Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins. Both Lucy and Debby love pumpkins, for much different reasons. And this is the season.
Should Debby get to the pumpkins first, there may be a meeting of flowers and pumpkins. Sounds like a good time.
Should Lucy get to them first, there will be teeth gnashing and wailing, from both Debby and Lucy😬🧅
Soooo, what do you think Lucy is saying in this little short clip?
Is she baaaaad Lucy?
Is she good Lucy?
Is she thinking about a pretty flower arrangement? And when I say thinking I mean thinking about eating the flower arrangement!
Let us know your thoughts in the comments 😳
#shoplocal #shopyyc #shopokotoks #freshcutflowers #flowersyyc #flowersokotoks #sassygoat #advicefromagoat #goodlucybadlucy #handtiedbouquets #freshcutflowers
I'm sure most of you have already guessed that Lucy can be a bossy pants and a bit of a pearl mouth talker. In her role as creative director, that can sometimes be challenging. This photo shoot was being directed from her cozy spot in the barn this morning. Baaaaing out orders....to the right, no to the centre, work it, work it.
Well this is what we got, she promptly burped up her breakfast and went back to her ruminating. Oh Lucy how I love you❣
Hop, skip and jump over to @okotoksmarketsquare to order this week's flowers 💐
#shoplocal #shopyyc #shopokotoks #freshcutflowers #flowersyyc #flowersokotoks #sassygoat #advicefromagoat #goodlucybadlucy #pearlsofwisdom #handtiedbouquets