Do you sometimes wonder if you’re enough? Have you ever had any self-doubts that you have what it takes to truly succeed in event planning? You’re passionate about what you do and in your core, you know that you’re super good at it. Yet, you have fears. Fears that you’re somehow missing a piece of the puzzle.
Raise your hand if this is you.
Good. You are NOT alone. We were once in your place. When business started to slow down and we weren’t getting clients at breakneck speed, we thought we’d hit a plateau. We were convinced that clients were simply discovering other event planners to hire. Thoughts of our peers outperforming us started to consume our business decisions. All of a sudden, we were questioning our services, our website, our prices. We even started to chase after clients.
We panicked.
That is, until we realized, “Wait. This CAN’T be what we end up doing. What if this is just our season to slow down?” Indeed. We reminded ourselves about our mission and where we wanted to be. Our deep desire at the time was to venture into partnering with nonprofits in the community. We’d always had a burning desire to serve in other ways beyond the traditional parties. In order to do that, we were going to need to focus more time cultivating relationships to get us there. We would not be able to do that if we were busy worrying about things that didn’t need fixing. We had been so quick to make impulsive changes when all we had to do was take a deep breath...and remember our WHYs. The result? Our clientele shifted to include not just birthday parties and baby showers, but fundraisers, awareness campaigns for charities and more.
We want to share this because we know event planning can be a roller coaster ride at times. And yes, you may get tempted to react compulsively to situations. When fear or self-doubt get in the way, just know you are exactly where you need to be at that moment in time. YOU ARE ENOUGH. Simply listen to your soul. Ask what it is that you truly desire and take the steps that feel natural.
Want to learn more tools on how to stay on track? DM us your email so we can alert you on our group coaching program coming soon! We’re building a non-judgemental community and would love to hear from you! Also, head to our website and take our no-strings-attached survey.