Life encounters every so often if not everyday scenarios and situations that a tough and we not necessarily have answers to.
Unfortunately Alexa and Google may not be an option in these situations
This situations & scenarios may also not permit us to discuss this with known people.
Ask us today and let us help.
We can help in areas typically:
1. Business/work related
2. cold feet/next step
3. Just need a uninfluenced opinion
4. Just need a lift in spirit
5. Someone to talk to
We look at this service being helpful to as many as rendered at only RM 20 - for a brighter tomorrow.
Stay anonymous if you chose to.
pls WhatsApp 0128837915 and allow us to assist you.
a disclaimer: this is not a a service for mental health, those connecting with us in need of this service will be channeled to the professionals in that field as that will be the right thing to do.