DJ On Point

DJ On Point Sometimes a DJ; Sometimes an Actor. Either way, I plug and play.

And yet one of them, in the top 5 no less, is still a Drake song. 🤣Let the “battle” rage on!

And yet one of them, in the top 5 no less, is still a Drake song. 🤣

Let the “battle” rage on!


I approve of this message.

DJ On Point when he’s not DJ On Point.In Ottawa? Join us next season for three huge shows!➡️

DJ On Point when he’s not DJ On Point.

In Ottawa? Join us next season for three huge shows!

Rumour has it DJ On Point is Directing one of the shows. 😬

A local musical theatre company has announced its upcoming slate of shows. Joining us in studio with more is J.T. Morris. The Musical Director for Orpheus Theatre.

This is 10 years old. You’re welcome! 😃👍

This is 10 years old.

You’re welcome! 😃👍

Ottawa has lost a legend:Denis Chatterton (English pronunciation, despite the one N) a.k.a DJ PPLMove.Three years ago, a...

Ottawa has lost a legend:

Denis Chatterton (English pronunciation, despite the one N) a.k.a DJ PPLMove.

Three years ago, a pandemic happened and threw the world for a loop. As DJs, many of us not only lost our source of livelihood, we lost our identity and our outlet. Though it may seem extreme now, at the time, there was a very real sense that this could be all over for us. Then came along Twitch. An existing streaming platform for gamers became an outlet, in some cases a livelihood, for us too. If we were smart about it though, it would also be a source of connection we had been longing for.

Unlike many others, I never believed Twitch was going to be the game changer. I never believed it was going to replace live events and I never believed it would revolutionize the industry. I thought it to be exactly what it ended up being: a placeholder for the time being. Beyond that, I thought one more thing would come of it: a simpler opportunity to connect with those you had been wanting to for some time. That's what it ended up being for me and DJ PPLMove.

Being a mobile DJ in Ottawa, you are relatively removed from the inner circle of DJs in the local industry. Being a mobile DJ in Ottawa who primarily works outside of Ottawa, you are even further removed. However, I had known of DJ PPLMove for many years prior. I just never met him. Then came Twitch.

Through a mutual connection, DJ PPLMove and I were on the same series of Raid Trains. I had mentioned to him that I had long been a fan and that we had similar sounds. Lo and behold, shortly after one of my first sets, he reached out to me and said, "Why don't I know you?" And it all began. And it all became clear why he is essential to the community and why he would become essential to my development at that time.

I mix music on turntables. Full stop. I'm not a production guy, an IT guy, a video guy, or a software guy. The early days of Twitch was hard for me. After 16 years of being a relatively successful DJ, I felt like I was a baby again and couldn't fit into the new world. Making it in the video and streaming world seemed insurmountable to me. Denis assured me anything but, and that I could do it. There was no judgment from him, no sense of competition, and even when he said, "you are a better DJ than me" there were no feelings of threat from him. Instead, he stayed up late nights with me to teach me how this all works. How to make graphics and videos; How to program; How to be unique; How to improve, and so on. Literally, everything you saw in my streams, beyond mixing music, was thanks to Denis' teachings and proofing. I quickly realized that I found an essential connection.

The other, perhaps unknown, thing about our industry is how difficult it is to connect with people or to find friends. Contrary to popular speculation, DJs don't have an easy job, especially not the mobile ones. DJs are not out to party. DJs are not the center of attention and are not outgoing extroverts. The vast majority of us are humble, quiet, feel uncomfortable in crowds, and are generally in the corner either bopping our heads or having light conversations. (Why do you think we choose to be secluded on the other side of the table?) On top of that, our hours and schedules make it difficult to foster and maintain relationships, or simply establish connection. Even with other DJs. While we find a commonality, there are so many variables that can prevent a real forward connection. Denis, however, made it easy. With him, I instantly knew I found not only a connection, but a friend.

