In the Fall of 2022, I made some radical adjustments to my life, ones that had been in the works for a couple years. I'd been saving money and writing (and rewriting) my business plan since the pandemic times.
The outward changes reflected my desire to live closer to the seasonal cycles. At that time I didn't even know what living seasonally meant. I had a hunch it meant spending more time outside, and I knew that I couldn't keep pace with the rest of society, so I lept into the unknown.
I've been figuring it out day by day since that time.
Now, living seasonally means listening to my body each day to see what it has to say.
It means laying low in January, something that feels most incongruent with the marketing and rhetoric of this time of year. Atoms move slowest in the cold, so it makes sense that we do, too.
It means greeting the spring ready to hit the ground running, flowering with as many local flowers we can get our hands on.
By going slow this month I've gotten the chance to reflect on the journey so far. It's been a great one.
Here's a few behind the scenes moments to give you a taste of the journey from 2022-now.
If you're Wildly Curious, we hope you'll follow along.