Holy Magick

Holy Magick Applicable alchemical application that is logical, spiritual, and scientific.

ADHD means we are brilliantly creative with quick silver minds and natural intuitive ability. It also means that we dive...

ADHD means we are brilliantly creative with quick silver minds and natural intuitive ability. It also means that we dive deeply into whatever we put our focus on. It's either hyper focus or flitting about not getting enough useful work done. And it means that we go on and on, digging deeply into EVERYTHING. I like to give a time limit with friends so that we don't both walk away exhausted. I aim to bless. On the other hand, that hyper focus tends to mean when are work horses when we rein ourselves in and focus on the most appropriate channels. That is a big part of why I leave social media periodically, to get my work done. I've noticed that none of my spiritual teachers do engage too personally in social media other than utilizing it as a work tool. This is simply because we CAN'T and do the work required of us. So, I am stepping aside with love in my heart for the rest of the year to get this work done. It is TIME.

I unconditionally care about you guys and am sending you much holy light. I will periodically check my IM once a week or so if anyone needs me. Otherwise, I am out for awhile (Goal is December 31st..whoot!) I know I won't be able to stay away for election day, It's too darn important but I'll do my best to limit it and walk away again to get it done. I've got 5 books in the Holy Magickal series to perfect and promote.

Meanwhile, I wrote this some time ago and it describes my destiny and my purpose in this lifetime: the reason Holy Magick exists and why it is important to the human race. Make of it what you will. :)

Blessings and much love to all who see this post.

The Writer of Holy Magick © My name, Deana DeHaven, means sacred keeper of the sanctuary, which mirrors four hundred years of my existence, comprised of six consecutive previous lifetimes. My last lifetime as Lady of the Rainbow ended in 1776 A.D. God named me in this lifetime because at the time, ...


(Energetic perspectives and how they manifest.)

Stream of consciousness post: People of the world: We cannot ingest poison into our bodies, hearts, and minds on a daily...

Stream of consciousness post:

People of the world: We cannot ingest poison into our bodies, hearts, and minds on a daily basis and expect to “be ok”. There is an energetic resonance to EVERYTHING we do. There is an impulse, response, and reaction which creates a specific result that occurs with every decision we make. This pattern occurs within both our inner and outer worlds. As above, so below. Not only that, but each impulse resides within our bodies, hearts and minds waiting to replay again and again. Everything in this world creates an energetic residue that remains. Repetition creates a STRONGER residual energetic impact until new neural pathways are created and we have, in fact, morphed through our own volition and appropriate or inappropriate use of our own free will, into a new being. The question then becomes: Who are we choosing to be?

Really happy thoughts: The remote viewing class I found and am taking is based on a military psychic spying program that was declassified in 1995. You’ve heard me say here repeatedly that China has had super psychics for the last 20+ years. (Search it.) Well, also Russia.

I was tested by one of my teachers in 2016 with a test derived from the military with a 29 question test. I nailed 28 of them. At that time, according to the intuitive diagnostic protocol I created, I was a Level 6 intuitive. I am now a Level 14. This occurred at the beginning of my twin flame journey within this lifetime. In fact, my twin flame journey propelled me into my work. Love is the elixir.

But here’s the delicious part. This class contains at least 5 exercises that I have ALREADY created within the 5 intuitive classes I wrote last year. I didn’t know I was mirroring military work. I only knew that I was processing and piecing it together. Best yet, it is not as defined and precise as my own work. That makes me extremely humbly proud. Remember, everything happens for a reason. This class has provided HUGE confirmation for me on the validity of my work.

AND I’ve included NEW discoveries, too, within Holy Magick for Massive Intuitive Development. I couldn’t be more humbly proud. But YET AGAIN, there is NO MENTION of spiritual ethics or comprehension of what that HUGE omission means for the whole of humanity when used inappropriately.

I began writing Holy Magick because I KNEW the implications for all of humanity of this work when used inappropriately. Psychic warfare is a very real and present danger. I’ve encountered it personally aimed at me twice now in the last few years. That experience created new ways to work. I’ve created protective protocols to strip its malignancy from our world, if it be God’s will, and I assure you it is. Utilizing these techniques for the good of all humanity is what being a Holy Magickian MEANS.