For a short time I hosted a show called, "That DJ....You Never Heard Of". The intent of the show was to highlight the amazing DJs who for whatever reason were not famous. It was to demonstrate how our industry also features a vast majority of people who could be big name celebrities but simply are not, and how you should know this and them. Denis was the guest on episode three.

The show was an hour to an hour and a half max. With Denis, we went for three and a half hours. We played games, we laughed, and we talked about everything DJ wise. I kept mentioning that we have to stop; it's going too long. Denis responded, "In fairness, this is the first time we're having a real conversation. This is years in the making for us. The people will stay." And they did. We didn't lose a single viewer. And that's when the friendship truly began.

I opened this post with "Ottawa has lost a legend" but then just wrote how Denis was "unheard of". So how does he qualify for legendary status?

Legendary status doesn't just come with your profession or your rank. It doesn't just come with how many accolades you have or with how many people adore you. It also comes with how you live your life and how you influence others.

Denis sought for community. Denis strived for collaboration and cooperation. Denis gave himself to others, and possibly at the sacrifice of himself.

As an employee of Long & McQuade, you'd be hard pressed to find a person who didn't recommend contacting Denis when you were in need of equipment or advice. He had it for you! In the Ottawa DJ forums, he was among the first to help you resolve an issue, whatever it may be at whatever hour. And like me, he was never afraid to tell it like is. He was never afraid to call BS, to put one in their place, or to "stir up s**t". But unlike me, he was far more polite and diplomatic in doing so.

For me, in three short years, he was a second set of eyes, a sounding board, and a source of wisdom. He had a way of giving advice without ever seeming like he was giving advice. He was a resource and a support network. When my turntable broke and I needed one not only for the next day, but for the next three weeks, he called and said, "I gotchu". He would make me laugh, whether it was via text or in his garage over beers and scotch. He would commiserate with me over frustrations of our industry, but then bring me back to reality. And he would listen. Second only to my best friend of 20 years, he was the first person I told about my divorce. I was in his backyard and while getting ready to leave it just slipped out. He said, "I've got this scotch you should try before you go." He went and got it and then we sat down well into the night. He listened and he never asked a question. I can only imagine how this level of humanity extended to his family.

The other thing that makes him legendary is his support to his family. As mentioned above, this industry makes it hard to foster and maintain relationships. Sometimes it seems like Denis had it all figured out. Many of our relationships die because of our work. My marriage suffered largely in part due to this lifestyle. Now, I would never venture to suggest that Denis' work did not cause struggle in his home life. I'm sure it did, but that is none of our business. What I do know is that never was there a moment with Denis, in person or virtually, where his wife, Angela, and his kids, Liam and Bennett, were not mentioned and discussed at length. His commitment to his family is legendary. And that's what sets him apart from most of us in this industry.

Now for the clichĂŠs:

Tell the people you love that you love them while they're here!

Check in with your friends and family!

Contrary to popular belief, no news does not necessarily equal good news!

It was a year and half ago when Denis told me he was diagnosed with cancer. My Mom had recently passed of the same insidious disease and I vowed to be there for Denis. We maintained regular contact. He would keep me apprised of what was going on, but admittedly, I didn't do enough. While he kept me apprised, he never let on as to how bad it was. Of course he wouldn't. He's a good guy who is there to help others. We kept in contact, and he was as honest as he could have been - even when I was foolishly venting. A few times over the past two months I said to myself, "I haven't heard from Denis lately." Then I would get distracted and think "no news is good news". Then a few days ago happened, and it's too late.

Denis, three years was not long enough to know you. At the same time, three years of friendship with you was life changing.

Morals of the story:

Be kind to others. There is no price to pay to be kind!

Foster and maintain relationships.

Reciprocate your friends' and family's kindness and generosity as best you can and as often as you can.

Check in with your friends and family. No news does not necessarily mean good news.

Send all your love, if even for a moment, to Angela, Liam, Bennett, and Denis Chatterton a.k.a DJ PPLMove....a DJ You Should Have Heard Of!

I think it has been long enough since the Will Smith Oscars slap incident, right?Regardless, y’all know I have always be...

