Dear Whimsy Witch Community,
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the closure of Whimsy Witch. This decision has not come lightly and is the result of a series of challenges, primarily stemming from severe and ongoing health issues that have incapacitated the owner. These health issues, including seizures, undiagnosed conditions, and loss of sight, have significantly impacted the company’s ability to operate as planned.
We want to start by acknowledging our shortcomings this year. We recognize that mistakes were made, and despite our best efforts to navigate the challenges, we have struggled to maintain the high standards you’ve come to expect from Whimsy Witch. Like many businesses in these uncertain times, we faced financial setbacks and lower-than-expected ticket sales despite extensive marketing efforts. This has left us in a difficult position, including falling behind on refunds.
Due to the severity of the situation, Whimsy Witch has transitioned to a one-person team after having to lay off all staff in an attempt to offset costs. This single team member is working tirelessly to manage the overwhelming volume of emails and messages while also sorting through the owner’s estate and business files to ensure all obligations, including refunds, are addressed. Unfortunately, this has necessitated a temporary halt to processing refunds that had not already been issued. This pause is to ensure proper sorting and allocation of remaining funds, with the goal of returning what is owed to everyone.
In an effort to keep the business afloat, we pursued the sale of Whimsy Witch. However, two offers have fallen through, and we remain open to serious offers for the sale of the company. For now, the closure will proceed, and we will maintain only the Whimsy Witch email address as a point of contact to streamline communication and avoid confusion caused by multiple channels. We ask that you send all refund requests to [email protected] to avoid them getting lost in the main email.
We deeply understand your frustration and assure you that the issue of refunds has not been taken lightly. The newly assigned estate manager is working diligently to address these matters, but the process is complex and will take time. We ask for your continued patience and understanding as we navigate this difficult transition.
Thank you for your support, kindness, and belief in Whimsy Witch throughout the years. While this chapter is coming to an end, we are committed to doing what is right by our community to the best of our abilities during this closure process.
With heartfelt gratitude.