3 Cups Plain Flour
1 Cup Caster Sugar/Granulated Sugar (Or according to your taste)
4 tsp. Instant Yeast
Sprinkle of Nutmeg
Vegetable Oil
Pinch of Salt
2 Cups Warm Water
Seive the flour to get rid of any unwanted particles and to loosen it.
Mix all the dry ingredients together with a spatula.
Gradually add warm water and mix together with the dry ingredients mixture.
Place the mixture in a warm place i.e. your oven or microwave. Leave it to rise for about 45 minutes. It should double in size. If the mixture doesn’t rise, it means something is wrong with your yeast. Preferably use instant yeast so you don't need to soak it in water first, just add to flour.
Pour vegetable oil in a deep pan over medium heat.
Now scoop the mixture with your measuring spoon (1 tbsp. scoop) into the pan of oil (will run a free training with video illustration when group is full). Flip it once it starts to brown, until it is a nice golden brown all over.
Transfer from the pan to another bowl to drain the oil!
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