【IAS 2022 - Post Event】
Greetings from UTAR Accounting Society Sungai Long Campus ! 🤗
The International Accounting Summit (IAS) 2022 has come to an end. We would like to say that it’s a beautiful and amazing journey for us to organize this event. 🤩
To all the participants, thank you for spending your weekend with us. We enjoy every moment spent together. We hope you have gained a lot of useful information or knowledge throughout this event. ✨
Also, we would like to express our thankfulness to all our sponsors. Thank you so much for your generosity and support of our event. We really appreciate your kindness and contribution. 💕
In the meantime, kindly stay connected with us on the UTAR Accounting Society Instagram and page for more information! Looking forward to seeing you again at our future events! 😀
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UTARATS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uas_utarsglong/?hl=en
Accounting Society
UTAR Sungai Long Campus 2021/2022