This came across my mind this morning, take it for whatever it is worth to you. I haven't done much poetry in a while, but every now and then, something manifests that might help someone.
"Who am I?"
I am the eyes that help the blind to see,
I am the voice that help the deaf to hear,
I am the arms to hold the neuro, whenever they have the need.
I am the invisible hand behind the chair, when stairs dare to
I am the legs for the limbless, being there for them, if, and/or when
they chose to walk or run,
I am the arms for those without, to seize the day, or to reach
upwards towards the sun,
I am the armor for the wounded, be it of either an
emotional or physical type,
I am the strength and endurance often thought spent,
yet there in a moment of need and strife,
I am the calm words, when there is rage, to help to quelch that fire,
I am the tender touch, when placed upon the flesh, allowing
those who have the need to be inspired,
Though you have not seen me, not in physical sense, but
more in an ethereal frame,
I am always with you, behind your joys and sorrows,
your highs and lows, when no one else does the
To answer this question, one must look from within and from
without, for it is extremely easy to spot, but not to see,
The better question to ask yourself, when reaching deep
within, is not what am I trying to gain, but who is it I am
trying to be,
The easy answer to the query, is not quite as simple,
to those who try,
The more profound statement, is both in the form
of the answer and the question...
"Who Am I??