I think it has been long enough since the Will Smith Oscars slap incident, right?

Regardless, y’all know I have always been a Big Willie fan in both his roles as an MC and Actor. In honour of Father’s Day, I share this clip.

Personally as an actor, Will Smith does not rank among my top 5. My criteria is pretty particular. However, he ranks in my top 10 or slightly lower and for a few simple reasons….

Acting is a process, and we must always remember that. Some people have it right away. Some people have a good chunk of it and need to improve slightly. Even still, both of those and all subsequent categories require constant learning. Others have the base ability but need education, commitment, and opportunity to fully develop, and in that respect, they may be the most impressive, if not the favourite. This is Will Smith for me.

Will Smith has done some incredible work and demonstrated true growth from being opposite Ben Vereen and James Avery in the famous “How come he don’t want me, man” Fresh Prince scene to Oscar nominations for Ali and The Pursuit of Happyness (where he was robbed) to his Oscar win for King Richard. However, in the clip below, we see the full potential of Will Smith in what is a cheesy, glorified blockbuster.

Follow his speech. Look in his eyes. Hear how he plays down the joke.

That’s acting.

P.S. The multitude of rap and film references in this clip is just the icing on the cake for my type of people.

Marcus (Martin Lawrence) and Mike (Will Smith) try to intimidate Megan's boyfriend Reggie. the...


“We will discuss the location of your hidden rebel bass.”

“I find your lack of bass disturbing”

“Evil Empire Strikes Back”

I’ve got more.


In a Tavern.

Creed is playing.

People are rocking out.

Your friendly reminder that white people love Creed.

I hope Nickelback is next.

The long overdue and long awaited MuchMusic Documentary premieres tonight!This Canadian Institution that helped launch t...

The long overdue and long awaited MuchMusic Documentary premieres tonight!

This Canadian Institution that helped launch the careers of so many high profile Canadian artists and exposed Canadians to so much in the world of music, including News, Electric Circus, Rap City, the Dance Mixes and so on and so on, and which aired perhaps the original Twitter with Speaker's Corner, where the likes of the Ba*****ed Ladies and Scott Speedman were discovered gets its spotlight tonight!

Canada's MuchMusic revolutionized the world of music in Canada for Canadians and, finally, its documentary premieres ......... in Austin, Texas. 🤨

All The Ladies In The House, 🫡••••

All The Ladies In The House, 🫡


Classic Ottawa! From -40 to +6 in a few days.This is the one time you’ll see me state this: Hey Ottawa, we’re supposed t...

Classic Ottawa! From -40 to +6 in a few days.

This is the one time you’ll see me state this: Hey Ottawa, we’re supposed to have the Winterlude Icebar Launch Party on Friday. Could you drop back to below zero for a couple of more days to make sure the bar is still there? Thanks! 😃👍

Taking the sled dogs to my gig tonight. 🎧 Beats & Eats📍Jack Astor’s Kanata, 125 Roland Michener Dr⏰ 8 - LATE

Taking the sled dogs to my gig tonight.

🎧 Beats & Eats
📍Jack Astor’s Kanata, 125 Roland Michener Dr
⏰ 8 - LATE


I’m hungry. You hungry?

Let’s Eat and …. Beat …. ?

….That doesn’t work. 😳


On Point: Hey man, you’ve been going hard the last year. You should give yourself a break this winter.


Here’s where you can find me or not be allowed to find me so far for the next little while. Whether a private party, your soundtrack to some apps & cocktails, or the big launch for this year’s Winterlude Ice Bar, all will be a great vibe.

I truly can’t wait to tell you about Family Day weekend! I can’t believe this will be the first time I host a party in my hometown of Ottawa with the launch of “Those Days”! We’ll be opening up the musical floodgates back in time with Special Guests and No Music Passed the Year ???? …. Stay tuned for all the details and tickets!

Let’s Get It Goin’, 2023!

It’s About To Go Down! Join me at  for the end of 2022 & start of 2023. A casual, open party for all featuring 90’s // 2...

