It’s a process- the hardest part is affixing the lace to the base fabric so it doesn’t sag or snag! Lots of stitching involved. It will eventually be a new solo dress for Rosemary for the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade! Fingers crossed!
#irishdance #irishdancedress #irishdancing #stpatricksday #shamrock #kellygreen #solodress
And a wee pause for more coal on the line back home to Hogwarts! Nearly there!!!! #backtohogwarts #hogwartsexpress #hogwartsismyhome #hogwartsschoolofwitchcraftandwizardry #wizardingworldofharrypotter #almostthere #wizardingworld #fortwilliam #hogwartsletter #scotlandhighlands #scotland #steamtrain #jkrowlingswizardingworld