the Main Room....


Do not lose !! I AM Trance - New Alliance , Sep 27!
🔥🔥 there will be Tremor!!
Club Radio One


Do not lose !! I AM Trance - For Christmas, December 22th!
🔥🔥 There will be a special Christmas set with the best of Trance productions from the past, don't miss it!!


Saturday 17th Dec, from 5PM GMT+2 live djset from Vision FM 101.3 studios in Khartoum, Sudan


Tune in to, I AM Trance, Tribute - 150 (Ferry Corsten) (Selected & Mixed By Glassman) is on the air, absolutely not to be missed !!
Live now: ➡️
Club Radio One


Tune in to, I AM Trance, Tribute - 150 (Ferry Corsten) (Selected & Mixed By Toregualto) is on the air, absolutely not to be missed !!
Live now: ➡️

Club Radio One


Do not lose !! I AM Trance - New Alleance, December 14th!
🔥🔥 there will be the Tribute To Ferry Corsten , don't miss it !!



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