It’s About To Go Down!

Join me at for the end of 2022 & start of 2023. A casual, open party for all featuring
90’s // 2000’s // Contemporary Instant Classics and No Cover!

Party starts at 8pm and goes 🎶All Night Long!🎶

Since you were all wondering….See you tonight for🎧NYE Warm Up📍 125 Roland Michener Dr.⏰8pm - LateAnd tomorrow for 🎧New Y...

Since you were all wondering….

See you tonight for

🎧NYE Warm Up
📍 125 Roland Michener Dr.
⏰8pm - Late

And tomorrow for

🎧New Year for Grown Ups
📍 54 York St.
⏰8pm - Late

Countdown to 2023 Is On!

🎉Countdown to 2023 is on!Join me back at  tomorrow for a warm up to New Year’s Eve. Get those limbs stretched and body a...

🎉Countdown to 2023 is on!

Join me back at tomorrow for a warm up to New Year’s Eve. Get those limbs stretched and body accustomed to a late night the next.

🎧NYE Warm Up
📍Jack Astor’s Kanata, 125 Roland Michener Dr
⏰8pm - Late

Then on NYE, it’s New Year for Grown Ups at with classic 90’s & 2000’s Jams, some Contemporary Instant Classics, and they’re great cocktails in their historic venue. No Cover and Open to All! (19+ of course)

🎧New Year for Grown Ups
📍 Starling Restaurant & Bar, 54 York St
8pm - Late

Bring On 2023!

If you’re like me and like your New Year’s Eve a little more adult, come join me at  for a New Year For Grown Ups! Featu...

If you’re like me and like your New Year’s Eve a little more adult, come join me at for a New Year For Grown Ups!

Featuring 90’s & 2000’s Classics, Contemporary Instant Classics, Great Cocktails, and No Cover! It’s an Open Party for all, going 8pm - Late.

🎧New Year For Grown Ups
📍Starling Restaurant & Bar, 54 York St. 2nd Floor
🗓New Year’s Eve
⏰8pm - Late

🥊 Happy Boxing Day!🎉 Hope everyone has been having a great Holiday Season, whatever you celebrate! I've been quiet for s...

🥊 Happy Boxing Day!

🎉 Hope everyone has been having a great Holiday Season, whatever you celebrate! I've been quiet for some time now, but we couldn't let the year go by without the annual review.

🗓 There's one more week of 2022, so it's time to highlight some of the biggest hits, some of my favourites, some of your favourites, and some of some others' favourites.....and some of it is filthy! Enjoy! 👊😃👍


👉 NOTE: It was only a matter of time before Mixcloud started putting limitations on DJs like everyone else. We had a good run. As they now only allow 10 shows posted at a time, this may be my last upload to Mixcloud for sharing. I know it seems like I'm always pulling you to new platforms, but if you're still willing, stay tuned for where I'll end up next and where all my mixes can be catalogued. If you ever need a download link though, feel free to hit me up!

It’s been three years since we’ve been able to do it but the Malhotra Family Foundation SHARE Party is back!Over 1 milli...

It’s been three years since we’ve been able to do it but the Malhotra Family Foundation SHARE Party is back!

Over 1 million dollars raised over the years for deserving local charities and adding to that total tonight! Happy to be back providing the soundtrack .


Think I may have found my new favourite venue in the Ottawa area! Evermore Wedding & Events - Chelsea and Alex found a b...

Think I may have found my new favourite venue in the Ottawa area! Evermore Wedding & Events - Chelsea and Alex found a beautiful space after two years of waiting and multiple venue changes. Should be a great night ahead!


DAAAAMMMMN!!Don’t Call It A Comeback….This is a RENAISSANCE!I don’t quite understand it yet, but I love it and the next ...


Don’t Call It A Comeback….This is a RENAISSANCE!

I don’t quite understand it yet, but I love it and the next 10 listens will help.


On July 25th, 2020, I did my first Twitch stream with a Prince vs. Michael set.On July 25th, 2022, my streaming computer...

