Small herd of about seven.
Supper time 558 pm
February 7th
Blowing snow in and around the house.
Blowing snow and clearing a path to the back deer feeder.
Finished blowing snow and clearing paths to the deer feeders.
Rob finished burning his leaf wind rows and now he is tilling it in and making it all purdy!
First time since moving that the weather and everything worked in our favour to get all the little jobs done.
Spring clean up will be so much easier.
Today’s task is to finish planting and rehoming my perennials along the dyke.
Let’s hope for at least another week as we still have the cabin yard to prepare for winter.
The fun just never ends but blessed to have good health and be able to work hard in the yard and life.
So lucky to have this bonus weather to get my yard ready for winter.
I’m behind as we have been helping my elderly neighbour clean up his yard.
Today I got cracking and made a dint at least. I still have my morning glories to cut down and collect the seeds and one more time around with the tiller and it should be good.
Weeds weeds go away …
Tilling done now and starting to look better.
Got grass!
Finally was able to get the tractor down to the river to cut the grass
The trees, ferns and flowers are absolutely loving this weather.
With all this moisture it’s hard to keep track of drowning pots and has been a bit challenging. However the ferns must be four feet tall and amazingly lush.
Both the garden and the raised beds need weeding but are too wet.
It is starting to look like summer and the flowers are finally enjoying some warm sunny weather.
Another great tree has to be taken down for safety reasons.
As we’ve been trimming trees and getting ready for my Just Because Party I noticed that a limb of this tree was dead.
When Rob’s cousin came to cut it down he soon be realized the whole tree had a lesion all the way through the core of the tree.
As this big tree was over the walkway to our back yard and where the grandkids play it had to be cut.
Rob’s cousin calculated the tree to be about 90 years old.
First customer at the new boot scraper. I found the scrapper part at the craft sale Scattered Seeds last year.
Rob hopped to it this year and made a frame for it. Works awesome just need about six more lol.