Hello everyone, please read this! It has been just about a year now since I have released the preorder for That’s Just Reality to begin crowdfunding for the print and release of the book.
3 years went into creating this book which was a truly purifying and divinely guided experience. I have full trust that this work came through me to serve in our collective growth, progress, and ascension.
My original hope was to print 700 copies which would have cost $12,000+ so I have since lowered the initial print run to 450 copies. The quote is now $9,450. As you can see above, we need half of that to begin printing and the rest to have the books shipped.
So far, this book has already surpassed the amount of sales I have ever made on a single creation EVER! By so much! I wish I could celebrate and rejoice, but there is still so much to go and for this I have felt ashamed. I didn’t want to keep asking people to preorder or continue talking about it because it felt so slow moving.
However I am sucking it up, because the longer I hope to find some secret saving grace, the longer it is going to take to get this book into your hands and I am so tired of waiting for that moment. I think everyday of how I can get this book to everyone as soon as possible.
I am going to be very open and transparent about the progress of our crowdfunding and will be sharing regular readings of the book. If you would like a 15 page preview of the book comment or DM!
The preorder of this book is the cheapest it will ever be! As in stores it will likely be priced at 60+ because of all the color and pages. Donations are also open on the order page of the book on the website.
This book is a gift from my I AM presence to the collective to re-member the feminine, the spiral, our connection to nature, facilitate communion with ourselves and the community, breaking free of our fears.
THANK YOU to everyone who has ordered and your patience. Your support is so appreciated, valued, seen, and I am grateful! If you have preordered and we ever host an event please let me know and you can come for free ;p