On July 25th, 2020, I did my first Twitch stream with a Prince vs. Michael set.

On July 25th, 2022, my streaming computer called it quits, thereby ending my stream career.

Meanwhile in 2020, I was doing one of those Facebook 10 album challenges. July 26ths submission was a tie between Michael’s Dangerous and History Disc 2. Two years ago on this day, the submission was Prince’s Musicology. Check out why below.

I was nominated by David Rowan for the 10 Day Album Challenge.

No explanations, no reviews, just the cover art. 10 Day challenge of albums that have influenced me.....yeah, except I am going to do explanations/reviews because that's who I am and that should be the fun of this!

3) Musicology - Prince

The return of Prince, but don't call it a comeback. We know he hadn't gone anywhere. On the contrary, during the previous 8 years under his famous Love Symbol moniker, a.k.a The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, he remained just as active, likely more than any other artist, releasing 8 studio albums, 2 live albums, 2 special edition albums, and 12...count 'em...12 internet albums. Now, Prince was finally able to release a studio album under his own name.

At the time, Prince faced a lot of scrutiny, as the masses didn't understand that he wasn't being some weird artist using a symbol for his name, or some ego-maniac by calling himself The Artist. He legally could not work under his own name! This period of the 90's was one of increased battles between artists and record companies. Artists were tired of being "slaves" to the record companies, and not receiving anywhere near a fair share of the proceeds from their creative work or freedom of choice. Prince had been a leader of this charge, and a vocal one, for a number of years against his label, Warner Bros. It resulted in a brave step, deciding that he would not complete his contractual obligations to Warner Bros. Furthermore, he refused to buy out of his contract. And so, for the coming years, he could not be Prince, as Warner Bros. owned his name. Talk about successful re-branding and building! Currently, artists everywhere are struggling to figure out how to continue working in the current climate. 20+ years ago, Prince figured out how to adapt better than anyone else. Hell, dude figured out how to release internet albums before internet albums were a thing! The artistry and business sense that this guy had is out of this world. BUT, that's a whole other story. Prince is Prince again and he releases Musicology, and what an album!

Everything about this album symbolizes his return as Prince. The title, Musicology, is a bold statement. 26 years into his career with FORTY ONE cross platform/cross genre albums under his belt, he's the authority on music. As a funk based album, he returns to his Prince roots, with odes to the greats. He also throws historical shade, including a bad ass MJ dis, "My voice is gettin' higher, and I ain't neva had my nose done". He runs the gamut of everything that he had become famous for: funk, rock, soul, swagger, party, politically/socially conscious lyrics, and guitar heavy tracks. He runs three tracks together, almost as a medley, as had become expected from his live shows. Then, he wraps the whole album up with Reflection. A beautiful, acoustic love ode to reminiscence, it is not only a sweet song of growing relationships, it is an allegory to a prolific career with humble beginnings, transitions, and foreshadowing. "Still, it's nice to know that when our bodies wear out, we can get another."

If you've been following my posts of late and tuned in on Saturday night, you know we've been celebrating the historic battle of Prince vs. Michael Jackson. Of course, I love these two artists equally, and in many ways, they cannot be compared. If I had to choose, though, Prince would be my favourite artist. We can debate the skills, influence, impact, etc of who is the greatest pop/music artist until the cows come home. I think it is unquestionable, however, that Prince is the most prolific artist of our time, and perhaps of all time. With a 38 year career consisting of 39 studio albums, 5 live albums, 9 compilation albums, 17 video albums, 13 internet albums, 6 special edition albums, 2 Madhouse albums, 3 NPG albums, 1 NPG orchestra album, and countless writing and producing credits, all crossing genres from funk to rock to soul to r&b to jazz to orchestral to hip hop to new jack and so on, it will be a looooonng time before Prince is matched by another.

