Queremos felicitar a Jose Cardenas, por su victoria el dia de ayer contra un rival invicto y experimentado de (12-0). Jose con menos carrera profecional (6-1) logro imponer su estilo y llevarse una clara victoria por decision demostrando una ves mas su gran talento sobre el ring.
Una ves mas Felicidades por tu triunfo y que sigan las victorias 🥊🙏🏾
En directo con la Rodolfo “La Cobrita” Gomez desde Ya lluege ama con Dj cHIDO N mOrE 100.9 f.m
Una persona que no se rinde y sigue luchando por sus sueños y siempre humilde y bien portado con la gente Jorge Castaneda Boxing siganlo apoyando que viene con mas ganas y mas experiencia 🥊🙏🏾
410 crossroads ave L&F Distributors of Laredo vengan a convivir un rato
Victor Serrano Ga Llo Ne Gro putting some rounds in his footwork with Agustin Gutierrez as part of his training camp.
Come show your support June 17 at the L.I.F.E. Downs Pavilion in Laredo, TX.
Good variety, quality products at Global Nutrition with Danny Villarreal Global Nutrition
Lightweight prospect from Zapata, TX Danny Villarreal looking sharp working on his defensive skills as he prepares to enter the ring for the 6th time in his career trying to stay undefeated as a professional…. This will be a 6 round bout, be sure to be there and support all the hard work these warriors are putting in the gym 🥊
Fight for Glory 1 at the L.I.F.E. Downs Pavilion In Laredo, TX JUNE 17!!!
#fightforglory1 #thedisciple