This Saturday, 26 October at 11am join a conversation between First Nations knowledge holders Ella Noah Bancroft and Kris Cook, facilitated by broadcaster and journalist Mick O’Regan. Together they will delve into ongoing cultural connections to our lakes, rivers and oceans, and the significance of our waterways.
Ella Noah Bancroft is a proud Bundjalung woman from Northern NSW, and also has bloodlines to Scotland and Poland. She is an experienced speaker and facilitator advocating for the environment, social justice and system change. Ella is passionate about decolonising the world and the rise of feminine force.
Kris Cook Nyangbal barii Bundjalung barii naa, Dangattir bari. Burrugaa Ngiiyn, baluul ngiiyn. Maamang garraa, gamii garraa, babarraa naa. Bullina ngumbiyn ngee balun naa. Born Nyangbal, born of Bundjalung, Dangatti. Ocean dweller, river, dweller. Descendant of Maamang descendent of Grandmother, belong to father. Lives in Bullinaa beside the river. Kris is a Bandjalang Language and Cultural teacher and a professional photographer.
Mick O’Regan is a local broadcaster and journalist, well versed in hosting public conversations. In his career across various media, especially at ABC Radio National as a program maker and presenter, Mick has focused on progressive ideas and community engagement.
This conversation is in response to our exhibition ‘Buruugaa Garaa Buruu Garaa Budgeramgali’, co-curated by Melissa Ladkin.
For further information and to reserve your spot visit the Upcoming programs link in our bio.
Images courtesy the speakers, slide 4: Djon Mundine, ‘Tweed River Waters’ (video still, detail) 2016.