Now that we’ve had some time to breathe, there’s something we’d like to say:
Here at The Lilac Thief, we stand against bigotry, hate, greed, and corruption. Like many of you, this week we have felt despair, fear, and anger as more than half of US voters chose to stand with Trump. But we still believe in the resiliency of the human spirit and the power of resistance. We are reminding ourselves that positive social change never happens because the majority of a population supports it, but rather because a much smaller group of committed people demand it. As we enter into what will surely be an unstable and uncertain time in American history, we commit to fighting for equality and social justice whenever we can, in any way we can.
We also believe in the healing power of plants, ritual, and magic. A spell is simply a way to direct energy and intention to a specific outcome. We chose dahlias and zinnias for the background of this post because of what these flowers represent. Dahlias correspond with growth, fortitude, perseverance, and love. Zinnias represent strength, steadfastness, endurance, friendship, goodness, and constancy. These are some of the very last flowers in the garden as the days grow darker and colder, reminding us to look for joy and beauty even as times get tough. 🖤✊