I don’t always “enjoy” reading the Bible.
That might sound blunt.
Maybe even cruel to some.
Yet, I’d be lying if I said every time I open God’s Word I feel instant pleasure.
Sometimes it’s confusing.
Sometimes it’s unexciting.
Sometimes I feel like it has nothing at all to do with me.
But, that’s ok. Because guess what?
The Bible’s not about me. It’s about God.
The Bible wasn’t gifted for my pleasure reading. It was written so that I may know my Creator.
God’s intention for the Bible wasn’t for it to be read once then put down.
His Word is for life.
And even though I don’t always “enjoy” my time in the Word...
Even though it takes time, discipline and extreme dedication...
I do it.
Because every time I open that book I am literally spending time with God. I do it because I want to know Him for myself and not rely only on what people tell me about Him. I do it because I want a relationship with Him. I do it because I love Him and I want to love Him even more. I do it because He asks me to.
I read my Bible because I enjoy God and my soul finds pleasure in Him.
I don’t read the Bible because I want to,
I read it because I NEED to.