I knew many would jump on it for personal power and money and further create harm to humanity. I was right. You see, it all comes back to what we choose to channel through us as the engines of creation. THIS FACT could not be more important to acknowledge and LIVE BY.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to look around at the damage we’ve ALREADY done to ourselves and our planet with the misuse of our God given gifts and realize that a psychic army of ill intentioned humans with no morality in place is the LAST thing we need at this point. Just look at Trump stupidity to understand the implications of people walking around misusing these energetic tools, getting it wrong with egoic assumptions, etc, to get a gist of the sheer magnitude of what this means for humanity.

Ps. FB friends, please do not be upset if I don’t have time to visit your pages with hearts dropped and encouraging comments as I did for many years here. Please know it is simply that I do not have the time to do so and ALSO create this body of work. I’m choosing the work. But doing my best to share with you all here within my posts, too, to the degree that I am able.

Unconditional love, which is holy light, to all who see this post. I’m signing off. Tomorrow is another beautiful day. Stay healthy and safe everyone.

Pss. I don’t know everything (after all, the wise man knows nothing, which creates the space to learn more, of course) but this meme made me giggle. 🩷

Short note: I’m well enough to work now. Yay! So, I’m stepping away from social media engagement for a bit. I’ve got a r...

Short note: I’m well enough to work now. Yay!

So, I’m stepping away from social media engagement for a bit.

I’ve got a remote viewing class to absorb tonight. And then I’ve got to get that final edit of
HM1 done and get into promotion.


I am sending out unconditional love, which is holy light, to all who see this post. 🩷✝️🦋🤗

This book is for those who wish to ascend their souls far above the pain and suffering of the mortal coil. We seek to utilize present awareness coupled with ritualistic holy intention to craft a new world, knowing that all things are governed by divine law. Therefore, as we learn the law, we come...


Stream of consciousness post:

Well, here I be, just little ole me.I left the things that didn’t bring me joy, time and again.
It’s been a lifetime of leaving. But a wonderful thing is occurring within all the dashing and deserving. Each time I abandon my heart to half heartedly chase the ways of the world, I come home again. Each time, I’ve gathered more of what matters to me. It’s an oranges to apples thing: What doesn’t sustain makes it quite clear what does buoy me up to harbor within my heart. And each time, more of me remains. Within that epiphany resides the answer to everything. Within the missteps, the rhythm remains and each return home brings a more beautiful dance.

Getting sick with Crohn’s means I STOP and THINK. Why did I get sick again? (I knew diet has so much to do with it. Processed foods are poisoning us.) This was the question on my mind this morning: Why did I get sick again... The answer resides within this post. And so, finally after a lifetime of leaving, I’m home again never to abandon again. And the only way I can do that is to abandon ego’s brash pronouncements and take it one day at a time. You see, I’ve known for quite some time that it is WE who leave ourselves, not the other way around. However, humans are such fickle beasts, and easily monkey see, monkey do. Don’t follow me when I am wrong. Follow me when I’m right. And gently love me with the truth. May we ALL come home to ourselves FOR GOOD. Finally, the broken pieces are cohesive and whole, enough so that there is nowhere else to go.

I noticed that my intuitive skills were dulling down while working within one of the most greedy corporations within America. I wasn’t able to give my intuitive, spiritual and creative advancement the attention and time it deserves. And so, this morning, as I lay in my bed sick as a dog, my intuitive flow turned on again. I simply said, “Father, please help me.” I fell asleep and awoke to my first prophetic dream in months. And my flow has returned.

I’ve been pondering this one for quite a bit. I’ve known for years that women are sacred. We are the givers of life. But it goes much deeper than that. Our wombs are the LITERAL GATES through which life flows. The seed of that life’s trajectory is embedded in the intention that life was created with. Many are strong enough to overcome great hardship but most are not simply because they do not know their own strength. Back to s*x and a few examples: r**e, meaningless s*x (no s*x is meaningless, btw..why humans try to make it so is beyond me. It is the most intimate we humans can be with each other, stripped bare of all pretense within the sharing or the harm. No wonder seeks to control it. Remember, evil has no hesitancy while the best among us stand and wring our hands. And btw, how lovely that Great Creator has given us a brilliant female (Kamala) beaming with joy to lead us. Take that, Satan. 😘

As for little ole me, I’ve got writing to do. Holy Magick, the series keeps growing in my head. I wouldn’t allow myself to begin the others in the series in earnest until I felt Book 1: Holy Magick: The Psychology of Madness and How to Transcend it was finished. I knew it wasn’t. I had more learning to do. NOW, it’s ready for the world. (I did write 5 intuitive classes last year and those classes are being compiled into Book 2 AFTER I get this final edit of Book 1 completed.
I begin writing in earnest again Monday. I was able to hold down my Kombucha (medicine for me) this evening.

