Hello everyone! A brief introduction followed by a farewell for now. For those that don’t know me, I am Bailee Mobbs, owner and operator of Blooms by B. I have been in the floral industry for 7 years and began my Blooms by B journey 3 years ago. Blooms is my hobby, my “big girl” job is in insurance. In 2021, I earned my BBA and it has been a personal and career goal of mine to later obtain my MBA. I love to learn and the business world is fascinating!
With that being said, over the Summer, I was accepted into my desired MBA program at Auburn University. While I do love flowers and they hold a special place in my heart, I cannot continue to work full time, be a graduate student, and run/operate Blooms. (3 full time “jobs”!? 🥵) This has been a very bittersweet decision for me, I love flowering and my little Blooms business so much but I am also extremely excited to see what the chapter of my graduate degree has in store.
To all of my past brides, THANK YOU for making Blooms what it has been. It means the world that you trusted me on such an amazing day. To all of my current brides, don’t fret! I will see you on your wedding day with the blooms you’ve dreamed of! To my brides that have reached out but not booked, if you still wish for me to do your wedding, I will honor that because this decision was made after we originally spoke. Reach back out!
If anyone has any questions or concerns, please reach out! My hope is that one day, I will be able to shift my focus back to Blooms but until then, thank you for your support on this journey and War Eagle! 🧡🌻