Neo Lau

Neo Lau Update in progress...

What a crazy year 2021 has been…This year has undoubtedly been the hardest year of my 26 years of existence. But it’s al...

What a crazy year 2021 has been…

This year has undoubtedly been the hardest year of my 26 years of existence. But it’s also been the most impactful and life changing. I’ve learned more about myself this year than the first 25 years combined.

Growing up I’ve always struggled with self love. I’ve always been labelled as the “trouble child” by all the leaders at church and at some point my own father even labelled me as a lost cause and that I was destined to go to hell if I didn’t surrender my life to “Jesus”.

So from a very young age I thought I wasn’t worthy of love. I held that belief for such a long time, and truth be told, it wasn’t until this year I started rewriting that belief.

Looking back at my very first journal entries at the start of 2021, I was astounded at who I was at that time, the goals I was working towards, and my overall attitude towards life in general.

I was so focused on making money at that time, that it was my only priority. I thought that by achieving what the world saw as “success” I would earn the right to be loved by others and more importantly to love myself.

As I read on, I kept asking myself…

“Was this who I really was just less than 12 months ago?”

While I still see the importance of having financial abundance. I no longer tie my self worth to my financial wealth. This perspective shift has allowed me to really ask myself, what would I want to spend my time doing if money wasn’t factor?

This question has led me to discovering my passion in music and has really shifted my goals to towards becoming a professional music producer and DJ with the dream of performing at music festivals all over the world.

I am forever grateful for the journey the universe has taken me on and the people I’ve met along the way.

It’s actually crazy how much growth and expansion we can experience in just one year if you choose to lean into it. While I’ve had countless moments of breaking down and questioning everything. I know deep down that everything I’ve experienced was necessary for me to become the person I am today.

I have never felt more alive and I’m excited to see the adventures 2022 has in store! 🙏🏻


In the process of rebranding this page.. stay tuned ✌🏻


How do you react when things don't go according to plan?

While most people tend to react negatively towards such situations, we all actually have the power to choose how we respond to every situation or challenge we face. So the real question is, how do we start to harness the power of choice we all hold?

I've had the opportunity to interview Greg Gunther - Certified SYSTEMologist®, an accomplished author, coach and speaker who knows first-hand the elation of business success and the desperation of failure.

Over the last three decades, Greg has observed, coached and supported business owners from all walks of life. He knows how to connect with business owners to bring out the raw emotion of business ownership and is passionate about showing them how to turn business struggles into success.

Tune in to this episode to hear an eye-opening conversation I had with Greg on how you can harness your power of choice and start living a life of creation rather than reaction.

Tune in on Apple Podcasts 👉🏻

Tune in on Spotify Podcasts 👉🏻

Tune in on Google Podcasts 👉🏻

I am excited to announce the launch of Season 2 of the Plan to Fail Podcast!I am super excited to kickstart the second s...

I am excited to announce the launch of Season 2 of the Plan to Fail Podcast!

I am super excited to kickstart the second season! Check out the season trailer to learn more about what you can be expecting from the show!

👇🏼 Tune in to the trailer on Spotify

👇🏼 Tune in to the trailer on Apple Podcasts

👇🏼 Tune in to the trailer on Google Podcasts


How do you determine if something was a success or not? 🤔

Most of the time, we unconsciously determine what is successful or not based on the outcome of the situation.

But what if I told you that you're completely missing the point if you solely focus on the results and outcomes? 😱

Join us on episode 47 to learn how you can stop measuring your success based on the results and outcomes, and start measuring your success based on the right metrics!

👇Tune into this episode on Spotify

👇Tune into this episode on Apple Podcasts

👇Tune into this episode on Google Podcasts


Organizing the 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit was arguably one of the most challenging projects I've ever worked on.

But along with the struggle came a strong sense of accomplishment when we finally launched the summit.

I can't count the number of sleepless nights we spent making sure that we are putting out the best event possible.

With the summit said and done, I can confidently say that every ounce of effort we put in was worth it.

The amount of growth I have gone through in such a short period of time, along with the numerous relationships I've built along the way, is priceless.

One thing I've learned throughout this process is to be conscious of how I define if the event was a success.

While it's easy to attribute success to the number of sales or the number of leads you were able to generate

It's less about the surface-level metrics and more about the lessons you've learned throughout the process.

So next time before you disregard a project or an event as a failure, see what you learned in the process and start seeing those situations less as "failures" and more as learning experiences!


What you identify as will dictate how you show up every single day. So how clear are you on who you are?