After the series is completed, I want to write beautiful, heartled fiction. And create beautiful paper pieces. I’m figuring out my paper process and I’ve just about got it down. It’s unlike anything else I’ve seen much of. It makes me so happy when my ADHD brain creatively sees askew in such lovely fashion. I even have my frames. I have about 200 left from my butterfly work. (This is a welfare town and my customers shy away from my larger pieces out of necessity.) I love how Great Creator does that. I look around and see I have what I already need right in front of me. Thank you, Father.

And I have my next step in my career path as a writer and spiritual teacher lined up and that will take care of additional income. And new classes lined up to continue to learn.

We are all teachers in one way or another. Let’s teach the beauty of life with brutal honesty so that there can be no doubt. This is no dress rehearsal. And while we can all use quantum mechanics to say it’s all a hologram, please know it can be barbaric one while we are learning our lessons. Let’s not spiritually bypass that one. It’s important. If the lessons weren’t hard won, they wouldn’t resonate within our hearts as they are meant to.

I am sending unconditional love, which is holy light, out to all who see this post. Thank you for reading my posts.


Trump is a narcissist scum bucket who will go down in history as the liar he is. (I’m processing the fact that I have to forgive Trump as the deluded mad man he is for my own soul’s sake. That is the hardest thing to do, to forgive those who willingly destroy you and all you love with evil intention. But soul ascension resides in my ability to learn to do so.)

Joe Biden took Trump out by harnessing the power of God and doing the RIGHT thing for the good of ALL. There is SUCH MASSIVE POWER in that act.

As I type this and process, I have to smile. I predicted “Biden will win the election.” I was right. BIDEN DOES WIN for all of us. His administration wins. His VP wins. We ALL win. 🩷

I don’t always know how things will play out. The truth is intuition is very much dependent on asking the RIGHT questions. And I’m a busy person just like everyone else. But I’m being guided, too, regarding process and protocol. That’ll be in the final edition of Holy Magick.


Whoot! 🩷


I thought I would share our Tri-County Farmer’s Market menu for tomorrow morning. The variety and creativity is pretty incredible. We’ve got some very gifted chefs, farmers, and creatives here in Little Vegas! Come see us and shop local with us!

“Tri County Farmers Market for 7/27/24

8 am – sell out

6th and University in Lovely Las Vegas

Another children’s day at the market! This time kids will be on a scavenger hunt. Bring your children for fun and exploration. And for the grown-ups in the group the market will provide:

Miel de Mora will have the finest raw summer wildflower honey from the beautiful, abundant, lush Mora Valley! Maybe comb honey this week!

LT Ranchers Baking Company is back!!! We will be at the market this week with summertime delicious baked treats including lemon layer cake, carrot cake, Almond Raspberry Italian cafe cake, tart cherry and strawberry rhubarb pies, cinnamon rolls, Lemon sweet rolls, Strawberry Shortcake, Sicilian orange cake, butter pecan Bundt cakes, fruit pie bars in assorted flavors, Whoopie pies, gourmet cookies, Large pineapple upside down cakes, Scones, our delicious, large, rustic round breads in Italian and jalapeño cheddar, focaccia bread, our organic free range, brown eggs, peanut butter, freshly baked dog treats, and I’m sure we’ll have other surprises too!! Hope to see everyone at the market!

Meadow City Mushrooms will be there.

Erika, your local herbalist, is finally making it back to market. She is slowly passing on her apothecary, so come see her for all of your favorites. Stock up on what you need with a buy two get one free discount on everything. And ask her about seeing her apothecary inventory if you’re interested in single herbs. Get what you need before it’s gone!

