Het Brugse Ommeland ademt geschiedenis. Wie hier rondtoert, treft meer dan honderd kastelen aan en enkele prachtige abdijsites. Ontdek het prachtige Kasteel ten Berghe net buiten de rand van Brugge. Kasteeleigenaar Amaury van der Beken neemt je graag mee op sleeptouw.
Ontdek alle activiteiten en evenementen rond het Kastelen- en Abdijenjaar 2024 via www.brugseommeland.be
They’re unstoppable!
To answer the many messages since our last posts, yes, they are wearing helmets and I have limited the speed of the quad (the speed of the quad in the video is the real speed). #quad #castle #chateau
Here’s a DIY project that’s been on my mind for a long time.
I found a second-hand manual tipping trailer. Using a hydraulic pump and a car battery, I converted it into an amazing automatic tipping #trailer.
This trailer will come in very handy for unloading #firewood logs, but I’m sure I’ll find 1001 reasons to use it!!!! #tippingtrailer #trailer #firewood
Join @steffi_mercie @kittadiy and @heritier.tipo for a sleepover at @chateau.ten.berghe #ketnet
Sinterklaas has arrived at Castle ten Berghe #sinterklaas #kasteelvansinterklaas
“Add motivational quote here” 😂
#chateau #castle #stihl #chainsaw #afterthestorm
🌳I just gave my trusty Kubota excavator a major upgrade that I couldn’t be prouder of. 😁
I got a mechanical thumb at an auction and welded it onto my excavator. 🛠️ DIY at its finest! Today marks the first time I’m putting it to the test 💪
With this mechanical thumb, I’m all set to effortlessly lift, carry, and move branches and trees for my landscaping projects. It’s a game-changer! 🌲🌿
Stay tuned for more adventures at Castle ten Berghe ! 🎥💥
#kubota #KubotaExcavator #MechanicalThumbUpgrade #DIYProject #ExcavatorLife #LandscapingGoals #FirstTimeUser #HeavyMachineryMagic #BranchesAndTrees #ExcavatorUpgrade #DIYLandscaping #NewToolsInTown 🚧🌱
Discover Castle ten Berghe for your next event! @onehousestand #chateau #castle #eventvenue #eventvenues
Don’t watch this if you’re scared of heights!!! #chateau #castle #castlerestoration #escapetothechateaux
#chateau #castle #workingoutdoors #renovation