It was insanely difficult picking a Prince album to highlight here. All of them have served as an influence to me. But just as Musicology was his symbolic return, it served as a revitalization of my love for Prince, sending me back through the years and confirming he is the greatest for me. If you want to rediscover a love for Prince, or introduce someone to him, try Musicology. The first track and final track alone offer a fair scope of the album. Listen to them below. When I'm DJing cocktail parties, lounge events, funk parties, I always play the song Musicology. No other song gets people of all lifestyles bopping and moving like this one does instantly. None! One of my favourite observations at a wedding was to this song. But that's a story for another day.



Going to see the man DJ Starting From Scratch tonight! … some comedian will be there too, apparently?!  🤷‍♂️•••         ...

Going to see the man DJ Starting From Scratch tonight! … some comedian will be there too, apparently?! 🤷‍♂️


Rarely been one to be affected by celebrity deaths, both as an actor and DJ, but Ray Liotta…..damn. An unusual but marke...

Rarely been one to be affected by celebrity deaths, both as an actor and DJ, but Ray Liotta…..damn.

An unusual but marked influence on me. Going to take some time to process. Apologies in advance if a long post follows.

RIP, Ray!


Just another DJ in his mid thirties cleaning the house. What up?!

Official Petition for Heardle to Step Up It’s Game!Only once in the past few months have I had to go to the two second m...

Official Petition for Heardle to Step Up It’s Game!

Only once in the past few months have I had to go to the two second mark to guess the song. You make it too easy, Heardle! And I don’t wanna hear, “Well, as a DJ, you have an unfair advantage.” If these are too hard for you, you need to listen to more music. Official Petition for You to Listen to More Music!

If you don’t get today’s in one second, I don’t know if we can be friends anymore.

That daily musical intros game


Here Comes the Man In Black

Jada P Defender

Oh, Oh Oh, Oh

For the sole purpose of making you say, “Oh my god, this song is 10 years old” we’re counting down my Top 40 songs from ...

For the sole purpose of making you say, “Oh my god, this song is 10 years old” we’re counting down my Top 40 songs from the year 2012.

Not all charting hits, we’ve got Pop, Rock, R&B, Rap, EDM, and yes, a cancelled artist.

Spend your Saturday afternoon with me and your favourite countdown going 10 years back in time.

🎧The On Point Charts - Top 40 from 2012
🗓Saturday, March 12
⏰1pm EST

This week on It Was All A Stream… It’s The Eminem Show!! Who doesn’t love a lunch hour Eminem? Come on by for Throwback ...

This week on It Was All A Stream… It’s The Eminem Show!!

Who doesn’t love a lunch hour Eminem? Come on by for Throwback Eminem, Slim Shady, and Marshall Jams from 1996 - 2010. Hits, Deep Tracks, Groups, Features are all included. Then stick around for Throwback Hip Hop & R&B all day as the torch gets passed through the crew.

🎧It Was All A Stream - Eminem Edition
⏰12pm EST

It’s Hump Day again!Brush off the rough start to the week and wind down to take on the rest strong.🎧DJ On Point on the A...

It’s Hump Day again!

Brush off the rough start to the week and wind down to take on the rest strong.

🎧DJ On Point on the AM Dial
🗓Every Wednesday
⏰8pm EST

The Beat is Back! (Bonus points if you get that reference)We went for 6 hours last time but there’s still so much catalo...

The Beat is Back! (Bonus points if you get that reference)

We went for 6 hours last time but there’s still so much catalogue to get through. Come wind down on a Wednesday night for The Fab Four’s Hits, B-Sides, Deep Tracks, Solos, Duets, and Other Projects.

🎧DJ On Point with The Beatles
⏰8pm EST

Your favourite Top 40 Chart is back for a brief appearance. Today we’re counting down my Top 40 Songs from Mom.Easily my...

Your favourite Top 40 Chart is back for a brief appearance. Today we’re counting down my Top 40 Songs from Mom.

Easily my biggest influence in music and as a DJ is my Mom. Her diverse love of the art is what has allowed me to jump from genre to genre and decade to decade just as the stereo did in our house growing up, and today I’m gonna invite you in to hear the tracks, artists, and bands that Mom introduced me to and that always remind me of her.

