The Wacky World of Wee-Bo Show Explained:
Wee-Bo is a goofy, sometimes bratty character that is very curious about how the world works. He is colorful, always happy and upbeat. In his show he walks you through various events that happen in his Wacky World. These events in his world don’t always make “cents, but Wee-Bo always seems to make it out on top, and untethered. His show uses lots of magic, illusions, goofy props, odd ball games, and sometimes even puppets! Even some furry friends make an appearance in his shows. Wee-Bo loves his Wacky World, with all the obstacles he faces, and the friends he meets along the way!
Myself and Info about the show: This is a show for kids-I am practicing what works best for which age group, and what doesn’t. But after each show I adjust. I keep the good and take out the bad. I am still learning how to be a great children’s entertainer. I love seeing when their eyes light up, when they have no idea what just happened, especially when they try to make sense of it! Before the show I ask them to stay seated for the entire show, but feel free to yell, laugh, and point when they see something amazing of funny!
My inspiration: Sometimes life in general doesn’t always make sense. You constantly have to learn and adapt. You are always up against many challenges, and not given a straight path. There are lots of weaving, winding, and many barriers along the way before you get to your destination.