One great TATTOO ARTIST ~> Jerry Wagener One IN(K)SANE SHOP ~> BOHEMIAN INK!
• Driven by passion, seized by obsession...
• Delighted by creation, entranced by vision...
• Filled with emotion, fueled by compulsion...
• Consumed with beauty...
• Blindsided by inspiration... That's JERRY!
#bohemianink #tattooartist #inked
#inksane #tattooshop #sharingiscaring
SuNaRy 21 sept. Don't miss this!
Where: Hal P, Tongeren
Tom Hades~Mentalis~MarVes-Uk~Gred Plas-Germ~K-Deey~Niobeat~FAIÏG~CMPND~Silas~KAT VOLTA #technolovers #events #nightlife #limburg #music #dj #katvolta #hangarrave
I embrace next month
and the possibilities it presents!
Be there musiclovers...🎧
X Kat Volta 🐈⬛⚡️
Memories are the key not to the past,
but to the future!
Looking back to one of these moments @ BOMGÄRDEN... 🐈⬛⚡️
#bömgarden #linter #openair #festivalseason #nightlife #katvolta #djset #memories #musicvideo
Soon we're back @ Café Het Wiel (2/3/2024)
with 'SPACE INVADERS'! Another party with Melodic & Progressive vibes! BE THERE!
Greetz Kat Volta x
Free entrance: Veemarkt Tienen
Maze, Steve Vansimpsen
Koen Reniers, Kat Volta
#nightlife #melodichouse #melodictechnomusic #progressive #spacinvaders #TIENEN
2023 ~ dreams became reality and the
music never fails to make me happy ~
A year full of opportunities, a year in which I met many new people with the same passion 🎧
Thanks to everyone who supported me and the people I've gotten on their nerves before the performance 🤭
Thanks to all the organizations for giving the opportunity to play at their event:
FIREBALL, Vriendenkring Brandweer Landen, Café Dansant, DR Gaming Technology, BOMGÄRDEN, Stad Landen, LØVE, Afrit29, Cliché Aartselaar, Café Café, Frederick Trickson Deejay & High District Group!
I hope the future still has bright prospects!
Greetz Kat Volta 🐈⬛⚡️
🎧 Looking back on this weekend! 🎧
•• 2 h set @ The Maze Brussels ••
Thanks to High District Group! for the invitation (Mich Ngenda & David Manach)
I really enjoyed it... 🙏
Thanks to Belinda Saenen & Christophe Trogh for the videos 📹
#highdistrict #themaze #brussels #djset #goodvibes #friends #saturday #nightlife
Sat. 18/11 NACHTWERK @ Café Dansant
💥Evening with special kind of music 💥
Doors open 10PM till 5AM (free entrance)
DJ's: Frederick Trickson Deejay - Kat Volta - Reiko - Posseidon 🎧
#goodvibes #nachtwerk #cafedansant #landen
(DEEL 2)🔥Last weekend at 🔥 FIREBALL 🔥
DJ BATTLE Kat Volta vs. DJ Gio
Van 'Techno' tot 'Vlaamse Schlager' en terug!
Tvv #warmsteweek
Bedankt aan Vriendenkring Brandweer Landen om opnieuw te mogen spelen op hun event!
🔥Last weekend at 🔥 FIREBALL 🔥
DJ BATTLE Kat Volta vs. DJ Gio
Van 'Techno' tot 'Vlaamse Schlager' !
Tvv #warmsteweek
Thanks to Vriendenkring Brandweer Landen