The sooner you adopt the identity of the person you want to become. The faster you'll start adopting the habits associated with that identity.

The sooner you adopt the habits, the faster you improve and grow into that identity.

Tune in to episode 44 of the podcast, where we talk about how you can get clear on who you are and what you stand for! 👇🏻

It is so easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you're not enough when you're going through the motions of chasing y...

It is so easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you're not enough when you're going through the motions of chasing your dreams and ambitions.

While it's admirable to have the courage to chase your ambitions. It is equally as important to remember that even though you might not have reached your goals yet, you are already enough!

While society paints "success" a certain way... A huge factor in achieving success is defining and understanding what success looks like to you.

The key is to stop comparing yourself to others and focus on the life you want to create for yourself

Let me know in the comments what success mean to you👇🏻

I want to congratulate and give a huge shoutout to Bernie Davies for her upcoming launch of Your Book Your Way Publishin...

I want to congratulate and give a huge shoutout to Bernie Davies for her upcoming launch of Your Book Your Way Publishing!

It was an absolute honour to have Bernie announce this launch at our Summit Backstage IG Live Chat just now!

Make sure you Bernie to stay up to date the upcoming launch of her publishing house!


How do you not lose your sense of self in a world where everybody seems to have an opinion on one thing or another?

Getting clear on who you are and what you stand for is essential to creating a business that is uniquely yours.

The more clear you are of yourself, the more equipped you will be when things get hard.

So join me me on Day 1 of the 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit learn from 11 expert entrepreneurs on how you can get clear on who you are and what you stand for!

Register for your free ticket today! 👉🏻


Let me guess...

You probably started out on your entrepreneurial journey with a clear vision in mind.

But as you went through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, the clarity you once had doesn't seem so clear anymore.

You start questioning if you're doing the right thing? Or even going in the right direction?

Where do you even go from here? The best apart about all of this is that you get to decide.

But you have to be clear on what your goals are, and what are the actionable steps you need to be taking in order to reach those goals.

Join me on Day 2 of the 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit and learn from 11 expert entrepreneurs who will help you get clear on what your goals and priorities are in both business and in life.

Register for your FREE ticket today: 👉🏻


Do you ever lie in bed wondering how much of an impact are you even making?

Or the countless hours spent contemplating if it's even worth spending so much of your time and energy trying to make the "business" work?

These are the thoughts that keep all entrepreneurs up at night.

One time or another we all have spent time pondering if all the effort we've put in is even making a difference.

But why does this even matter? Isn't business about making money?

While money earn you instant gratification, it's a poor substitute for long term fulfillment.

Instead, it's the positive impact your business is making that will be the foundation of the success you experience.

If you're looking to learn more about how you can maximize the impact of your business

I want to invite you to join me on Day 3 of the 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit and learn from 11 expert entrepreneurs who will teach you how you can find new ways to provide value for your clients and customers!

So what are you waiting for?

👉🏻 Register for your FREE ticket today:

If you asked me a year ago today if I would be hosting an online summit, I would have probably laughed at you and called...

If you asked me a year ago today if I would be hosting an online summit, I would have probably laughed at you and called you crazy...

It's funny how we grossly underestimate how much things can change in just one year!

How I perceived both business and life was completely different from how I see it today. Starting up a new business venture without an exact plan and blueprint seemed like one of the craziest decisions I have made up until this point.

And to be honest...

It was the craziest decision I've ever made in my life. But at the same time, it's also been one of the most rewarding ones as well.

This period of chaos and uncertainty had allowed me to take a step back and reflect on what exactly was I aiming for in both business and in life. It allowed me to question the norms society imposes on us every single day.

As hard as it was, this period of chaos is what allowed me to redefine what business means to me.

This journey of transformation is what inspired me to organize the very first Be Your Own Boss Summit.

My mission with the summit is to help other fellow entrepreneurs redefine what their business means to them and help them find the clarity they need to succeed.

So I want to invite you to join me at the very first Be Your Own Boss Summit and learn from 30+ seasoned entrepreneurs on how you can start building a business that's unique to you!

You can register for your free ticket here: 👉🏻

Society teaches us to see business in a certain way, it's time to redefine what your business means for you!


I have to admit that putting this summit together has been one of the hardest things I've done recently.

Having left the one industry I've known for the past 4 years without a plan to explore the world of online entrepreneurship; it would be an understatement to say that this period of exploration has been extremely hard and filled with a lot of self-doubt and uncertainty.

