Glowing or should I say ‘throwing up’ into the later stages of second trimester now 😜
However, truly in the mermaid world we do not use the words trimesters or due dates we simply let each mermaid blossom at their own unique gestational period and encourage the eb and flow of the currents of pregnancy like the tides coming in and out of a shore.
How lucky I am to be receiving such wonderful care at your land based hospital, undoubtedly there is a sense of ‘rush’ in the human based systems, and I will definitely be tapping into my ancient mermaid knowledge on birth and pregnancy where and when I deem necessary.
I believe some of the ancient wisdom that occasionally gets lost or undervalued in human time, is the power of the breath, the strength in imagination, and the resilience in a positive mindset. The other great misconception is that these practices cannot be learnt, when in fact these are the very tools that are passed on through generations and only advance with great attention, awareness, and care.
I’m so fortunate to currently be doing a positive birthing course with Felicity from she is one magical human! And I know there would be some Mums on here that would deeply appreciate the recommendation. ❤️
Sending so much love through the transformations of pregnancy, and finding more acceptance in the highs and lows of this wild wave each and every day.
Mermaid Meeks 🌊