A boss lady is intelligent, empathetic, confident, hard-working, motivated, and focused, amongst many other things. She might not feel like a boss every day, but she keeps striving and thriving.
A boss lady is a woman who gets life done, whether that be at work, at home, in an office, with their coworkers, family, dog, cat, friends, etc.
Boss ladies are those who enthusiastically embrace new opportunities and lift each other up.
Boss ladies know when to give advice – but they also know when to accept help. We may not always have the answer but other women in our lives will be there to help us through it all.
So here are 6 tips on how to be a boss lady in your life:
1. Self love is everything….
2. Don't let anyone dictate your worth....
3. Try, fail, then keep trying....
4. Follow through with the “out there” ideas….
5. You don't have to be everything to everyone….
6. Surround yourself with other inspirational women.
Let’s go!
her now: