An open letter to my floral enemies
Years ago, I was an infamous budding florist, who was accused of plagiarism; in what was known and still is
- the largest floral channel in SG-
From an accusations, I fell into years of medicated-reliance, depression and serious harrassment related trauma.
I long gave up on this florist business, for what it’s worth, giving up and stepping back, was far more worth it.
If all these hate could be exchanged for peace & a new rebirth or regrowth. I, even now. Will glay file for resolution
Before we open our doors, I pray, for everything in the past to be annulled & restart
1) To the bully, I have been waiting for an apology. I apologise publicly, for being a young and defensive teenager back then. As I shared with everyone, my reaction as a. 17/18 year old is valid
2) Thank you to the army of floral lovers who stood up for me, it was like a whole troop was protecting me. Unfortunately, it was short lived
3) I will stop harping over the past. I hereby announce that I had my own flaws and shortcomings back then, and I still have many flaws right now
A) I am sorry
To all who collaborated, hopped onto the bandwagon, who joined in the 7 years of cyberbully: thank you, for you have allowed me, to cry to see this day
For years; Life has been meaningless. Thankful that flowers are trully my passion and calling.
I hope everyone accepts my apology and support us for a long future!