Something I just found while reviewing notes to be sure I purge the words no longer serving me and the me for WE. These ones seem to still be floating…
[Def a line or two that give much introspection on why my shoulder is locked up & frozen;]
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Note to Self:
Stop trying to shame yourself for who you are in your professional acumen. You know your limits and you put in years trying to work in spite of them, in opposition to them. To the point of breaking. Those pieces are nearly all too serious for most, taken as stern instead of focused, taken for granted because of high anxiety, when if all were accepted and maximized, s**t would perpetually get done.
Like an oxygenated cell.
And while those pieces hold the gravity that you also could not withstand (the shoulder press that often embarrasses, the aggressive releases of passion that prevent speaking at all for fear of, well, others’ fear)— it is time to accept them; not as traits that make you less of a business woman, but as unique approaches that allow mental stability for effective work. The world does not work like you do. Many will not understand.
You are not an excuse.
You. Are. Brilliantly.
and open about it.
Advocate for self.
Push past the compulsive thoughts causing extended pause.
You are business appropriate.