But, despite this being one of the most stressful and turbulent times in my life. I don't remember the last time I've felt this alive.

What started out as a business venture has quickly become a journey of self-discovery. Over the course of the past few months, I've learned more about myself than I did the past few years before that.

In a world that is getting increasingly crowded and noisy, It's more important now than ever to know who you are, and more importantly what you stand for.

This is exactly why I decided to put together the 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit. My goal with the summit is to help you shift your perspective on what business means to you.

We all grow up adopting what society perceives what business is without ever really questioning what does owning a business really means to us.

So if you're either an aspiring entrepreneur looking for clarity on how to get started; or you're a seasoned entrepreneur who is looking on redefining what business means to you.

This event is for you!

Register & Reserve Your Free Spot Here 👉🏻


📣 Day 2 Summit Speaker Lineup Announcement!

I am extremely excited to announce that another 11 of our amazing speakers will be speaking on the importance of having a clear vision of what you want out of your business!

Here is the complete lineup for Day 2 of the summit:

Opening Remarks: Rabbi Daniel Lapin

The Storytellers:

1. Finding Success Through Relentless Resilience & Perseverance with Jaiden Vu
2. Using Faith & Intuition in Guiding Business Decisions with Jeffrey Lestz
3. Pivoting When Things Go Wrong with Mariela De La Mora

The Experts:

1. Staying Consistent & Innovating To Grow Your Business with Angela Brown
2. Consciously Outsource Your Business with Linh Podetti
3. Developing a High-Performance Mindset with Joanne Love
4. Refine & Redefine Your Vision with Paul Higgins
5. Reframing What Failure Means To You with Greg Gunther
6. Aligning Your Wealth with Your Vision with Michael De Haan
7. The Importance of Systematizing Your Business with Greg Hickman
8. Redefining Your Version of Success with Lydia Lee

Register today so you don't miss out on any of these amazing interviews! All interviews on day 2 of the summit will go live for 24 hours on March 30th, 2021 at 9 am (PST)

Register and save your spot here 👉🏻

Did you know that our 30+ speakers span across Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, India, and more...

Did you know that our 30+ speakers span across Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, India, and more?

oin me on March 29th to 31st, 2021 at the 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit and learn from experts from across the world from the comfort of you're own home!

Register and save your spot at this global summit and let me know where you'll be tuning in from!

Register Here 👉🏻


📣 Day 1 Summit Speaker Lineup Announcement!

I am extremely excited to announce that 11 of our amazing speakers will be speaking on the different aspects of why it's important for you as an entrepreneur to understand who you truly are, what you stand for, and who you can serve!

Here is the complete lineup for Day 1 of the 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit:

Opening Remarks: Rabbi Daniel Lapin

The Storytellers:

1. Heart & Purpose of Your Business with Adam Roa
2. Becoming an Attractive Character with Edward Zia

The Experts:

1. Creating an Authentic Personal Brand with Hannah Power
2. Redefining Your Relationship with Money with Nico Felipe
3. Curating & Creating Your Visual Identity with Abhishek Durani
4. Legally Protect Your Business with Jim Hart
5. Finding Your Voice Through Publishing with Mimi N. Jain
6. Overcoming Your Limiting Beliefs with Liz Di**le
7. Developing Personal Leadership with Wendy Tansey
8. Aligning Your Business with Your Purpose & Passion with April Bellia
9. Defining Your Company Culture Through Your Identity with Bernie Davies

Register today so you don't miss out on any of these amazing interviews! All interviews on day 1 of the summit will go live for 24 hours on March 29th, 2021 @ 9 am PST

Register Here 👉🏻


So how is this online summit any different from the countless numbers of online events that are happening in 2021?

As the world we live in is increasingly becoming more digital, how can we stand out amongst the crowd?

This was one of the biggest questions I faced when putting together the 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit.

There are thousands of online business webinars, events, and workshops happening all around the globe, all mostly focusing on the tips and tactics of how to achieve “success”, from the perspective of someone who’s already done it before you.

Like how do you reframe failure? Or how do you know if you’re actually going in the right direction with your business? Or how do you gain self-credibility with no experience?

We’ll be unpacking these 30+ topics in a series of interviews with speakers from all around the world over the course of 3 days from March 29th - 31st. If you’re curious to learn more, check out the details and sign up for your FREE ticket before March 29th!

Register here 👉🏻

Did you know that before I became an entrepreneur, I was a financial advisor for the past 4 years?It might be hard to be...

