Aaaaannnd we’re back! After a slightly longer than anticipated hiatus we’re back in March with another relaxed night of music from all over the globe!
Follow the link in our bio to sign up to perform or just come on the night to sit back and enjoy with a glass of wine!
📣 Exciting Announcement 📣
Common Tongue is looking for multilingual open mic performers for Sunday 31st July at 12pm to perform one or two songs (dependant on number of acts).
@dinavenue Young Producers are curating the Sunday stage for Freshly Squeezed and we need you!
For more details just drop me a message!
Out & About will bring together cultural, community and hospitality businesses in the area, alongside community groups, local artists and creatives to celebrate creativity and making in Sheffield! Each of the four special Out & About Weekenders will have a theme of its own and offer a programme of FREE, family-friendly activities including drop-in creative workshops, exhibitions, newly-commissioned artworks, performances and events.
For full listings, head to @visitsheffield
Out & About is generously supported by @sheffieldcitycouncil Economic Recovery Fund, and is led by a partnership between @sitegallery, @showroomworkstation, @yartspace and @blocprojects.
#outandaboutciq #openmic #sheffieldissuper #sheffieldmusicians #opencity
We had a great time on Monday night! Thank you to everyone who performed and came to support Common Tongue 🥰
Now stay tuned as we've got an exciting announcement coming your way tomorrow ... 👀
#sheffieldissupper #sheffieldmusicians #openmic #opencity #multilingualism
@cornerstonepoets @yeyebluemusic @oshklivec @olivialonzi
Happy Easter from Common Tongue!
Don’t forget to sign up to perform at our next open mic on the 26th April! Link in the bio
#sheffieldissuper #eastersunday #openmic
Common Tongue #3
Only a couple of weeks until the next Common Tongue! Links for sign up and tickets at the top of the page or head over to the DINA Venue website!