Deana, the butterfly lady of Monarch Butterfly Company will be at the Market Saturday with new prayer feathers. She’s making some gorgeous tan and browns as well as her usual naturally vibrant blues, reds and yellows macaw feather craft. She’ll also have new butterfly displays and lots of butterfly jewelry, especially real butterfly earrings with sterling silver earring wires for sensitive ears. AND, her peach tree is loaded with literally HUNDREDS of the sweetest little peaches! She’s already pitted and frozen about 20 lbs. for peach sorbet. So, she’s bringing a BIG bin to share with her Vegas friends at a phenomenal price. Come get ‘em! Sending a big hug to everyone!

This week Sally has cucumbers! I have limited quantities this week but I’ll have a lot more next week. I also have the very first apples! They have a bit of hail damage but they’re still delish. I’ll also have fresh basil and lemon balm, bell peppers, jalapeños, a few eggplants, sweet onions, garlic, eggs (quail, chicken), honey, jelly, syrups, and pickles. If I have time, I hope to have the first batch of pickled pepperoncini ready.

Annie will be at market with her delicious baked goods.

Jack and Karen will be at the market on Saturday with tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, beets, green onions, carrots and strawberry preserves. See you there!!

Gwen will have the same items available this week as last week, plus new items which include: jalapeño and original summer sausage, along with pepperoni, teriyaki, and green Chile beef sticks. Many Beef and Pork cuts will also be available, including customer’s favorites: green Chile breakfast sausage, green Chile brats, ribeye steaks, pork ribs, and much more…Hope to see you all on Saturday.

Bruce, Lone Tree Ranch, will have pasture raised chicken eggs, fresh parsley and zucchinis!

Bruce Boettcher will have gladiolas, lavender flowers, garlic, basil and tomato plants, turnips and zucchini.

HawkMoth Farm will be at the Tri-County Farmers Market this Saturday July 27 with the following produce and items. Our booth is located in the new area which is behind the Semilla in the Ebell parking lot.
Cucumbers (White and Persian)
Jalapeno Peppers
Shish*to Peppers
Summer Squash (Yellow Crookneck, Zucchini, and Calabacita)
Swiss Chard
Garlic and Garlic Braids
Blue Corn Grits
Blue Corn Posole
Sheep Yoghurt and Cheese

Pecos Rose Farm will have several varieties of summer squash, tomatoes, garlic, pesto and basil. (No cucumbers yet!)

Laura will have plenty of jams, jellies and salsas tomorrow as well as floral sugars, savory salts, relish, turmeric pickled onions, and ice cream topping. I will also have a new kimchi(oi-kimchi) as well as pa-kimchi and the traditional cabbage based one. If time allows, fresh lemon curd. And of course, flower bouquets.

Los Vallecitos will be at the market! They will have various cuts of lamb and beef (if you're looking for something specific, they take requests!), clean-burning candles, jam, sourdough bread, nose and paw balm for furry friends, lip balm, and other goodies!

Cluckin' Butt Nuggets will be there with eggs.

Jason will be there with wheatgrass shots. I will also be there with sunflower, pea shoots, broccoli, spicy mix, super mix, and cabbage microgreens. Can’t wait!!

Arielle / Sow Good Soups is now offering salads as well! This week I will have:
⁃ Levant Za’atar Salad: A classic base of tomato, cucumber and parsley, plus some quinoa and scallion to round it out, dressed with olive oil, lemon, sumac and za’atar. (For those of you who don’t know, I spent a year and a half living in Jordan and am very partial to the cuisine and people of the region.)
⁃ Kale Curry Tahini Salad: Made with local kale as long as it’s in season, this salad includes chickpeas, sultanas, sliced almond and a bit of pickled red onion. The dressing brings it all together nicely and it’s hard to stop eating!
And for soups, etc:
⁃ Asparagus Lemon Parmesan (Vegan) Purée: In the rotation by popular demand. This soup is springtime in a bowl — bright with lemon and balanced with vegan parm.
⁃ Watermelon Gazpacho: Tangy and complex, this watermelon-based soup includes red veggies that balance out the sweet. Served cold, this is perfect for hot summertime weather. Be adventurous and give it a try! To round out a meal, serve with a caprese sandwich, quinoa or couscous salad, or avocado toast. Or add canned garbanzo beans and avocado on top — like me!
⁃ NM Green Chile Stew: A vegan version of this local favorite, medium-hot heat, eats like a meal with diced potatoes and seitan. Contains gluten.
⁃ Golden Cornbread Muffins: All you expect in a good cornbread, including that hint of buttermilk tang and a touch of molasses. Contains gluten.
⁃ Fudgy Vegan Brownies: A slightly healthier version of this chocolatey treat, with a base of sweet potato and almond butter, and satisfyingly delicious! Contains gluten.