Did you know that before I became an entrepreneur, I was a financial advisor for the past 4 years?

It might be hard to believe if you didn’t know me personally from way back then, but if you asked me back then what my plans for the future looked like, I probably couldn't have imagined that I'd ever host a summit!

In fact, the things I was struggling with back then would probably sound familiar to you right now:

❌ I didn’t feel confident in how I showed up every day

❌ The future seemed fuzzy and I had a hard time figuring out where the next
“logical” steps I needed to take to achieve my goals

❌ No matter what I did, I felt like I wasn’t making that much of a difference

These questions are the reason why I went on a mission to interview 30+ seasoned entrepreneurs who have built either a 6, 7 or even 8 figure business, and ask them how can I become the boss of my business, and not let my business become the boss of me!

Now I want to share what I've learned from them with you! If you haven’t already, you can sign up for the event for FREE at

Just remember, we all start somewhere. The most important step is to get started!

Hope to see you at the event!

🎉 YOU’RE INVITED: Learn how to take complete and total responsibility for both your business by becoming the person who ...

🎉 YOU’RE INVITED: Learn how to take complete and total responsibility for both your business by becoming the person who is capable of achieving success!

I recently partnered up with 31 expert entrepreneurs from different backgrounds and industries for this FREE 3-day virtual event to help new entrepreneurs get the fundamental pieces they need to make the most impact with their businesses.

🔥🔥 Event: 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit
🔥🔥 Interviews Aired on: Between March 29th to 31st, 2021

Sign up before March 29th to save your spot 👉🏻

Have you ever heard someone say that they keep their personal & business life separate?Your business is an extension of ...

Have you ever heard someone say that they keep their personal & business life separate?

Your business is an extension of who you are and what you stand for. So instead of always trying to compare yourself to the competition, take the time to reflect and compare yourself today, to who you once were, and who you want to become.

We, entrepreneurs spend too much time focusing on the next big hack or shortcut when it comes to business, and not enough one who we need to become in order to achieve success!

The only way to true long-term success is by doing the hard things and improving yourself every day until you become the person who is capable of success.

This is why I've dedicated the last 4 months of my life to organizing the 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit.

The mission of the summit is to help aspiring entrepreneurs find clarity in the direction they're going and help seasoned entrepreneurs re-ignite the heart and fire behind their business.

So virtually join me at the 2021 BYOB Summit and learn from the 31+ amazing speakers who will share their decades worth of experience to give you a head start on how you can find the clarity you need to succeed in both life and business

Registration is now open! Reserve your spot now!:

Are we really already into March? I don't know about you, but it honestly still feels like the year just started... I gu...

Are we really already into March?

I don't know about you, but it honestly still feels like the year just started... I guess time really does fly when you're working on something that means a lot to you.

For those of you who don't know. Last July I decided to uproot my entire life and leave the one industry I've only known in my 4 years in business.

I had no plan, no direction, not even a sense of what I should be focusing my attention on. All I knew at that time was that whatever I did, I would leverage the internet, and build it virtually.

As I continued down this new entrepreneurial journey, I've learned in the process that we are severely under-leveraging the potential impact the technological age has blessed us with.

That's why I dedicated the past 4 months to putting together the very first Be Your Own Boss Summit! My only goal for this 3-day event is that you will walk away from the 30+ hours of interviews with a new perspective of what business means to you, so you can start consciously building it in a way that serves you best!

I wanted to make this event accessible to everyone, so the event is FREE, and the best part is you can enjoy in the comfort of your own home! Consider it my gift to you!

So what are you waiting for? Register today:

I’ve recently had the honour of interviewing Tiffany Alexis Davey & Craig Thorn for the 2021 BYOB Summit!  Having the ch...

I’ve recently had the honour of interviewing Tiffany Alexis Davey & Craig Thorn for the 2021 BYOB Summit!

Having the chance to interview them on the topic of “How To Build a Community of Raving Fans” has taught me a lot about what to do and more importantly what not to do when building up my own community.

If you haven’t had the chance to check out their YouTube channel, it highly recommend it!

Tiffany & Craig are always up to date with their Instagram tactics and are always looking for new ways to provide provide more value for their community!

While you’re at it check out the interview I did with them for the summit as a preview for what you can be expecting at the 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit! 👇🏻

Want to learn how to build a community of loyal fans? Having an engaged community is CRITICAL to the success of your business. Without a community of people ...


Can I just be honest for a moment?

I can't believe that the project I've been working on for the past 3 months will be going live at end of this month!