There won’t be any mixing today. We’re just gonna listen to the tracks, spread their fun facts, and share the stories that go along with them. Feel free to join me on a journey down musical memory lane.

🎧The On Point Charts: Top 40 Songs from Mom
⏰1pm EST

If your back hurts like mine, and you can’t last up in the club anymore, I’m back at Jack Astor’s Kanata tonight. Here, ...

If your back hurts like mine, and you can’t last up in the club anymore, I’m back at Jack Astor’s Kanata tonight. Here, you can eat, drink, and catch the vibe without anyone hearing your knees crack. Win - Win - Win!

🎧DJ On Point at Jack Astor’s
⏰8:00 - Late
📍125 Roland Michener Dr.

It’s nostalgia night on The AM Dial. Let’s chill out to some AM radio classics. Oldies, Yacht Rock, Soft Rock, Motown, a...

It’s nostalgia night on The AM Dial. Let’s chill out to some AM radio classics. Oldies, Yacht Rock, Soft Rock, Motown, and Soul from the 50’s to the 80’s….and maybe some 90’s that would now be on AM radio….feel old yet?

🎧DJ On Point on the AM Dial
⏰8pm EST

What’s going down and where you can find me this week and in the world…or in some cases weekly until further notice. It’...

What’s going down and where you can find me this week and in the world…or in some cases weekly until further notice.

It’s hump day and the week ain’t over yet. Let’s take it easy each week with a trip down memory lane and some AM radio classics.

🎧DJ On Point on the AM Dial
🗓Every Wednesday

Throwback Thursdays with the crew are still going. Take a break in the day for some throwback Hip Hop & R&B. Time may vary week to week, but this week

🎧It Was All A Stream
🗓Thursday, Feb 24

Every Friday, what up Ottawa?! Looking for some Beats with your Eats. Stop on by

🎧DJ On Point at Jack Astor’s
🗓Every Friday
⏰8pm - Late Night
📍125 Roland Michener Dr.
(Not On Twitch 🤣)

Just this week - not happening weekly - a special episode of The On Point Charts. My Mom is easily my biggest musical influence, expanding my exposure to no limits. Thanks to her, I’ve rarely been stumped at a gig or with a genre. This week, we’re covering all musical bases, with fun facts and chats, from the 30’s to today with my Top 40 Songs from Mom.

🎧The On Point Charts: Top 40 Songs from Mom
🗓Saturday, Feb 26

And finally, we had a blast last Wednesday, but there’s so much more catalogue to go from the Fab Four. So the 1st Wednesday of every month will be with The Beatles - Hits, B-Sides, Deep Tracks, Solos, Duets, other projects, and more.

🎧DJ On Point with The Beatles
🗓1st Wednesday of Every Month

That’s where I’ll be. 😃👍

Party in the suburbs tonight! ….. it’s not like we can go downtown, right?! 😬🎧DJ On Point at Jack Astor’s🗓Friday, Feb 18...

Party in the suburbs tonight! ….. it’s not like we can go downtown, right?! 😬

🎧DJ On Point at Jack Astor’s
🗓Friday, Feb 18
⏰8:00pm - Late
📍125 Roland Michener Dr.



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Thanks for stopping by! Oh, who am I?

DJ On Point has been playing for crowds from 40 - 4000 internationally for the past 15 years. By respecting all genres of music & always reading the crowd, he has become known for his versatility, innovative remix blends, and seamless transitions.

As a mobile DJ, On Point has been mixing his open format flavour for weddings, corporates, universities and, everything in between with the award winning Rhythm Force Productions.

Where else can you find DJ On Point? Instagram: @dj_on_point Mixcloud: @DJ_On_Point Twitch: @DJ_On_Point Twitter: @DJ_On_Point ... or at least guessing it’s still there. When was the last post? Where can you find Rhythm Force Productions? Facebook: Rhythm Force Productions bookings: 1-888-221-1101 or [email protected]