Carol will have honey from El Valle, peacock feathers, lots of goat milk and goat milk cheese (for animals), hand cream for gardeners’ hands, goat milk soap, remedios for pain and sleep, thunder biscuits for worried dogs, neck pillows, rugs, chicken and duck eggs, one or two comfrey plants (anti-inflammatory), bug spray, maybe some pound cake if it isn’t too hot to bake!

8 am – sellout

6th and University

In Lovely Las Vegas”


"What does the money machine eat? It eats youth, spontaneity, life, beauty, and, above all, it eats creativity. It eats quality and sh*ts quantity."

~ William S. Burroughs

Such a very cool thing has been occurring in my life for some time, and especially lately. Great Creator keeps bringing ...

Such a very cool thing has been occurring in my life for some time, and especially lately. Great Creator keeps bringing me souls that are very gifted intuitively that are broken by abuse. Of course, I know that is how we achieve our gifts because as a child surrounded by danger we hone them as a survival skill. Not all are ready for spiritual growth. Some simply want the knowledge without the effort. After eighteen years of study in just this lifetime, excavating my own cellular memory from 30 lifetimes in service to Great Creator, I really balk at that one. If something is not earned, it also is not valued. That is part of the psychology of being human.

Yesterday, I had an early dinner after Market with a younger woman who is the most gifted I have ever encountered in this lifetime, although her energy is very scattered. I met her a week ago when she came to me in tears in need of a bit of energetic dusting off, brutalized by the world and the circumstances of her birth that seemed destined to tear her apart.

And yet, her gifts and knowledge are far beyond her budding comprehension in this lifetime. She is a creative, like me, and she draws sigils and the tree of life in her journals without knowing their meaning, along with snippets from prophetic dreams asking me what they mean. I tell her, but of course, the real growth resides in teaching her how to humbly stand in her OWN power without listening to the world’s ugly egocentric whispers of not enough or grandiosity as she learns to spiritually discern for herself.

One of the tenets of spiritual ethics is to never create dependence for personal gain. Three things come to mind in this scenario:

1) “We are ALL cracked. That’s how the light gets in.” ~Leonard Cohen

2) The teacher and the student are EQUAL because each bring an expansion of comprehension to the table that enlighten and beautify BOTH. ~Paraphrase from Christ within A Course in Miracles.

3) “If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it.” ~Yogi Bhajan

And so it begins in earnest in this lifetime, this sisterhood of expansion...Thank you to my sweet Jennie. 🩷

Unconditional love, which is holy light, to all who see this post. 🩷✝️🦋🤗

(Art credit: Unknown)


The difference between being misguided (Biden) regarding nuclear arms policies and outright EVIL (Trump) is HUGE.

Divine Synch: This Vox article was republished by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

Divine Synch: This Vox article was republished by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

Company insiders explain why safety-conscious employees are leaving.

Need to know info:

Need to know info:

The cost of climate change is far and away much more than the cost of transitioning away from fossil fuels. Every 1-degree Celsius rise in temperature leads to a 12-percent decline in world gross domestic product, say researchers.

For us all….🩷✝️💥If you love this song as much as I do, I’d love to hear  what you like about it! 🩷🤗Sending lots of uncon...

For us all….🩷✝️💥

If you love this song as much as I do, I’d love to hear what you like about it! 🩷🤗

Sending lots of unconditional love to each person here. As always. 😘

Listen to “Send More Love,” the first Los Lonely Boys single in 10 years: https://loslonelyboys.lnk.to/SendMoreLoveYT Video credits: Director - Brent Barksda...

For all of us on this beautiful day and especially our residents of our lovely Little Vegas. 🩷Sending unconditional love...

