"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs
"Keep your face always toward the sunshineβand shadows will fall behind you." - Walt Whitman
As we step into 2024, may your path be adorned with success, your days be brightened with hope, and your heart be filled with boundless happiness.π²π²βοΈβπ
#ARVR #vr #vrgaming #VRart #MMO2023
Some people find success through their own unique paths, carving out careers and making a difference in the world outside of the classroom.π€©
It's important to honor and recognize the diverse paths that people take to find fulfillment and successβ€οΈβπ©Ή
Can't wait to see you guys on next Monday.
How simple is it to create reels from the comfort of your own home?
The new update for Meta Quest 2 deserves a thumbs up!
In summary, I as a rare VR enthusiast defie convention and embrace innovation with zeal. I'm a remarkable individual who have opened doors to new and exciting possibilities in a world that was previously closed.
Anyone who interested can contact me or donate to ABA bank account: Svay Sanuch, 003095147
The best parts of this vrman's videos
I have 5 categories to fulfill. 1. Metamorphosis (the state of the impermanence ) 2. Untapped stories (Angkor carvings told stories by themselves ) 3. One man band traveler (story produced by one man ) 4. EduThruVR (schoolchildren tried to VR demo for the first time ) 5. 360VR as it is (playing VR games ),π₯
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Everything and everyone must arise and then pass away.
Sunday is today. I grinned softly under the sunny sky. The fundamental law of nature is that everything and everyone must arise and then pass away. Today's sunny day is giving way to a downpour. The cycle continues to repeat itself.
Why do my contents change from place to place
Although I'm not a YouTuber yet, I think it's the best platform for me to release what I have at this point in my life. As you are surely aware, elderly persons like myself have limited time to complete the remaining tasks they should complete while they are still physically capable. the reason my content changes from place to place.
10 requirements to meet before earning money in Cambodia through Facebook
Svay's rules: 10 requirements to meet before earning money in Cambodia through Facebook
1. Amassed more than 10,000 followers
2. Over the past 60 days, there have been 600,000 click views in minutes.
3. The page currently has five or more active videos.
4. Each video is unique.
5. The page is not abusive and has never received a warning.
6. Facebook has given the page right manager permission.
7. Monetization setup unless Facebook invites you
8. Up until that time, Khmer admin must accept the bank's establishment and payment.
9. Taxes can be subtracted using a VAT or ID number.
10. New original videos have been uploaded for a few weeks or even months since the release of pre enrollment.
How to make money while FB banned in Cambodia
While Facebook was banned in several countries, including Cambodia, I started to raise a delicate question on how to monetize a page this weekend. Yes, Facebook should remove the restriction on Cambodia's YouTubers earning money from published videos. But there are a few exceptions for individuals who strictly adhere to my ten guidelines. I discussed my ten rules in the following post.