My business partner, Rachel Lee and I have spent the better part of the last 3 months putting this summit together, and it feels unreal that we will soon be sharing our hard work with all of you.

Maybe you've recently made the jump into entrepreneurship and are struggling with finding the clarity you need to push forward.

Or someone who's been in business for a while now but questioning how you can find new ways to consciously grow and scale your business

If that sounds like you... The 2021 Be Your Own Boss Summit is where you need to be!

Let me share some of the details with you, the BYOB Summit is:

⭐️FREE 3-day virtual event
⭐️ Hosted by Yours Truly
⭐️ Runs from March 29-31, 2021
⭐️ Geared towards new entrepreneurs

The best part it... to make it more accessible for everyone, the speakers and I have decided to make this event FREE!

So what have you got to lose? Register today and learn from 31 of our amazing speakers!

👇🏻Register now and save your seat!

One of the the best things that can happen to you is losing in front of the people you respect the most. Why?Because it ...

One of the the best things that can happen to you is losing in front of the people you respect the most.


Because it fu***ng hurts when you do.

The more it hurts, the faster you will learn from your mistakes. The faster you learn from your mistakes, the quicker you will bounce back and prove all your haters wrong.

Don’t be defined by what you own. Don’t get me wrong, It’s nice to own nice things (Trust me, I drive a 2020 Audi TTRS)....

Don’t be defined by what you own.

Don’t get me wrong, It’s nice to own nice things (Trust me, I drive a 2020 Audi TTRS).

But never let what you own define who you are. Having the opportunity to own and experience nice things is a privilege and should never be taken for granted.

But don’t let society dictate what you need to own in order to be considered successful. While owning nice things will give you a short feeling of instant gratification…

It is a poor substitute for long term fulfillment.

I know this is an unpopular opinion…But I truly believe that capitalism has resulted in countless  innovative inventions...

I know this is an unpopular opinion…

But I truly believe that capitalism has resulted in countless innovative inventions that have resulted in multiple paradigm shifts in the world and has drastically improved the quality of life.


I do believe that capitalism without heart is destructive and can cause irreparable damage to our society and to our planet.

Just like how there will always be good people and bad people…

There will always be businesses that do not care about anything other than making profits, but there are also businesses that have added immense value to society and have impacted lives all around the world

That’s why I believe in building conscious businesses that not only make money, but can positively impact everyone and everything.

👇 Let me know in the comments below on what your opinion on the matters is!

Business is a game of faith 😇This is something I’ve only realized last year. Too often then not we try to plan out every...

Business is a game of faith 😇

This is something I’ve only realized last year. Too often then not we try to plan out every aspect of our business, but by doing so we severely limit the opportunities that will present itself along the way.

While it’s important to have a solid direction and end goal, stop worrying about HOW you are going to reach your goals.

Instead, take the first step without having all the cards, and trust that every step of the way will present itself as you work and progress towards your goals.

This is something that I’ve struggled with the first 5 years of my journey as an entrepreneur. The more I tried to control every aspect of my business, the more stress and anxiety that came along with it.

Ever since I decided to focus more on my end goal and less on how I was going to get there, that’s when the opportunities started to present itself.

How much faith do you have?

The only person you’re competing against is yourself. I used to believe that it was me against the world, but to be hone...

The only person you’re competing against is yourself.

I used to believe that it was me against the world, but to be honest, it was always me against myself and my own self doubts.

The biggest struggle will always be overcoming the self doubt that is inevitably going to to come as you push yourself out of your comfort zone.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what other people are doing.

What truly matters is what YOU are trying to achieve and how are you becoming the person that’s capable of living YOUR best life.

We live in a world where most people find their self worth by comparing themselves to one another.

But when it comes down to it, it’s just noise distracting you from what you should really focusing on.

Be true to yourself and what you stand for and never let anyone convince you otherwise.

Meet Kira (or you can call her Sponge), The last of my 3 cats 🐱She’s the dumbest, most simpleminded, and the most ruthle...

Meet Kira (or you can call her Sponge), The last of my 3 cats 🐱

She’s the dumbest, most simpleminded, and the most ruthless out of the bunch. (But only towards the other 2 cats)

But she’s also the one that craves the most human attention and can sit on your lap for hours on end. (Until you lose feeling in your butt) 😅

Her favourite pastime is searching through the garbage and scavenging every last piece of plastic she can find to eat. I swear she will be the first to die 😪

Sometimes I wonder what goes on in her head… probably nothing 😂



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