For all of us on this beautiful day and especially our residents of our lovely Little Vegas. 🩷Sending unconditional love to all. 🥰

Provided to YouTube by Epic/Or MusicHeaven (en Español) · Los Lonely BoysHeaven (en Espanol)℗ 2003 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENTReleased on: 2004-11-02Compose...


I just wanted to let everyone know that I unconditionally love each of you. Life has been very busy lately in such a good way. I am doing my best to get life done as best I can. Patience and energetic support are greatly appreciated.


“Humans are sometimes stubbornly stupid due to ego’s sway but ego is easily defeated by its own self interest. That irony is God’s delicious sense of humor.” ~DSD, 05/11/24

https://marianne2024.com Our survival, both as a country and as a species, depends on it. Let’s dispatch Trump once and ...


Our survival, both as a country and as a species, depends on it. Let’s dispatch Trump once and for all with Biden in 2024. Then, 2028 will be here before you know it.

Create a new beginning. Support profound, positive, peaceful change in America for generations to come. Marianne Williamson Democratic Candidate for President.



I am a child of God

Boom! 💥

Boom! 💥

Happy Easter! I’d to share a bit of my intuitive knowledge about Christ and the crucifixion today. The crucifixion has b...

Happy Easter!

I’d to share a bit of my intuitive knowledge about Christ and the crucifixion today.

The crucifixion has been twisted by ego ever since it happened. Humans have made it into a co-dependent payment and reward system which is ego’s whole agenda, to twist our thinking so that we believe we are NOT good enough, so that we must work harder and harder to achieve wholeness. What would happen if we each saw our own spiritual beauty as God sees us and acted from that mental and emotional space?

Ego wants us to spend our whole lives mired in guilt and shame so that it can use us for its own ugly, empty aims. Meanwhile, our spiritual evolution is stunted by ego’s dangled carrots that never feed.

The truth is that ego feeds on our energy and actually cannot survive without us. Why? Because it has no concept of goodness. Selfishness and taking are all it knows.

We are the engines of creation. Its agenda is to expand and create as much human ugliness and pain in the world that it can so that it continue to feed on our suffering. It wants to expand in this expansive world and destroy God’s beauty. God’s most powerful, beautiful creations are US. Made in his image.

The truth is this: We always were beautiful in God’s eyes. We always were and still are exactly where we are supposed to be on our individual and collective paths of ascension. Each of us were given free will. Each of us chose our circumstances according to the life lessons we needed to master.

The crucifixion was a material world example of unconditional love and the power of God. Can you imagine the beautiful world we would live in if each of us learned to love ourselves and each other to even a small measure of that degree?

Here is the truth: Learning unconditional love is the reason we exist. When we master it, we no longer need this place of trial and error. We get to reside with God on the other side of the veil helping humans. We become angels ourselves.

God gave us free will. Let’s kick its ugly *ss out the door forevermore. Let’s rise into the ether to reside with God. And let’s reside in unconditional love while we are here. Notice how delicious it feels to love. As above, so below. We bring Heaven to Earth and Earth to Heaven.

Remember the near death accounts of infinite unconditional love and light? I’ve also read one account of a doctor who died and went to purgatory. He talked of swirling chaos and suspension and confusion, an atomic holding cell of uncertainty.

We choose our destiny. We must choose it with our God given free will. We do that day by day in a million little ways that also expand. Those small measures have MUCH more power than ego will ever have. They contain God’s holy magick and their power is just as infinite as his. We harness his power in this way for the greater good. We flip it all and sweep all the BS right on out the door.

THIS is what is meant by the second coming. We welcome Jesus into our hearts with our thinking, resultant decisions, and actions based on the love we choose to hold within our hearts. When we do, one day we will look around and see that Jesus is ALREADY here. We used our free will appropriately.

We are infinitely more powerful and beautiful than we know. Made in His image.

Unconditional love and holy light to all who see this post. 🩷🦋✝️


Bernie is pushing Biden because he is the only candidate with enough DNC clout to defeat Trump. It is just that simple. This is an important message. We must dispatch Trump once and for all and THEN getting seriously to work saving our planet and ourselves.


“We all need a compelling future. Anyone can deal with a difficult today if they have a compelling tomorrow.” ~Tony Robbins, 2024 Rise Summit



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